Daily Archives: July 8, 2013

Mercury Conjunct Sun (July 9, 2013)


Your answer is here…

But of course, things are not quite ever
what they seem, no indeed…

For exam­ple, from your per­spec­tive here
on Earth, Mer­cury has been mov­ing ret­ro­grade since June 26, pro­vid­ing you with
a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to reflect and reex­am­ine the root con­nec­tions between
your Feel­ings and your Mind.

But tru­ly, it is Mer­cury who is
“catch­ing up” to you here on Earth, and pass­ing you on the inside
track of his orbit, com­ing between you and the Sun and today form­ing the
align­ment known as a Con­junc­tion (which is like a New Moon for your Mind).

So real­ly it is you here on Earth, it is
you who appears to be going back­wards com­pared to the pace and posi­tion of
Mer­cury, as Her­mes cir­cles the Sun over four times to your one Earth-bound
year…As in all mat­ters, the facts depend upon your per­spec­tive, the
“truth” that you can per­ceive, (and that you seek to obtain so as to gain
some mea­sure of certainty/security), is always rel­a­tive to your posi­tion, it is
always to be under­stood as lim­it­ed by your aware­ness and lev­el of

Three times dur­ing your year, Mercury
will seem­ing­ly turn around and come back across the face of the Sun, but it is
real­ly Mer­cury who is rac­ing up, catch­es you and pass­es by…and as he comes
between you and your Star, much like in a New Moon, there is formed and released
for you yet anoth­er pre­cious seed of understanding…And the ques­tions and
con­cerns you have pon­dered of late may find an answer.

For Mer­cury’s gift will
always pro­vide the poten­tial for resolv­ing or eas­ing some ques­tion or questions
that have been formed in your life, but whose answer or res­o­lu­tion seems just
out of reach…but you must be ready, will­ing and able to receive this gift…you
must open your mind and your heart, you must be ready to let go of your
cer­tain­ties and engage your capac­i­ty for a per­cep­tu­al shift.

The mes­sage of Mercury/Sun in Cancer
reminds you that your most won­der­ful low­er, rea­son­ing and objec­tive­ly focused
mind is indeed a mighty ser­vant but a most lim­it­ed mas­ter, it can only take you
so far, for it can only take you to the bound­ary of what you present­ly know and
believe to be true…But to obtain the answers to your prob­lems, the very
prob­lems formed by you, that you cre­ate by your very per­spec­tive or point of
view, to find your way out of your self-made maze requires you to move beyond your
assump­tions and per­spec­tives, to rise above your lim­it­ed paradigm. 

You need to
expand into a more inclu­sive, nuanced and liv­ing under­stand­ing which is there
for you, always. But it is not “out there”…it is ever wait­ing for you,
abid­ing there with­in your heart, seat­ed in your Soul, the cen­ter that you call your
High­er Self.

First by the ret­ro­grade, you have obtained
a refresh­ing return to the roots of your being, remind­ing you that at the core
of you resides the Watch­er watch­ing, observ­ing and patient­ly wait­ing for you to
lis­ten to the Song of Spirit…And when you hear this sweet whis­per it will
reawak­en and quick­en your Intu­ition­al Self, your Self-Know­ing that lifts
and expands your Perceptions…It is this Grace offered by You to you, and all
that is required is your atten­tive­ness, your lov­ing regard for and returned by
your High­er Self.

For alone you can­not become more than
your conditioning…but you are not alone, not from your begin­ning and unto the
day of your final awak­en­ing, there is the Always the one who is there, whose
whole being aches for your self-unfold­ment, for your real­iza­tion of your true
nature, of your sub­lime state of Being, which is just beyond, yet always so
near at hand.

Today you can move anoth­er step

You will go to bed with a question…

And a whis­per and gen­tle touch will
remind you…

That you have only to believe, to have

And calm­ly ask for guidance.

Then you will dis­cov­er, when

You open your eyes, now filled with

That your prayer was the answer…

Your Faith, is the Bridge…

To the Song of Songs.