Neptune Turns Stationary Retrograde (June 6, 2013)


a lit­tle dream of you…

wrote about this shift in my 2013 Gen­er­al Fore­cast:

Nep­tune Ret­ro­grade (June 6 until Novem­ber 13) 

Lord of Dreams and Imag­i­na­tion asks you to go with­in and con­sid­er what lies at
the heart of your pow­er of cre­ation. It is time for deep­er con­tem­pla­tions, you
need to med­i­tate and take more of those qui­et walks in forests or sanctuaries.
It is a time of ego-tran­scend­ing, true self-seek­ing acceptance…You need to
find a more trans-per­son­al way of believ­ing and being.

is turn­ing ret­ro­grade till Novem­ber. Well, of course, that is from your
per­spec­tive here on Earth, for in fact it is you who is pass­ing by
Neptune…you are like a rac­er on the inside track pass­ing a “slow­er”
rac­er on the out­side, so Nep­tune appears to be going “back­wards” to

in all things, appear­ances, facts, The Truth…It real­ly or Tru­ly is all “Relative”…What
you Perceive/Understand will depend upon your point of view as deter­mined by
your Prin­ci­pal lev­el of Con­scious­ness, which is formed by your degree of
Inte­gra­tion and Spir­i­tu­al Development…and with­in that realm of consciousness
in which you abide you will call that expe­ri­ence of what you perceive
“Real­i­ty” or the “Truth”…

will per­ceive what you expect, for you can only expe­ri­ence and know what you
are able to com­pre­hend giv­en your Consciousness…But as you con­tin­ue your
Jour­ney, as you unfold your poten­tial through your Self-Becom­ing, you will
begin to real­ize, more and more, that there is so much still that you do not
know or understand…and this is very good, because it is this real­iza­tion that
begins to form the Por­tal, this Humil­i­ty is your dawn­ing and door­way to Wisdom!

as the Avatar of Dreams and Imag­i­na­tion is cen­tral to this process of you
becom­ing more aware…Known as the Uni­ver­sal Sol­vent, Nep­tune dis­solves the
Forms and Appear­ances that you have tak­en for Real­i­ty at any par­tic­u­lar time,
for Nep­tune is the Gate­way to the Mul­ti­Verse or The Greater Real­i­ty that is
behind or beyond any par­tic­u­lar Uni­verse. You will with Neptune’s
“guid­ance”, slow­ly slip and stum­ble through “the Looking
Glass” as you descend into a peri­od of tran­si­tion, which you will
expe­ri­ence as Confusion…This is as it is meant to be, for you must let go a
less­er form of know­ing before you can move into the greater, and you will only
do this when your pre­vi­ous under­stand­ing begins to fail you…

You will
have need to re-imag­ine and re-per­ceive the world about you, which is exactly
what Nep­tune will also provide…And it is this which will allow you to continue
to move through ever more inclu­sive and expan­sive Par­a­digms of Reality…This
is your Spi­ral Jour­ney, your jour­ney of Awak­en­ing, as you move towards the Greater
Awareness…this is your jour­ney that is for­ev­er and ever!

this Jour­ney is not only out­ward, it is and most nec­es­sar­i­ly must be Inward
too…and that is what Nep­tune turn­ing ret­ro­grade offers to you now. Every year
you will receive this shift of ener­gies, those Dissolving/Illuminating Rays of
Nep­tune will turn your atten­tion to that which lies with­in and you will need to
explore the Nature of your Inner Worlds too.

course, you must and need be doing this each and every day. But your Inner
Jour­ney of Questioning/Confusion/Awakening is just that much more potent and
nec­es­sary when Nep­tune is mov­ing back­wards through the Zodi­ac, so you really
want to take advan­tage of this oppor­tu­ni­ty to pierce through the veil that
obscures your self-under­stand­ing and come that much clos­er to your High­er Self. 

you may think that you can only know and find your way through this world by
ris­ing above the illu­sion­ary nature of the out­er real­i­ty, it is in fact more
nec­es­sary and use­ful to use Nep­tune’s Gift to lift the Illu­sions you hold
with­in and about yourself…

the Path to Truth is the Path to your High­er Self…

so this imper­a­tive is found upon all the Por­tals to the Greater Awareness…


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