Daily Archives: May 26, 2013

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (May 27, 2013)


is part 2 of your “Pas de Trois” of Mer­cury, Venus and Jupiter, and
so hope­ful­ly your beau­ti­ful sun­set has turned into twi­light and you are able to
see these “two as one”(though of course they will still appear as
sep­a­rate points of light for you). You can click on the image above to see this
Dance unfold, but if you can go out­side and see it, well that is how it should
be. And this par­tic­u­lar align­ment is quite spe­cial, for it con­cerns how you
know what you know…

Mer­cury is the Avatar of your Inquis­i­tive, Induc­tive and
Curios­i­ty-Infused Mind…Whereas Jupiter is the Avatar of your Theorizing,
Deduc­tive and Rea­son­ing-Infused Mind. Both actu­al­ly need and depend upon one
anoth­er, for each informs and sup­ports the oth­er. Today they come togeth­er, to
begin again their year­ly jour­ney, where­in they will bob and weave and influence
one anoth­er and you…Each has and must make its right­ful con­tri­bu­tion to your
jour­ney of under­stand­ing, for you must go in and go out, you must dance the
with them, as you Weave your under­stand­ing by means of this Warp and Weft of
your Mind…for it is from both that you form an ever-unfold­ing understanding
of your­self and your world.

How­ev­er, because of Cul­tur­al and Dis­po­si­tion­al Pref­er­ences, the
Unfold­ment of var­i­ous Spir­i­tu­al or Philo­soph­i­cal Under­stand­ings led to one or
the oth­er approach as being more esteemed or dis­missed for a time, and each
side claimed the supe­ri­or­i­ty or cor­rect­ness of “their way of
knowing”…But what is tru­ly true, is that one with­out the oth­er is really
not possible…Yes, as in most dual­i­ties, the truth lies in the mys­tery of
their Union.

Each gave rise to two approach­es to your Knowing…Idealism versus
Objec­tivism, or of Spir­it ver­sus Mat­ter. Tak­en to it most extreme expression,
the Absolute Ide­al­ists would claim that all of this Phys­i­cal World is a Maya,
an Illu­sion and that only Ener­gy, Thought or Mind is Real. The Absolute
Mate­ri­al­ists would hold that every­thing is found­ed upon and aris­es from Matter,
that your Thoughts or Ideas are mere­ly chem­i­cal-elec­tro inter­ac­tions, that
noth­ing is real if it is not also ulti­mate­ly seen as hav­ing tangible
prop­er­ties, per­haps by being found­ed upon some absolute par­ti­cle of creation
(which they keep search­ing for), prob­ing ever deep­er into the cos­mos of the
sub-atom­ic world.

But just as today you see these two plan­ets join­ing together
“as one”, the Ancient Teach­ings have always rest­ed upon the Noble
Mid­dle Way, the inte­gral approach that might be best termed an Objective
Ide­al­ism. Spir­it and Mat­ter are mere­ly mir­rors to one anoth­er of the whole that
is Cre­ation, Mat­ter is Spir­it Mate­ri­al­ized as Spir­it is Mat­ter Etherealized…For
Tru­ly, the Uni­verse you exist in, all its won­drous and var­ied forms and
man­i­fes­ta­tions, it is Real for you as you per­ceive it…it is Real and yet it
is also a Maya or Illu­sion­ary too…

Now Maya has come to mean for many that this exter­nal world is not
real, that is all an Illu­sion. But this is not what Maya meant or means…Maya
comes from the San­skrit “ma”, which means to mea­sure, to form into
some­thing lim­it­ed. Maya means that you try to mea­sure and under­stand your
world, using your Induc­tive and Deduc­tive Pow­ers, but being imper­fect you form
in your thoughts a fic­tion, a fab­ri­ca­tion or illu­sion that is of your making
and that you hold onto this for the world that IS…But Cre­ation, The Divine is
not this, it is only this for you at this time…

But the Out­er Real­i­ty does in fact Exist (just as it exists within
you and through­out count­less Dimen­sions with­in and without)…The Divine IS,
but it will always be much more than you can per­ceive or deduce, of
course…But as you strive, as you grow into your Humil­i­ty and Wis­dom by
form­ing a deep­er con­nec­tion with Divine that is with­in your­self (which is the
very rea­son as to why you can come to know this Uni­verse, because you are of
this Divin­i­ty too), you can lift some more of this Veil and approach that much
clos­er to what is THAT, the Greater Real­i­ty, you can approach and bow your head
to the All-Encom­pass­ing and Compassionate…

And yet even still you will be, for­ev­er and ever you will be in a
Maya, for all in this Cre­ation are in the Mahamaya or the Greater Maya…which

What is beyond this Cre­ation is the Divine which is not Manifested.
All that is, is in this Cre­ation, and it came from and is an Ema­na­tion of THAT
which is beyond, and that is Tru­ly Unknow­able and Unspeakable…Nameless. This
Cre­ation you are in is Real for you who are of it, but it is a Maya when
com­pared with the Un-Name­able, the Inef­fa­ble and Unlim­it­ed Non-Being from which
this very Cre­ation sprang…and to which it and you will one day return…

Your Jour­ney of Know­ing and Being stretch­es back and forward
through such an Immense and Immea­sur­able Arc of Time and Space, and yet you
have with­in your­self this Divine Imma­nent Gift of Mind to Per­ceive, Conceive
and Com­pre­hend your Jour­ney and Des­tiny, and this is tru­ly a won­der in itself!

But at each stage of your jour­ney, in each step you make up that
Lad­der of Light which is your Under­stand­ing, you must for­ev­er know that you are
still and will always be as a child, filled with Won­der, Sensing-Feeling
some­thing that is Greater, and then when you final­ly reach even to this next Greater
Realm, you will find yet again that there is still some­thing beyond…and so
you must walk on…

This is the Jour­ney that you are on, that the more you understand,
the more Wise and so Hum­ble you will become, because you real­ize how much
fur­ther there is yet before you…You may look to the Great Ones for
Inspi­ra­tion, for they have walked the path that is ahead of you, and you will
believe and hope that they have reached that All-encom­pass­ing, Complete
Under­stand­ing of the Mystery…and they will smile and turn their heads and bow
to THAT, for it is The Mys­tery that is before them too…The Jour­ney of
Spir­it is and will ever be, for them as for you…

So, Today is for begin­ning again.…

To Com­mence the next cycle in your Jour­ney of Understanding…

Of Deduc­tion and Induc­tion, Of Spir­it and Matter…

Of draw­ing Down and Look­ing Up to the Won­ders that Sur­round you…

To see that The Mys­tery is All Around you, but inside of you Too!

And that is why…

The Key to your Journey…

Is to Know Yourself…

so your Uni­verse Too!

And you will accept, and you will draw closer…

the Greater Understanding…

Wis­dom, To Love…To the Divine.

Look­ing with­in, Reaching

the Light.

Walk on.