Sun Conjunct Jupiter (June 19, 2013)



Growth, Good Will and Grace begin their year­ly cycle…

Sun, who is your Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, your Divine Pow­er of Self-Becoming,
begins a new 13 Month Cycle with the Avatar of your Prin­ci­ples, Truths and
Beliefs, the Lord of Growth and Benev­o­lence, Jupiter…

means, of course, that you have also just end­ed your last 13 Month cycle of
Growth, and you have should have cast your gaze back upon what was and was not
attained in this last period…And hav­ing reaped your har­vest of mean­ing and
under­stand­ing, not giv­ing way to any wal­low­ing in judg­ments or mis­giv­ings, you
will find a renewed sense of hope­ful­ness obtained from these essen­tial fruits
of your growth in this past period…For it is from this har­vest of what was
learned that you can now extract the wis­er seeds of your future growth, the
very seeds which you sow for your new sea­son of opportunity…for your
spir­i­tu­al growth relies upon this, that you con­tin­u­ous­ly reach towards a more inclu­sive understanding.

turn and face the prospect of the New Cycle before you with this greater
under­stand­ing to guide you…For you should know by now that you only learn by
mak­ing mis­takes, reflect­ing upon them and so cor­rect­ing those errors…That
your suc­cess­es, though plea­sur­able and wel­come bless­ings indeed, do not
indi­cate any great growth in your spir­i­tu­al sta­tus, for they only con­firm the
growth you had pre­vi­ous­ly attained.

future is always made in the Now, you redeem your past so that you can
res­olute­ly turn your atten­tion to the next cycle of the Self that is
Becoming…You sep­a­rate the wheat from the chafe, for you must refine your
har­vest of mean­ing to yield up your gift to your­self, your har­vest of newfound
faith, of seed ideas/actions that you put forth to con­tin­ue your cycle of

life real­ly is not about these frag­ments or moments, nei­ther begin­nings or
end­ings, as in some form of dis­crete or abrupt dis­junc­tion in the flow of your
life unfold­ing. Your life is com­prised of many inter­sect­ing streams of energies
that you work with and work through you, and each of these stream­ing forces
unfold through many inter­pen­e­trat­ing cycles of vary­ing dura­tions that sweep
through your world, some are just start­ing, some at a cru­cial piv­ot points of
deci­sion, some reach­ing a cli­max of real­iza­tion, and some com­ing to closure…

you will always find your­self in the midst of a mul­ti­tude of ener­gies that you
must blend togeth­er, at first more or less uncon­scious­ly, but over time ever
more direct­ed by your Aware­ness, Love and Will…So that you will eventually
become what you are meant to be, a Mas­ter Weaver of Life-Consciousness-Spirit,
a true Adept of your Self-Becoming.

if there is one insis­tent, over-all pur­pose behind it all it is tru­ly this…

You are here to Grow!

pur­pose is found­ed upon the core and ker­nel of your essen­tial essence, of you
being a Spark of the Divine…This is what comes from your Self and so is held
up to you by the Avatar of Self, the Sun. But as to How and to What your
pur­pose of growth will become, well that is deter­mined by where you are within
your Jour­ney of Con­scious­ness, where you walk on that Noble Road to the Greater
Understanding…And this lev­el of Aware­ness is formed by you into your
Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Beliefs…and so that is what is held up and elicited
for you by the Avatar of your Under­stand­ing, Jupiter.

your Self and your Under­stand­ing have come togeth­er to inspire you anew, for
you must ever seek to become some­thing more, but you must ever strive to ascend
this path of Under­stand­ing as your seek to draw that much clos­er to the Light

order to know what you can or must do, in order to under­stand as to how, why
and to where you are going, there is one pro­found but sim­ple thing you must
ascer­tain. Where exact­ly are you com­ing from?

know this, that is not a ques­tion about your indi­vid­ual begin­nings or birth,
this is the know­ing about the Greater Real­i­ty of which you are an essential
part…That you are a Spark of the Divine, this is true…But so are all who
accom­pa­ny you in this great Jour­ney of Immor­tals in Mor­tal Frames…And so your
Prin­ci­ples have been and must be formed and shaped by this one most critical
under­stand­ing that you will come to know and abide in…That the oth­er before
me is my brother/sister and so what is “The Good” must be the Good
for All.

this First Prin­ci­ple, this Abid­ing Truth, of your Ori­gin, this is also your Des­tiny, for your jour­ney out from the Divine and back to the Stars is a jour­ney in a
shin­ing host of sparks of the Divine, and it is this know­ing that will steer
your heart to find and keep to the one true way, the Noble Path of

goals and direc­tions in life do not come from nor do they exist “out
there” really…

are ever secured by and forged in your Self and with­in your Heart.

Leap out from your Divin­i­ty With­in, the very Divin­i­ty that sur­rounds you…

The One Divine that
is the Ener­gy-Sub­stance of all Cre­ation too.

as you and all with whom you travel…

Seek to fol­low that path­way of Light…

return to the One.

will know that always there…

and around you…

And tru­ly in every spark resides…

ever-present Real­i­ty and Truth of your being.

to Grow, is to Grow Together…

for­ev­er be, ever and always…

with the One…

And with one anoth­er too.

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