Full Moon in Capricorn (June 23, 2013)


She is out there now, sweep­ing your outer
cours­es, your bright­ly shin­ing Bea­con of Bal­ance. For Luna’s gift is her
Intu­ition­al Light which reflects, responds and offers that most necessary
com­pen­sa­tion to the awe­some pow­er of the Solar Day-Forces, which flow through
you now from the Sign of Cancer.

Although your time in Can­cer has just
begun, it is good to have this reminder of what and to where it all will
lead…for those Foun­da­tions of Can­cer lead to the Tow­ers of Capri­corn, to the
Ful­fill­ment of your Pur­pose, to your Mas­tery and Respon­si­bil­i­ties, of Duty and
Tra­di­tions that Hon­or, Pre­serve and Pass down what must be held as Sacred and

For all these Tra­di­tions, all of your Institutions
and Struc­tures, of Gov­ern­ment, Reli­gion, Education…they all came about to serve
and ful­fill a need at some point in time…They began as a response, an answer
to a Human Need that over time became embod­ied in an Order and Edi­fice whose
pur­pose it is to answer this feel­ing for one anoth­er by meet­ing the needs of one another…

That most sim­ple but pro­found human
expe­ri­ence, to feel for one anoth­er, to wish to care for one anoth­er, even­tu­al­ly becomes
real­ized in these sys­tems of Duty and Responsibility…and that is what this
Full Moon reminds you of tonight…That the feel­ings you feel for you and yours
have been the Foun­tain-Source for all that you and your Ances­tors have accomplished…

You stand upon the shoul­ders of those
who came before, who answered the call to care for one anoth­er and so made a
world that is this liv­ing tes­ta­ment to the awe­some pow­er of feel­ing, this most
sacred trust that you have to guide you…that you care. This is why you must
bow your head and give thanks, for you are what you are and must do what you do
because much has been won by these heart­felt and pur­pose­ful efforts by
those who did their duty long ago…

And so it is your turn now…You must con­sid­er now in
this light of the Moon of Respon­si­bil­i­ty, what is my pur­pose, what is my duty? And
your answer must be formed and found­ed upon the fun­da­men­tal truth that you are
part of a Great Fam­i­ly of Spir­it and your Nature is to Feel for one anoth­er, that you are here to
help meet the needs of each and every…for you are one of the ones of the One, and
you are all related…

And so it is Right and True that as you
look to this Moon of your Pur­pose and Des­tiny, as you gaze upon your Luminous
Luna, your Avatar of Moth­er and Home, it is right that you should know this…you are Tru­ly look­ing “Home­ward”…

just below the Moon tonight is your Home, for what is there is in fact the Galac­tic Cen­ter from which
the Divine Spir­it, all the Ener­gies and Forms of this Cos­mos, and so you too, began a Great Journey
long ago…

Look up at your Moon…then look

There is your Logos, your Source, your Home…

and there lies your Des­tiny too.

For you came from this One…

You will ever Abide in the One…

to the One you shall return.

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