Saturn Turns Direct & Venus Trine Uranus (July 7, 2013)


Lord of Forms and Real­i­ty stands still as he turns to move for­ward again
through Scor­pio until March 2014…It is time for you to turn the focus of your
atten­tion from inner to out­er realms, as you take with you now a deeper
under­stand­ing of what hopes and fears you bring into this sacred space of unions.

The past sev­er­al months have giv­en you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reflect
upon what may hold you back from an even deep­er con­nec­tion with the one before
you. You would have encoun­tered what Sat­urn in Scor­pio will and must always
show you…That your long­ing for this deep­er Union must face the chal­lenge of
your Fears, for you have been here before, and your self-cast shad­ows of doubt
might bring about the very thing you wish to avoid, your fears will make
man­i­fest some form of rejec­tion, sep­a­ra­tion or loss rather than a deeper
bond­ing with one another.

What you require is a fear­less faith based upon a deeper
under­stand­ing of what core Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Val­ues makes you who you
are…That the pre­req­ui­site for Union is met by a truer Union with one­self, for
by this you will deter­mine how and what you are will­ing to sac­ri­fice in order
to cre­ate the con­di­tions for this union, but also there­by know which sacrifices
are too great…That it would be to no avail to sac­ri­fice what makes you and
cre­ate a Union, only to real­ize that the real you is not to be a part of it!

Yes, all com­bi­na­tions require that you make a Sac­ri­fice, but the
true mean­ing of that word means to “Make Sacred”, you are asked to
give up the less­er parts of your­self, but to always and for­ev­er hon­or, preserve
and pro­tect your Spir­i­tu­al Core. Yes sac­ri­fices will hurt, for you are attached
to many less­er things in your life, but the glo­ry and gain of a deep­er union
will be so much more for you and your beloved too.

So now you can turn with this greater Self-Knowl­edge, you can form
and forge your joint endeav­ors upon a sig­nif­i­cant shar­ing of com­mon val­ues and
interests…If there is enough val­ue shared between you, then you can hold to
one anoth­er, help one anoth­er, and actu­al­ly bring about a quick­en­ing of your
prin­ci­ple pur­pose which is to Grow…For it is in your com­bi­na­tion with one
anoth­er that you expe­ri­ence an inte­gral self-trans­for­ma­tion through the mutual
sup­port you give to one anoth­er. In your Sac­ri­fice, Join­ing and
Self-Tran­scen­dence you and they become more than you could, even if you were
some­how able to go for­ward alone.

But you also come togeth­er pre­cise­ly for what is not shared, because
each of you is spe­cial, dif­fer­ent and unique from one anoth­er, and so you come
into unions to com­ple­ment one anoth­er. You come togeth­er to work, to play to
grow because you are dif­fer­ent from one anoth­er and in your com­bi­na­tion with
each oth­er you are able to become so much more than you could ever be on your
own. You need your com­mon, shared bonds which form the basis of your joining,
but the rich­ness and reward of your union comes from your dif­fer­ences with one
another…and this is where today’s oth­er aspect is adding a spe­cial gift and
mes­sage to your Union Making… 




today Venus aligns most beau­ti­ful­ly with Uranus, and the Avatar of Val­ue is
graced by the Avatar of Individuality…and it is pre­cise­ly at such a time that
you can and should be delight­ed by and cel­e­brate how each of you is tru­ly a
unique aspect or spark of the Divine too…

Each of you has spe­cial qual­i­ties, sen­si­bil­i­ties and contributions
to make, and your Unions depend upon these as much as they are found­ed and
secured by what you have in com­mon in your core com­mit­ments and shared values.

For what you are and would become is some­thing spe­cial, each spark
of the Divine is here to come into and real­ize its own spe­cial song in the
Cho­rus of the Cosmos…and so you need to acknowl­edge this to one
anoth­er, sup­port one anoth­er in your dif­fer­ences and so dis­cov­er more in and
through one anoth­er about your­self and about these worlds through which you
jour­ney. You must forge a Union with one anoth­er that does not bind you blindly
to one anoth­er, but serves to estab­lish a greater space of free­dom to be, that
lib­er­ates your spir­its to soar into greater ranges of self-realization. 

You are free because you are com­mit­ted to one anoth­er, knowing
that each is there for the oth­er, secure­ly found­ed upon your core beliefs and
principles…and, you are also there for one anoth­er with that Uncon­di­tion­al Love which finds its true joy in the ful­fill­ment of one anoth­er’s jour­ney of
self-becom­ing. For each must ful­fill their pur­pose as a unique spark with­in the
Flame of Spir­it, and to do this you must hon­or, respect and sup­port one another…you must find your love in the jour­ney of the oth­er too…

You are here to grow, for your­self and for one another…

You do this by join­ing with one anoth­er in what you share…

And by tak­ing your delights in what is dif­fer­ent too.

By forg­ing Unions which Free you to become…

You reflect the greater Light with­in which you abide.

The Love of the One…

Hold­ing you to one another…

In the Ever­last­ing Union,

That is the Wis­dom, Love and Will

Of the One.

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