Daily Archives: June 8, 2013

Mercury Square Uranus (June 8, 2013)


These are Wheels with­in Wheels indeed…

The Dance of the Plan­ets becomes even
more com­plex as Mer­cury forms anoth­er aspect with­in this already intricate
res­o­nance pat­tern that con­tin­ues from Fri­day,
which is when Her­mes made the oppo­si­tion to Plu­to, and Venus brought her Gifts
to add to the ener­gies formed by the Grand Trine of Mer­cury, Sat­urn and

Now anoth­er inflec­tion is added to this
mes­sage from your Planetaries…and this comes from the oth­er great Avatar of
Trans­for­ma­tion, Lord Uranus, who through his ongo­ing, mul­ti-year grand align­ment with Plu­to is helping
to bring about this Cathar­sis of Con­scious­ness sweep­ing across the planet.

As I have not­ed for sev­er­al years now,
the changes welling up from with­in you, and sweep­ing and swirling around you in
the world, these are trans­for­ma­tion­al ener­gies that have not been experienced
for over 200 years! Of course this is a very spe­cial time for you, for you are
here!…But it is truer today than before, that you walk in Age that is ending,
you are priv­i­leged to see this Dawn­ing of a New Age…

May you live not merely
in an Inter­est­ing Time, May you live in times that Mat­ter, May you help to
bring about a bet­ter New World!

This Mod­u­la­tion of Mer­cury brings an
enhance­ment to the mes­sage of “The Kite” from Fri­day. Uranus and
Plu­to are joined in a great Dance of Meta­mor­pho­sis where each brings to bear
the neces­si­ty of trans­for­ma­tion as to how you approach your expe­ri­ence of
Free­dom (Uranus) and Sacred Space (Plu­to).

So it was on Fri­day as Mer­cury aligned with Plu­to, and the
mes­sage affirmed the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between your Ori­gins (Mer­cury in
Can­cer) and Des­tiny (Plu­to in Capri­corn), between your Authen­tic­i­ty of Feelings
and the Ful­fill­ment of your Responsibilities.

Mer­cury to Uranus now brings to bear the
equal­ly nec­es­sary under­stand­ing that in order for you to cre­ate and secure for
your­self the Sacred Space of You, which is and will always be inte­gral­ly bound
to the hon­or you show to the Sacred Spaces of oth­ers (Plu­to), that you must
ever strive to free your mind so as to more deeply appre­ci­ate and acknowledge
your own unique self as a Spark of the Divine, and that this too will equally
depend upon you expe­ri­enc­ing the Truth of the unique Divin­i­ty of each and every
sin­gle spark of the Divine.

You must ever strive for a Freer Mind
and a Sacred Space to hold your Divin­i­ty, but to do this you must equally
strive to help oth­ers to Free their Minds and to secure their Sacred Spaces too!

For you are all ones of the One, and
what you do to the least of you…you also do to the One!

This is the Law, this is Truth.

The Sacred Three shall always guide you:

A Free Mind (Uranus), Uncon­di­tion­al Love
(Nep­tune) and a Will that is Cen­tered with­in Sacred Space (Pluto)…From these three your Self-Becom­ing is Found­ed and Sus­tained, for you have a Great Destiny…

But your path­way to the Stars, that is your choice as to when and how you will make your way, for some it is steep and short, oth­ers will take a longer way…but in the end…

This is your jour­ney, from the beginning
to the Greater Mystery…

To reach the cross­ing point for the Light…

Free your Mind, Love one anoth­er and Build Sacred Spaces…

May it be so.

New Moon in Gemini (June 8, 2013)


Your Medi­a­trix has slipped between you
and your Star, the Sun will set and the Night that falls is Ful­ly Dark…

And it is in this Dark­ness of the spaces
of Space, the Full­ness that is the Plero­ma, you see your Cos­mos now revealed as it is, Filled with the Light Divine, you see so much more of where you abide…and
so you know that you make your way upon this Earth graced by this
Greater Real­i­ty, bathed and blessed in this Uni­verse of Light…

The Greater Glo­ry of the Cos­mos stands
ful­ly revealed in these moments where you must wait for the next release of
Solar/Lunar seeds…You pause as a cycle ends and a new one com­mences for you
and your Plan­e­tary Companions…Yet ever around you, through­out the now revealed
greater vast­ness of Space, you can see that you are nev­er alone, for you travel
with a grand Host, a Lumi­nous Com­pa­ny of Stars…

But in this moment for you here on
Earth, you must attend to what is com­ing. For the Sun and Moon will Kiss again
and a New Cycle of Self-Becom­ing will begin for you. Twelve times a year you
receive this gift, the promise of a new­er, bet­ter way of being. Each time the
mes­sage is for your next step in your jour­ney of under­stand­ing, of who you are,
of why you are here…and where your des­tiny lies.

This Seed is of Gem­i­ni and a wel­come gift
indeed. For you have need of this, to be inspired, guid­ed and shown the Knowing
Way to yourself…For this is one of your most pre­cious gifts, your Pow­er of Manas,
your won­drous­ly curi­ous, self-reflective
Con­scious­ness that you received as a “Gift of the Gods” long, long

The New Moon of Gem­i­ni inspires you to
engage your capac­i­ty to look at your life, to approach all of your challenges
and oppor­tu­ni­ties, to remem­ber that you must always view what­ev­er is before you
as if through a many-faceted jew­el, where each facet rep­re­sents a dif­fer­ent way
of per­ceiv­ing and under­stand­ing what is before you.

You need to real­ize and become aware that
you will ordi­nar­i­ly view your life through per­haps a few of these facets,
usu­al­ly favor­ing even one way of view­ing over all…But by doing this, it is as
if you were to shine a very focused and bright light upon your world, and so it
would seem or appear to be very, very clear to you…

But you need to under­stand that you are
also, by view­ing through this one facet, by shin­ing this nar­row-cast­ed light you
are also the very cre­ator of deep, deep shadows…You see what you see, but you
can­not or will not see these shad­ows and what is hid­den by them…and so your
under­stand­ing is tru­ly lim­it­ed and illusionary.

Then it must fol­low that what­ev­er action
you will take to engage with your world, to make the most of your opportunities
and over­come your chal­lenges, these efforts and your results will also be limited
too. You will devel­op var­i­ous solu­tions and approach­es that will to vary­ing degrees
“work” for you. But over time, because you and the world are ever changing,
this or that solu­tion or approach will at some point par­tial­ly or completely
fail you…and this is when this Gift of Gem­i­ni, this reminder and re-Seeding
of your Intel­li­gence will come to your aid.

For it is in this Gift of Contrariness,
of Peer­ing through oth­er facets and so Pierc­ing through your self-made shadows,
it is this self-reflec­tive curios­i­ty that is at the heart of your Intelligence
which will help you to con­tin­ue to find you way clos­er to a more all-encompassing

Cel­e­brate the New Moon of Gemini.…

Chal­lenge your­self to see beyond/beneath…

To see Through.

To think out­side of your
Shad­ows as you…


And with the Won­der and Eyes of a

See the Mag­ic and Beau­ty, and The Light…

That is you, that is your world.