Daily Archives: June 20, 2013

Sun Enters Cancer (June 21, 2013)


have passed through the first three realms, of Fire and Earth and Air…and now
you must com­plete the first tri­ad of the Sacred Four. The Wheel of Life has
turned and so you come into the Cir­cle that is Squared…You need this now, to
take this plunge into the Refresh­ing, Nur­tur­ing and oh so Famil­iar Waters of

sea­sons of life fol­low the rhythm of the your jour­ney around the Sun…Four
cor­ners divide your year into peri­ods of greater Light or Dark­ness, the Waxing
and Wan­ing of Solar Forces and Night Ener­gies. Today marks the Sum­mer Solstice,
and for those who find them­selves in the North­ern Hemi­sphere the longest day
and short­est night is at hand…

Solar Force has reached its max­i­mum, which of course is for you a her­ald of
change, you are at “a turn­ing”, and it will soon become appar­ent that
the next six months will be of length­en­ing shad­ows and short­er days…so in
this Bright­est of Days, here at the Solar Max­i­mum you need to remem­ber and you
need to prepare…for Win­ter is Coming.

must gath­er togeth­er with you and yours, to help one anoth­er, to make your
lives tru­ly secure by car­ing for one anoth­er. This is the time you will seek
with­in, to Feel your way to your Roots, to re-estab­lish your­self upon the
foun­da­tions of your life…to make your way home again, to nur­ture as you were
nur­tured, to pass on and pro­tect what is sacred, to care.

some that may mean to draw clos­er, to be held and to hold one anoth­er, to feel
more deeply that bond of kin­ship with­in your imme­di­ate fam­i­ly, to find yourself
and your mean­ing with­in its his­to­ry and tra­di­tions, to feel the close-knit
embrace of those with whom one shares the most inti­mate of life experiences…

some it will broad­en and deep­en, into the streams of life that encom­pass a
cul­ture and/or an eth­nic­i­ty, or more like­ly a blend of these…and for some it
will widen into that riv­er of life, iden­ti­fy­ing with a more uni­ver­sal spiritual
or reli­gious tra­di­tion that binds one to anoth­er in faith and hope…

for some, it will broad­en still fur­ther, to encom­pass this Ocean of Life and
Spir­it, the Life Divine from which all came, where all abide as they journey
through the spaces of Space, and to which all shall some­day return and be held
as one with the One…

For this
is where this feel­ing is found­ed, it aris­es with­in you in such per­son­al ways
with your fam­i­ly, with your “peo­ple” or “fam­i­ly of choice”,
through and with your cul­ture or nation or the world…but tru­ly your feeling
of cen­ter, of belong­ing and ori­gin is much old­er much deep­er and more profound
than this…

For your begin­ning reach­es back to The Begin­ning, of being a spark
of the Divine who lov­ing­ly sent you on this Jour­ney of Becom­ing, but who always
remains with­in you, as this Pres­ence, this feel­ing, this know­ing that you are and
will always be cared for, nur­tured and loved because…because this is who you
real­ly are… 

are a Spark of the Divine, and this spark resides with­in the core of you.

seek to become more and so ful­fill the Divine’s purpose…

always and for­ev­er you seek to feel the Cen­ter, to feel that Famil­iar Feeling…

Belong­ing, of being Part of Some­thing Greater…

Of Something/Someone
that will hold you, Embrace you…

the day arrives and you real­ize, that it, she/he was always there, within.

are Home, you are Loved…

You always have been, now and will ever be…

A sparkling Drop in the Ocean of Spirit…

Your true Home…

Abid­ing with­in your Heart.