Venus Trine Neptune and Saturn & Mercury Opposition Pluto (June 7, 2013)


Avatar of Beau­ty and Love joins the Grand Align­ment of 2013…

Your Year of the “Waters of Life” con­tin­ues, as your
Plan­e­tary Com­pan­ions align with one anoth­er and so bestow upon you their
Wis­dom, Love and Strength…but this Dance of the Plan­ets is becom­ing ever more
nuanced and profound.

The open­ing of this grand align­ment was dis­cussed in the posting
for Mon­day June 3, and what
is offered to you now and in the days to come builds upon that first gift from
Mer­cury align­ing with Sat­urn and Nep­tune. Today it is Venus who slips into the
Space that Jupiter will soon assume. But the mes­sage and mean­ing of this
align­ment becomes even more potent as Mer­cury too adds anoth­er ele­ment to the
song and dance that is form­ing up now…and all of this is real­ly just a
prepa­ra­tion for you, to make ready the greater gift of what will be offered by
Jupiter later…For the plan­ets do not exists as sin­gu­lar enti­ties, they are
part of a greater whole, their Ener­gies, Mean­ings and Mes­sages for you can only
be expe­ri­enced and under­stood as they tru­ly exist, as part of the Liv­ing Spirit
that is the Cosmos.

A sin­gu­lar align­ment or change of posi­tion is real­ly not how you
should under­stand what is hap­pen­ing around you. It is vital­ly impor­tant that
you expe­ri­ence the align­ments of the plan­ets as not “events” as much
as extend­ed moments in Time and Space, in which ener­gies and forms weave with
one anoth­er, cycling up to a crescen­do of Force and Mat­ter and then sweep on
down as they cycle onward through many-lay­ered, intri­cate and inte­gral patterns
of relationship…Truly theirs is an ever-unfold­ing dance of Light and Shadows,
which is true for your life too. Though you may rea­son­ably attempt to focus
upon and under­stand a par­tic­u­lar align­ment at any one time, the Greater Reality
is that you reside in a ver­i­ta­ble Cos­mic Body that is con­stant­ly chang­ing and
form­ing an intri­cate weav­ing of res­o­nance pat­terns that affect one and
all…wheels with­in wheels.

So as much as today is about Venus adding her mes­sage of Beauty
and Love to your under­stand­ing of the align­ment of Sat­urn in Scor­pio to Neptune
in Pisces, it is also impor­tant to per­ceive the more com­plete mes­sage by incorporating
the ener­gies of Mer­cury align­ing with Plu­to too…But it does not end there,
for just ahead Mer­cury will align with Uranus on Sat­ur­day, and then Venus with
Plu­to on Tues­day which is when the Grander Align­ment of Sat­urn with Neptune
will be exact too, which will be fol­lowed by Venus with Uranus on
Wednesday…And this is all by way of prepar­ing the way for the greater
align­ment of Jupiter with Sat­urn, Nep­tune, Uranus and Plu­to which will come
dur­ing this summer…

The truer way to under­stand the mes­sages of the stars is to
expe­ri­ence their song and dance as it is, in con­stant motion!…You need to
step back and take in this greater Truth of Life and Con­scious­ness in Motion,
form­ing ever-chang­ing and won­drous pat­terns of Mean­ing. The Truth of this dance
you are expe­ri­enc­ing today can be seen not just as a series of moments or
events or instances, but form­ing and being revealed as part of a grander

There is in fact a name for this par­tic­u­lar pat­tern that the
plan­ets are now form­ing, and it is called “The Kite”, and the image
above shows clear­ly why it is so named. It is formed prin­ci­pal­ly by three
plan­ets form­ing a tri­an­gu­lar shape, here the Grand Trine in Water between
Sat­urn and Nep­tune and then to Mer­cury and Venus who form the third point. Then
it is this third point that in turn is oppo­site to anoth­er plan­et, Plu­to in
this instance, which in effect becomes the point for the release of the entire
align­ment! All of the Ener­gies and Mean­ings that res­onate through all the
Avatars in this type of pat­tern come to be focused and released through the
“point” formed at the top of the Kite, so here Plu­to pro­vides the Key
to the Mystery.

The gift of Venus in Can­cer today is to there to elic­it and remind
you that the Deep­er Union you seek by Sat­urn in Scor­pio, and the Divine
Com­mu­nion that you seek by Nep­tune in Pisces, that both of these forms of
deep­er con­nec­tion with the Beloved before you and the Beloved who surrounds
you, are found­ed and formed by you car­ing for and be cared for, by you
nur­tur­ing and being nur­tured by the root of you, by the love for and the love
from your own high­er self, which is your own true Beloved that is within.

Mod­u­lat­ing this mes­sage from your source of Beau­ty and Love, now
Mer­cury in Can­cer oppos­es Plu­to in Capricorn…and it is here that you will
find the focal point of today’s mes­sage as being formed, found and released.
The mes­sage that Mercury/Pluto offers is that your jour­ney to these Deeper
Unions with the “Three Forms of the Beloved” rely upon and require
your pow­er of Pierc­ing beyond Appear­ances, and you are able to do this through
your exer­cise of Men­tal Willpow­er. An essen­tial ele­ment of your Trans-Personal
Path­way, your Divine pow­er of Self-Unfold­ment, requires that you learn to wield
a Mind that is Focused by the Will, so that can “see through” to and
so expe­ri­ence ever deep­er lev­els of inter­re­la­tion­ship and understanding…for
this is how you come to know your truth, this is how you can humbly accept and
grow into Wisdom. 

The mes­sage is that your Pow­er can only be wield­ed well when
you under­stand the Inte­gral Align­ment of your Ori­gins and Destiny…For as Mercury
affirms that you remain firm­ly root­ed and secured to your Foun­tain-Source of
Feel­ing, Plu­to holds you to your Path of Ful­fill­ment, and that you also accept
the Duties and Respon­si­bil­i­ties that are yours, for you have a des­tiny, you are one of the ones
of the One. It is through this inte­gral rela­tion­ship between your Roots and
Respon­si­bil­i­ties, between your Foun­da­tions and your Des­tiny, it is through this
Joy­ful Aware­ness aligned and embraced by the Tri-Fold Love of your
Beloved, it is through this Weav­ing-Way that you will remain cen­tered upon the
Path­way of Light.

is how you Wise­ly and Lovingly…

but surely…

and Make your way…

your Home…

To your
Des­tiny, in the Stars.

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