Venus Square Uranus (June 12, 2013)


Through Your Love…To Your Freedom…

To live by them, Togeth­er as One.

Your Pre­view of the Greater Grand Trine of Water con­cludes today as Venus like Mer­cury aligns with Uranus. But with­in two
weeks the pat­tern will be re-engaged as the Sun moves through Can­cer, which
will be fol­lowed about two weeks lat­er by the Greater Trine itself of Jupiter, Saturn
and Nep­tune form­ing up in mid-July.

This part­ing mes­sage from the Waters of
Life con­cerns the chal­lenges you feel and face with regards to the seeming
con­flict between your expe­ri­ences of Free­dom and Relationship…For how do you cre­ate, adjust
and pre­serve that del­i­cate bal­ance between your need to be True to your Self
with your need through Love to sac­ri­fice for one anoth­er too.

Venus in the Waters of Can­cer is holding
the posi­tion that is the source for those joy­ful feel­ings that come from a life of
nur­tur­ing and car­ing for one anoth­er, where the req­ui­site con­cerns for the
needs of one anoth­er require sacred acts or sacrifice…and this is true. Yet Uranus in Aries
is declaim­ing the Fire-Born Prin­ci­ple of the Unique­ness and Inde­pen­dence of
your­self that is behold­en to no other…and this, this is also true.

But what is more Tru­ly True, is that
each of these expe­ri­ences, your need for Close­ness and Car­ing for one anoth­er, and your need for Inde­pen­dence and Free­dom to Be True to you, that these two can only find their
Spir­i­tu­al Ful­fill­ment through a Path­way of Growth where­in each sup­ports and
informs the oth­er, because they are only whole and com­plete through the
Inte­gral devel­op­ment of each with and through the other.

Truth is found­ed upon your Belong­ing, of you and every­one (and everything)
orig­i­nat­ing long ago from the One Divine Source, so that tru­ly “We
Are All Relat­ed”
. And so it is Nat­ur­al and Right to experience
the need to care for and be cared for, to make mean­ing­ful sac­ri­fices for one
anoth­er because of your endur­ing Love for one another…Because whomev­er is before you is
a part of you, and so you and they abide in the Con­scious­ness of the One, with the purest
of love formed in this your Greater “Fam­i­ly”…

Your Truth is equal­ly found­ed upon you being a Unique Spark of
this Divine Source, a Mon­ad, an evolv­ing Con­scious­ness Cen­ter that is formed upon a Pri­mal Aware­ness that all share in as Con­scious­ness itself, the source of know­ing that “I
Am”.…But this Con­scious­ness is equal­ly devel­op­ing, unfold­ing, and becom­ing ever more deter­mined to acquire for itself a dis­tinct Self-Aware­ness, to be a Unique instance and spark of
this Uni­ver­sal Self, and so to devel­op the know­ing that “I Am That”, and so it must devel­op Freely in order to be the Self-Becoming.

Your Epiphany regard­ing these two, The Way of Love and The Way of
Free­dom, will be found as you accept, bal­ance and inte­grate both of these
Spir­i­tu­al Truths in a Liv­ing Way of Being. This is what is known as The Path, for
this is how you must learn to live…for You and Spir­it and all of Cre­ation are
Indi­vis­i­ble, and you will find your Peace when you tru­ly under­stand and live this too.

You must devel­op a strong sense of your unique self, so as to acquire
the Wis­dom to know where and how to draw the bound­aries of how much you are
will­ing to yield and bend for the good of the oth­er, with­out bring­ing about undue harm to yourself.
Yet you will always need this Cen­ter­ing of Feel­ings that informs and nurtures
these caring/cared for expe­ri­ences, in order to deeply Secure
your­self with­in your Root Ener­gies. For it is from this Deep Anchor­ing that you
will join with the source of your Unique Essence, to find and to hold it, and so under­stand that though you are a pre­cious and unique sparkling drop of the Divine, you are also one of an Infin­i­ty of drops drawn from those Waters
of Life that make up the One Life, The Life Divine.

This is the mes­sage of Venus and Uranus today…

That you must be Free to be your­self in order to Love…

That you must Love one anoth­er in order to be Free.

You must Feel what you share…

You must Love what is special.

There can be no separation…

For Free­dom, For Love…

For Spir­it.

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