Saturn Trine Neptune & Venus Opposition Pluto (June 11, 2013)


your Dreams come True…

For Love and the Sacred Space of You!

I wrote about this beau­ti­ful align­ment in the Gen­er­al
Fore­cast for 2013
 where I
dis­cussed the Grand Trine in Water of Jupiter, Sat­urn and Neptune…and here is
what I wrote of Sat­urn and Nep­tune mak­ing their first of three exact alignments
in Octo­ber 2012:

Sat­urn Trine Nep­tune (Octo­ber 10,

meets Dreaming…and it is Beautiful!

is anoth­er one of those “big­ger” alignments…Saturn is lin­ing up
with Nep­tune in a won­der­ful trine today and again in June and July of
2013…but what you need to know is…what does this mean?

Ruler of the Formed, Sat­urn, greets and is graced by the Foun­tain-source of all
forms, the Ruler of the Form­less, Neptune…and you are remind­ed once again
about this awe­some pow­er, your pow­er of Dreaming-Making-Reality.

rules Real­i­ty, what you and every­one else has so far brought into being on
Earth. Sat­urn’s draw­ing down into sub­stance is the ful­fill­ment of your dreams,
shaped into real­i­ty-forms. Yet these very forms at the same time necessarily
lim­it your pure poten­tial by bind­ing it into some def­i­nite (finite) Thing.

Ideas, Hopes and Dreams on this plane, in order to be real, become formed into
Mat­ter and by doing so they become circumscribed…and there­fore sub­ject to the
Laws of Time and Cycles…for any and every­thing here is a com­pos­ite or
com­pound, and must even­tu­al­ly pass away.

les­son of this dance of life, of Sat­urn and Nep­tune, is that you must continually
Imag­ine anew. You must ever Dream, again and again, to keep form­ing and
re-form­ing your world and yourself…This is the sub­stance of your spiral
jour­ney as Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, of you becom­ing you through countless
unfold­ing forms of self-realization.

rules your Dream­ing and Imag­i­na­tion, it is the rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the Spiritual
source for this awe­some pow­er, the pow­er to unfold from with­in a new world and
a new you. You encounter the world before you, your present cir­cum­stances. You
dare to dream, you imag­ine and believe that there could be a dif­fer­ent world, a
bet­ter world…and so it begins to take form…And you have been doing
this…you have done this…many, many, many times…

well you cre­ate, how much of your dream will be, will depend upon you and those
with whom you dream. But with­in any cycling of Saturn/Neptune there are moments
of greater flow and ease, of when it seems “just right”, and there
are moments that present a greater challenge.

cur­rent cycle of Saturn/Neptune began in 1989, and an old world was end­ing and
new world was being imagined…Then in 2006–2007, Sat­urn and Nep­tune were
oppo­site to one anoth­er and a reck­on­ing was at hand for how well the dream had
been executed…or not…

you are at a dif­fer­ent moment of the cycle, not a begin­ning nor a
reckoning…Now you find your­self at one of those moments where it does seem
pos­si­ble to bring togeth­er the Dream and the Real. You can take the reins of
your own life and ride that slip­stream between Dream­ing and Making…

are the Dream­er, Dream­ing Real­i­ty all around you…

can Imag­ine a bet­ter world…

when you share your dreams with one another…

you believe in your­self, and sup­port each other…

will join to build a New Earth…Together.


This ever-unfold­ing Grand Trine in Water, anchored and formed
prin­ci­pal­ly by Sat­urn to Nep­tune, com­plet­ed now by Mer­cury and Venus, is being
fur­ther mod­u­lat­ed with­in the Kite Pat­tern of June
and June

you expe­ri­ence the sec­ond exact Trine of Sat­urn and Nep­tune, (which will be
exact one more time in July). This time it is brought into greater focus
through Venus adding to the Grand Trine and form­ing the Kite by oppo­si­tion to
Plu­to, (along with Mer­cury who is still there too)…well one thing is for
sure, things are cer­tain­ly busy!

For as much as Mer­cury aligned with Plu­to helped you to focus
upon the Thoughts behind your Roots and your Destiny…and helped you to bet­ter under­stand how your Will­ful­ly focused Pow­er of Mind is one of the prin­ci­ple means by which you make your Dreams into the New Reality…Today it is Venus with Plu­to who will help you to look more deeply into the nature of the Value
that Forms those Roots and so Informs your Destiny. 

For what lies at the core
of you is a Spark of the Divine, which you will often expe­ri­ence as that
won­drous feel­ing of warm famil­iar­i­ty, of Inner Attune­ment, of being Cen­tered and at Peace…of Being Home, of Being Loved. This is the Love of the Beloved for you…and your ador­ing love that
flows back in return. This is the Source of Love, and it is yours and abides with­in you, as it also
sur­rounds you too…For this is the Force that fills, binds and holds the whole of
this Cos­mos in the One Great Life…This is the seed and source with­in you, it is your Origin…and for this very rea­son it also holds the key and points the way to your des­tiny too…

is the Gift of Venus in Can­cer for you, to feel this source and to be nurtured
by this ever-last­ing love of the Divine for all of the Divine Sparks, who long ago
began their jour­ney through the spaces of Space…All of these Sparks are what make…Everything…They are the Forces
and Mat­ters of this Uni­verse, and they are of course you too. 

each and every Spark of the Divine must exist with­in its own Holy Space…For
it is in and through this Space that it can unfold and become, as each Consciousness
must have its own space to exer­cise its Pow­er of Will and Self-Becoming…Yet
as each Spark is Sacred so is each and every Space Sacred too, and so each Consciousness
must learn to form and pre­serve their own Space, while Hon­or­ing, Respecting…by Lov­ing the Sacred Space of every oth­er too…This is the Jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing that you are on.

is the mes­sage of Venus to Plu­to and Plu­to to Venus, your love of Self is
Inte­gral to the Love you will have for and receive from any Oth­er, just as your keep­ing Sacred the Space of You is Inte­gral to the you Keep­ing Sacred all the Spaces that sur­round you too…

For the Great Illu­sion is Separation…


Is that there is but One Life…

There is but One Love…

And you are IT

And it is YOU.

Now, togeth­er, in Love and Sacred Space…

May your Dreams come True!

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