Mercury Turns Retrograde (June 26, 2013)


The sec­ond Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade of the year
was not­ed in the 2013 Gen­er­al Fore­cast:

Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade in Can­cer (June 26 until
July 20)

The sec­ond of three Mer­cury ret­ro­grades in Water, and now it is
time to renew your thoughts about home and fam­i­ly. For three weeks Mer­cury will
ret­ro­grade through Can­cer and you will need to look with­in to see how securely
root­ed are the ideas that you hold (or do they have their hold on you?). You
need to exam­ine how well you have learned to inte­grate your thoughts with your
feelings…For it is only then that you will com­mu­ni­cate with your head and
your heart as one…and then your world will lis­ten with won­der and
appre­ci­a­tion. As always, present day mat­ters may need put on hold as you go
back and tidy up some items left behind. 

This ret­ro­grade will span the peri­od for
the approach to, and the time of the exact for­ma­tion of the Grand Trine of
Water for Jupiter, Sat­urn and Neptune…and it should be under­stood as being
formed (and informed) with­in the con­text of this greater pattern.

But the Plan­e­tary Waves can and will
trav­el both ways for you, in those grand Out­er Align­ments, but also in these
more sub­tle and nuanced gifts of the Inner Plan­ets too. That as much as the
Grand Trine is and will be bring­ing you a most pre­cious gift of Inte­gral Understanding,
where­in you will res­onate, respond and thrill to feel the won­der­ful attunement
between the Roots of your Being, your Unions with one anoth­er and your Oneness
with the Divine…It is still most nec­es­sary and right that you take some time
dur­ing this Mer­cury ret­ro­grade to make even more per­son­al and mean­ing­ful that
Grander Align­ment to come, and this is what dear Her­mes offers you now…

With Mer­cury ret­ro­grade you need to go
back and reex­am­ine, renew and restore your expe­ri­ence of your Fam­i­ly, your Home
and your Inner­most Being so that you may more per­fect­ly align the coming
Greater Grand Trine in your life. When­ev­er Mer­cury is ret­ro­grade, your mind and
aware­ness, your atten­tion and inten­tion, your con­scious­ness becomes turned more
read­i­ly back upon itself…and you can con­sid­er anew and exer­cise its most
won­drous attribute, to be Self-Reflective…You are more able to think about
think­ing, to reex­am­ine your expe­ri­ences and knowl­edge and so work towards a
greater inte­gra­tion of what is with­in and what is around you…

For your Feel­ings about your Center,
about your home and secu­ri­ty, about your need to nur­ture and be
nurtured…these are very deep and com­plex expe­ri­ences that are freight­ed with
com­plex thoughts, with many-lay­ered and often con­flict­ed feelings…And it would be
most help­ful to you and those that you care for, and who care for you, it would
be very help­ful to sort through these Feel­ing-Thought-Forms so that you may
come to bet­ter under­stand and accept your­self as you are, and restore your
faith in your greater destiny…

For you car­ry with­in you the promise,
that as a Spark of the Divine, your growth and Self-Unfold­ment will con­tin­ue forever
and ever…but you will need help at times to under­stand and let go of your
less­er attach­ments, the echoes of old expe­ri­ences that may some­times cast their
shad­ows upon your cur­rent experience…and these echoes, often orig­i­nat­ing as
rea­son­able and right in anoth­er time and place, these emo­tion­al com­plex­es have
no healthy, func­tion­al pur­pose for you in the present day…

With Mer­cury ret­ro­grade you are able to
step “out­side” of your­self and see how some of these old and familiar
pat­terns were devel­oped as respons­es to needs and cir­cum­stances long ago, but
now they have become pat­terns of Reac­tion, they only serve to hold you back in the
Now…and so you must take out your “Sword of Sev­er­ance” and cut
these chords of emo­tion­al bondage and so free your­self to choose new responses
to your own needs as well as for those for whom you care…

Let Her­mes take you inside, to your Home
that is within…

For there at the Core of you, there
resides the “Pearl of Great Price”…

It is your Self, your Beloved who is
your expe­ri­ence of Well-Being…

Of being Home, and Secure and Centered
no mat­ter what.

For this Cen­ter that is you, is also the
Cen­ter of the One.

And so you will remem­ber, again, and smile as you

You are already, you are always and forever…

You are Home.

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