Mars Enters Cancer (July 13, 2013)


Your Avatar of Action splash­es into the
Waters of Life…

The final Cho­ris­ter in this Sum­mer Song
of Spir­it is now in place for the Grand Align­ment that embraces your world now.
For it is just ahead, around the next bend in the Riv­er of Life, where the
Lords Jupiter, Sat­urn and Nep­tune will align in a most beau­ti­ful and benefic
Grand Trine of Water and offer to you their Trip­tych of Truth, bestow­ing their Gifts
of Car­ing, Union and Grace.

With Mars in Can­cer for the next forty-five
days, you will feel, focus and act with deep­er con­vic­tions, as you align
your­self to and expe­ri­ence the inspi­ra­tion and guid­ance bestowed by this Sign
of your Center…

Yes, it is time to act with greater
Feel­ing, to strive for deep­er Secu­ri­ty and pur­pose­ly demon­strate that your
Inten­tion is, always and will for­ev­er be to Care for one another.

For this is your Path of
Self-Unfold­ment, because you are guid­ed by a fun­da­men­tal truth that was founded
by your Ori­gin, by what lies at the Root of You. You are here for one
rea­son, To Grow…And in so doing you will slow­ly but sure­ly acquire a more
encom­pass­ing under­stand­ing of your­self and of those with whom you journey.

And as you lift up your Self-Awareness
you will even­tu­al­ly come to a most beau­ti­ful Self-Real­iza­tion, that all of your
actions must be guid­ed by a sim­ple yet pro­found Under­stand­ing: That you and every
par­ti­cle of Cre­ation are part of a great fam­i­ly of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.
That Wher­ev­er, What­ev­er or Whomev­er you have before you, you must in the end act
with the under­stand­ing that here before me is my Moth­er, my Father, my Sister,
my Brother…that there is but One Spir­it and all of this Cre­ation, all of it
is in truth my Family.

Your jour­ney on Earth brings you out
from that most inti­mate cir­cle of your cen­tered aware­ness, where­in you pursue
per­son­al­ly cir­cum­scribed actions that are formed and bound­ed by your
iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with your imme­di­ate roots, by your feel­ings for Kith and Kin, of
friend and fam­i­ly, and this is quite nat­ur­al, right and understandable…

But over time, you will real­ize that your
well-being and future becomes inti­mate­ly woven into and secured by your ever
expand­ing lev­el of con­scious­ness and cir­cle of life …so that over time you come
to under­stand that your secu­ri­ty and cen­ter is inte­gral­ly tied to the fortunes
and fate of one and all…

Although you can take great com­fort in
how far humans have come in our Fam­i­ly Jour­ney, you must acknowl­edge that when
at least one-third of the world meets the ris­ing sun as they saw it set, that
their most basic needs are not met, that their day begins and ends in hunger
and star­va­tion, that in such a world you should and will find no com­fort, no
peace and no security…no, not really…

So your dri­ve for secu­ri­ty, your
striv­ing for your fam­i­ly and home, it needs to grow as must you…to whatever
extent you can feel, focus and extend your car­ing for one anoth­er, you will and
must do so as you expe­ri­ence this Greater Fam­i­ly, this Tree of Life, that needs
you as you need it too…because you care, because you are cared for too.

For we are all related…

As we are All for One and One for All.

From the beginning…

Until the final hour.

One Fam­i­ly, One Life…

One Home.

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