Daily Archives: May 31, 2013

Mars Enters Gemini (May 31, 2013)


to keep things a lit­tle in bal­ance, as Mer­cury dives into those Waters of
Can­cer, guid­ing you towards your Foun­tain-Source of Feel­ings, Mars jumps over
the prover­bial can­dle­stick into that most Airy World of Gemini!

So, for the next 44 days you are going on a thrilling ride, you are moti­vat­ed and mov­ing, as you charge ahead with this spike in your
Enthu­si­asms, Activ­i­ties and Drives…You are to expe­ri­ence a quick­en­ing or
resur­gence in your desire and need for dis­tract­ing diver­si­ties and multiple
stimulations…Forget about doing one thing at a time…this is your time to
run and jump while jug­gling sev­er­al dif­fer­ent tasks at the same time…Yes, you
are all excit­ed now, you are Nim­ble, and you are Quick…okay, let’s see you
jump over that Candlestick!

Where­as Mars in Tau­rus brought your Desires into a more
Sub­stan­tial Focus, to a more Val­ued and Mea­sured pace of Tangible
Manifestation…Mars in Gem­i­ni inspires you to release your­self into the
delight­ful Vir­tu­osi­ties of Mind and Body Coor­di­na­tion, to dis­play your élan and
agili­ty, to go as fast as you can go, to piv­ot, jump and tumble…and then do
it again!

Yet as much as you feel this thrill of ener­gy cours­ing through
you, your nerves fir­ing and mus­cles jump­ing, remem­ber that there is a higher
pur­pose to this Infu­sion of Inspiration…For Mars in Gem­i­ni is here to remind
you that the Key to the King­dom, to the ful­fill­ment of your Dreams and Desires,
requires that you strive to be an Adept, that you Under­stand that the Pathway
to Attain your goals will only be found through being Alert, Adapt­able and

you are on Earth to learn, and so you will be pre­sent­ed with many challenges
and choic­es. You will devel­op your best solu­tions to the prob­lems of life that
you encounter…but because the world and you are ever-chang­ing, these elegant
or some­times less than ele­gant answers to the chal­lenges of your world will
over time “go out of phase” or fail…You will encounter the
seem­ing­ly ordi­nary prob­lem, apply your solution…and, nothing…it does not
work. Well, you must have for­got­ten or missed a step, so you try again…And again, nada…That
is when the prover­bial “light bulb” is sup­posed to come on in your
head…And you real­ize, things are not as they were or seem, and you need to do
that quick step and get crack­ing at devel­op­ing a bet­ter approach and find a new
solu­tion to your problem…Yes, that’s right…it is time to show your Intelligence!

with Mars in Gem­i­ni, you had bet­ter pay atten­tion because this is what you are
going to face again and again now…The World is chang­ing, and so are you!…Yes, things are def­i­nite­ly bend­ing beyond the ordi­nary and expectable, and you real­ly need this Gem­i­ni Gift of Intel­li­gence in Action…

show your Adeptness…Stay Alert, Be Adapt­able and be thankful…

For the Wis­dom of the Stars will always guide you…

Their Signs and Por­tents are there to be read…

With those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear.

For it is this, this Song and Dance of Spirit…

That will keep you upon the Path.

Aware, Alert…and filled with Wonder.

Now, Jump!