Monthly Archives: July 2013

Mars Square Uranus (July 31, 2013)


and Desire

Anoth­er ques­tion is traced across your Star­ry Spaces…

Are you hear­ken­ing to the Wind of the Spir­it, lift­ing you clos­er to your Path of

Or are you still more unaware (and so
ensnared) by your more defen­sive, self­ish and Self-Destruc­tive Desires?

For your Hope and Faith are found­ed upon
this Key, that you stay aligned with your True path of Growth which is found in your attentiveness
to that small, gen­tle voice of your High­er Self, and so guid­ed by this Loving
Illu­mi­na­tion you may firm­ly place your­self upon the Path of those who have gone before you…a Gold­en, Noble Path: 

Think­ing, Right Action!

Mars is your Avatar of Action, serving
you always as you seek to extend and secure for your­self what­ev­er you
under­stand to be your aim or inten­tion. But that is the key to how Mars will work
in your life…Your Under­stand­ing or Lev­el of Con­scious­ness is the key element
in ascer­tain­ing what is your Moti­va­tion (and so what it is you Desire or Aspire
to)…and it is this which sets in place your Aims and Inten­tions, and from
these there unfolds those Actions which nec­es­sar­i­ly fol­low from these
Ener­gy-Forms of your Consciousness.

Uranus is your Avatar of Aware­ness, known
as the Awak­en­er, he brings to you the gift of a Freer Mind so that you might
lift your aware­ness to a high­er plane of per­cep­tion and under­stand­ing. Behind
and beyond the Log­i­cal or Rea­son­ing Mind, and what is actu­al­ly the very Source,
Sup­port and Inspi­ra­tion of your “low­er mind”, there resides what is known
as the Bud­dhi Con­scious­ness or High­er Mind (or Man­as), which is the Intuitive
or Know­ing Mind of your High­er Self. 

When­ev­er there is a shift of consciousness,
wher­ev­er great break­throughs in Col­lec­tive or Indi­vid­ual Under­stand­ing have
been (Joy­ful­ly) expe­ri­enced, they have all come through this capac­i­ty (which
resides with­in you because you are a won­drous spark of the Divine)…This Gift from your
High­er Self inspires you so that you are able to slip beyond the bound­aries of
what is expect­ed and acceptable. 

You can let go of your lim­it­ed certainties
and think “out­side the box”, beyond the par­a­digm of this present
“real­i­ty”, move beyond your old Thought-Forms, of more lim­it­ed Mind and Actions, which have cre­at­ed the dilemmas
and dead-ends of that very state of consciousness…For it is this old way of
Think­ing-Being which is the root cause of your prob­lems, and that giv­en those
shad­owed assump­tions, those obsta­cles remain unsolv­able at your low­er lev­el of understanding.

And so Lord Uranus, as the Avatar of
your High­er Mind, leans in and releas­es those Bolts of Light…and you can see
beyond your Self-Cast shad­ows, beyond the bound­aries of what is possible…to
what has been as yet only a dream…and you see it there, the New World…It is
a realm found­ed upon Freer Minds, Inspired to more Self-Ful­fill­ing Actions made
pos­si­ble by these Freer Spaces of greater Self-Real­iza­tion for you and your

And here too is part of the les­son and
wis­dom that is illus­trat­ed here for you by Uranus and Mars…for your Free­dom is not
for you, or not for you alone. Because Free­dom can nev­er be so expe­ri­enced or
even exist…Your exer­cise of greater Self-Real­iza­tion depends upon build­ing ever
bet­ter Shared Sacred Spaces where each and every Self-Unfold­ing Self can also
seek their Self-Real­iza­tion, to ful­fill them­selves as you do likewise.

Your Actions to cre­ate a greater space
of Self-Real­iza­tion can­not come from tak­ing the space of anoth­er, your Free­dom can­not be “tak­en” from
anoth­er, for this is also For­bid­den to you. Kar­ma is per­fect, and how you treat anoth­er is what will be returned to you…some day. 

The only way to ful­fill your­self is to grow
the space of Free­dom and Self-Real­iza­tion for one anoth­er, to grow togeth­er in Wis­dom and Right Action, to build and grow your own Sacred Space which can only exist and inte­gral­ly depends upon these Shared Sacred Spaces that you cre­ate with and for one anoth­er. For who is before you is anoth­er spark of the Divine, they are you and you are they…forever.

And those who have gone ahead…

Who have reached that far­ther shore,

of lib­er­a­tion and beauty.

They now turn and wait, 

They extend their hearts and hands…

For they know that Free­dom will be…

When all have reached…

That beau­ti­ful, sacred shore. 

Nir­vana, Elysium…


Mars Opposite Pluto (July 27, 2013)


Desire and Will

And the ques­tion you must ever face is
are you…

Are you Self-Masterful…do you have

Mars is your Avatar of Action, serving
your Self (The Sun), as he push­es out­ward beyond what you have so far
estab­lished into spaces of greater self-real­iza­tion, as you seek to unfold your
poten­tial, to ful­fill your Aims, Inten­tions and Desires…

Plu­to is your Avatar of Will, serv­ing your
Self, as he ever works to estab­lish and main­tain the sacred space of you with­in which you abide, and he also equal­ly helps you to nav­i­gate your
inter­ac­tions with the innu­mer­able sacred spaces of those around you too…

The ques­tion that is always before you
con­cerns this inte­gral bal­ance between Self-Con­trol and Self-Asser­tion, between
pre­vent­ing anoth­er from Tres­pass­ing upon your sacred space, and your equal
require­ment to hon­or the sacred space of the every oth­er as well.

Since your nature is to grow, to expand
this expe­ri­ence of self-real­iza­tion, the ener­gies and forms of your Sacred
Space must grow too…But this growth can­not come at the expense of anoth­er, it
can­not be the vio­la­tion of their right­ful, sacred space of self-realization…just
as their efforts can­not come at the expense of your sacred domain.

This is what the Mars/Pluto opposition
is singing to you of today…that you are a pow­er­ful being, with an
ever-expand­ing range of abil­i­ties that must be matched and mod­u­lat­ed by your
Con­scious­ness. So you must con­tain your­self, restrain your­self by using your
will for Self-Con­trol and nev­er, ever seek to dom­i­nate or con­trol another…for
that is the great­est error, that is for­bid­den to you, for in this you Trespass
upon the sacred­ness of another…and Kar­ma, well Kar­ma is per­fect, and what
comes down will come around.

So if you find your­self in a
cir­cum­stance where anoth­er is attempt­ing to force you to do or not do
some­thing, or you find your­self dri­ven by ego and fear, seized with a
com­pul­sion to impose your will upon another…Whatever it may be, it must stop…for
this is a mis­use of your will or theirs…and this will not take you to what
you tru­ly desire.

The noble path that you seek, your one
True Path, is to turn most of your pow­er back upon your­self, to wield your will
so as to become even more Self-Mas­ter­ful, exer­cis­ing ever greater Self-Control
so that you become Cen­tered and Secure, so that you abide in the Love that is
with­in you…and by this effort you will let go of your need to change another,
for you know that this is not “The Way”.

The Spir­i­tu­al Way is to lead by

To be an authen­tic light of Wis­dom, Love
and Self-mastery.

Where your desire has become Aspiration…

Where your will has found The Way.

To fol­low always that intu­itive whisper…

That kind­ly voice within…

To always and forevermore, 

Let Thy Will be done.

Venus Opposite Neptune (July 26, 2013)


Do you know what you want…

and do you know what you have?

Well, it is that time again…

You need to pause, step back and
con­sid­er what is val­ue, what is beauty…

and what is Love to you.

Venus is your Avatar of Val­ue, your
guide to what you want and the keep­er of your heart. She is shin­ing through the
win­dow of Vir­go now, and your aes­thet­ic and social sen­si­bil­i­ties are more
dis­cern­ing and exact­ing than usual…

How­ev­er, there can come a point, that
tip­ping point or moment of inflec­tion, at which your jour­ney through Vir­go can
turn from being won­der­ful­ly atten­tive, mov­ing beyond a greater clar­i­ty to a more
crit­i­cal, exact­ing and cool­er dispensation…and this, well this is often found
to be less welcome…

Whether you are look­ing in the mir­ror of
your own life, or assess­ing the world about you, your sharp­ness and judgment
can go too far, for you will find faults and fail­ings every­where, in yourself
and in this world, for both are works in progress…and so your dis­cern­ing eyes
will leave you lost in those frac­tured frag­ments of that greater mosa­ic of your
life which is still unfolding.

So it is quite won­der­ful to have this
beau­ti­ful reminder from Nep­tune, who is swing­ing through her home sign of
Pisces now…For, as in any con­tra­po­si­tion, Nep­tune is here to offer an answer
and balm to the Venus mod­u­la­tion in Vir­go now.

For as much as dis­cern­ment and
refine­ment are part of your jour­ney of val­ue, beau­ty and love, it is then even
more nec­es­sary to remem­ber and hold with the greater Love and Grace that arise
in the One­ness of all of Life, that all are one in Spir­it, all are of the One…who is Love.

Com­pas­sion, empa­thy and your Unconditional
Love forge your accep­tance of imper­fec­tion and equal­ly shine a light on your path­way towards Perfection…Neptune in Pisces reminds you of this and forms the very means by which you become
this Self-Unfold­ing wonder…For your Self-Becom­ing is premised upon you being this unique work in
progress, as you jour­ney from the less­er to the greater in life after life after life…

Love your­self and one another…

With Dis­cern­ment…

And Com­pas­sion too.

For you are not yet what you will become…

But only Love will take you there.

Full Moon in Aquarius (July 22, 2013)


Luna’s has reached her out­er bounds, she
is out there shin­ing for you beyond Earth­’s Ellip­ti­cal Path, form­ing what is always
a most need­ed and nec­es­sary coun­ter­point to her com­pan­ion, your Star. For this
is Luna’s role, to be the medi­a­tor between you and the pow­er­ful ener­gies which
sweep around and through you, she is there to nur­ture, to care and provide…

Today you have entered into a new realm,
it is the Sun’s time in Leo, and so Luna’s role at this Full Moon, as always,
is to be a bal­ance of that for you, to offer the nec­es­sary balm and guid­ance so
that you might find your way and stay upon the Noble Mid­dle Path of the
Inte­gral Life…

For with the Sun in Leo, you have your Burning
Bright desire, to have that sig­nal recog­ni­tion, to be what you are, to be authentic
and true…But you may strive over­much, to so be your­self that you for­get that your
life and your mean­ings are not for you alone.

For although you are a unique experience
and expres­sion of sen­si­bil­i­ties and gifts, these are found­ed and formed by more
than just you, they are shared, shaped and bound­ed by those with whom you
journey…your stal­wart stew­ards, your friends and com­pan­ions whose dreams are
yours and yours is theirs too.

Your decla­ma­tions and dis­plays, your
brav­ery and courage, can only find ful­fill­ment in this Greater Life, a life that
you dream and share with those who accom­pa­ny you…Luna
reminds you now, that as you strive to be even more what you can be…she reminds
you what this is tru­ly for, that you are here to Dare and Dream for one another… 

You ful­fill yourself…

and ful­fill one another.

For your Dreams are made,

of and by one another. 

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2013)


There is no deny­ing it, this is a very busy
day of Plan­e­tary shift­ing and align­ments. Com­ing right after Venus moves into
Vir­go, the Sun also shifts into that Mid­dle Sign of Sum­mer, Leo…and then
about two hours lat­er you encounter a Full Moon in Aquar­ius too! No won­der your
head and heart are spin­ning! So take a deep breath, hold it and then release,
because what you are feel­ing is, well it is real­ly real…

The Sun arch­es now into his Hall of
Mir­rors, where reflec­tions bounce from one pres­ence to anoth­er, all eyes seeking
that sign of recog­ni­tion, to be beheld by anoth­er as you tru­ly are, that reas­sur­ing sense…“I
Am that, I Am!”

For hav­ing found and felt in the time of
Can­cer, embraced and cen­tered by those root ener­gies which lead back to your
ori­gins, you felt equal­ly drawn towards the promise sub­lime, the
path­way of your Destiny…

And so it is now in Leo that must sally
forth, as you seek to show your­self and the world who and what you tru­ly are…Yes,
you have met a lit­tle more of your­self at your Cen­ter, and you have need to
hold to what you remem­bered, to be how you felt, and become who you will be…In
Leo you must be you, and you must Perform!

You must stretch your­self now, extending
your role and reach upon the stages of life you have prepared…Or per­haps you
are ready, to go beyond what was attempt­ed, to take your­self, to reveal
your­self by and through an entire­ly new role and realm…

You respond to the inspi­ra­tion that
aris­es from with­in you, and by your exam­ple you inspire oth­ers to do likewise,
to reach with­in them­selves and dream and do beyond what they were before, so they
like you may reach a lit­tle high­er too.

For Leo must lead, to be a light and
inspi­ra­tion unto oth­ers, and you must do this for one anoth­er, for each needs
the oth­er to be, to be seen for who you are, to be authen­tic, to have and bestow respect and
honor…for what you are, you are together.

To become and be seen for who you truly

Requires the con­sid­er­a­tion of others…

Who see and encour­age you to be just

And so you must do the same.

For with­in each and every one of you…

There burns the Eter­nal Flame.

You Bow to one anoth­er, for you

See beyond that mor­tal frame.

You are Stars in the Making…

Your Des­tiny, this Creation…

The play with­in the Play.