Daily Archives: July 16, 2013

Uranus Turns Retrograde (July 17, 2013 — December 17, 2013)


Uranus stands still, and your Mind is
turn­ing too…You and he are turn­ing around today, which adds anoth­er important,
though seem­ing­ly con­tra­pun­tal melody to the cho­rus of the Grand Trine in Water
this week.

Yes, though it indeed appears as if this
is a con­trary voice to those offered to you by those caress­ing, embrac­ing and
most Watery themes of Secu­ri­ty, Union and Faith, your true nature is formed by
and will always be revealed in this Rain­bow Song of Spirit…For this is the Way: you will always find your
true Joy and Ful­fill­ment in a Cel­e­bra­tion of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Togeth­er­ness, of
Uni­ty and Diversity.

Uranus is your Avatar of Authen­tic­i­ty, Individuality
and Free­dom and he will now take you on anoth­er five month jour­ney within
your­self, to help you con­tin­ue your path of dis­cov­ery and becoming…For he is
The Awak­en­er, help­ing you to find and fol­low that won­drous, cir­cuitous and
self-unfold­ing path where­in you will reveal your Self to your­self, where you
will become some­thing more than you thought or imagined…

Uranus turns your focus inward now, to
illu­mi­nate and help you to release your­self from your pre­cious Thought-Forms,
your hard one per­spec­tives and knowledge…for these also bequeathed to you your
shad­owed mind, held in thrall to self-made bounds and bound­aries, forged by
what were nec­es­sar­i­ly your more lim­it­ed Assump­tions and Per­cep­tions of yourself
(and then of your world).

Uranus stuns and quick­ens your lower
mind with a jolt of the Con­trary, the prover­bial “Ah Hah”, and as you
pause, ques­tion­ing now your assump­tions, a dif­fer­ent light will shine upon you…You
are giv­en a lit­tle more help as you lis­ten for, turn to and so lift and expand
your low­er mind by this gift of let­ting go of your cer­tain­ties that no longer
explain your expe­ri­ences. This gift is lov­ing­ly offered to you by your Higher
Self, who is the one who is always there, the Watch­er who watch­es and waits for
the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help you to rise a lit­tle higher…

Your High­er Self is the Stead­fast one,
and through the Avatar of Uranus he offers you this Gift, the path­way towards
the Light of a Greater Understanding…

The Keep­er of this Flame pass­es the
Light from one to the next, and to the next…

For all are part of a vast Ocean…

Of a Greater Con­scious­ness in which you

But which also needs you to become…

What you are meant to be.

Each step you take will bring you that
much closer…

To the Cross­ing Point…

Where you leave behind the Darkness.…

As you step into the Light.

Jupiter Trines Saturn and Neptune & Saturn Trines Neptune (July 17–19, 2013)


This is the cli­max of the Grand
Align­ment of Water for 2013, now come into this week of its per­fect­ed fullness.
Here is what I wrote about this in my Gen­er­al Forecast:

in Can­cer serves to restore and renew your feel­ings of secu­ri­ty that originate
in your most inti­mate and pro­found expe­ri­ence that you are con­nect­ed or part of
some­thing greater than just your­self. As you grow and devel­op, in life after
life, you will find your own true cen­ter by being and belong­ing with one
anoth­er. It will usu­al­ly begin in your affec­tions and bonds expe­ri­enced in your
imme­di­ate fam­i­ly group, and it will slow­ly and increas­ing­ly extend itself in
any life, (and over many life­times, in life after life), into your
ever-unfold­ing expan­sion of con­scious­ness and spir­i­tu­al connectedness.

sense of belong­ing, of root­ed­ness and secu­ri­ty, expands from your immediate
fam­i­ly out­ward to your vil­lage, and then per­haps it may move out fur­ther to a
local area of sev­er­al com­mu­ni­ties. Then it con­tin­ues to grow out­ward even
fur­ther in your belong­ing to some group­ing per­haps ground­ed in your identity
with an eth­nic group, and then per­haps into some greater group­ing of many
eth­nic­i­ties. Even­tu­al­ly you find an even larg­er sense of iden­ti­ty and meaning
with­in an ever more com­plex cul­ture and soci­ety, until you final­ly experience
your pro­found famil­iar­i­ty with all who jour­ney in the fam­i­ly known as

fun­da­men­tal spir­i­tu­al truth of con­nect­ed­ness will final­ly blos­som forth, as you
reach the “promised land”, the pro­found spir­i­tu­al epiphany of understanding
that all life is one, all beings are one with one anoth­er, that every­thing in
this cos­mos is a spark of the one Great Spir­it in whom we live and love and
find our true being.

it is from Jupiter’s mean­ings as mod­u­lat­ed by the Sign of Can­cer that you can
find the first of three offer­ings to help you nav­i­gate the year ahead. But
there is much to be hoped for here, because Jupiter is but one part of a gift
of inspi­ra­tion and mean­ing that comes with­in a three-fold bless­ing from your
Star­ry com­pan­ions this year. For what Jupiter is anchor­ing and car­ry­ing forward
to you in August is the mean­ing and mes­sage of the oth­er great align­ment this
year, and which will most thank­ful­ly still be in force dur­ing Jupiter’s August
align­ments with Uranus and Pluto…it is the radi­ant beau­ty of the year, the
Grand Trine in Water of Jupiter, Sat­urn and Neptune.

The Grand Water Trine, Jupiter, Saturn
and Nep­tune July 17–19, 2013

can for­get as we go about our busy lives “down here”, we can forget
how mag­i­cal and how full of mean­ing were the pat­terns dis­cerned by our
ances­tors. How they mar­veled at what stood revealed in this great pageantry
that sweeps before us every day and night by our Star­ry com­pa­ny, those constant
com­pan­ions who dance and form beau­ti­ful, intri­cate and mean­ing­ful pat­terns all
around us. Yes, we can miss the signs and por­tents because we do not see them
or even look for them any­more, but they are there…these Guardians of Life
con­tin­ue their won­drous weav­ing, help­ing us to under­stand our great unfolding
jour­ney through the spaces of space, our walk among stars.

these plan­e­tary pat­terns are hard­er to dis­cern, and their true sig­nif­i­cance and
mean­ing even more hid­den from you. But this mid-sum­mer align­ment of Jupiter,
Sat­urn and Nep­tune will, even if not seen, be felt by many…it will be
beau­ti­ful to behold and its mes­sage is sweet and deep.

aspects between plan­ets, formed by their angu­lar sep­a­ra­tion from one another,
can be under­stood by divid­ing the Cir­cle of Life by a par­tic­u­lar num­ber. The
divi­sion of the Cir­cle, which is 360 degrees in cir­cum­fer­ence, by the num­ber 2
cre­ates the oppo­si­tion of 180 degrees. The divi­sion by the num­ber 4 cre­ates the
square aspect of 90 degrees. And for our pur­pos­es this July, the divi­sion of
the Cir­cle of Life by the num­ber 3 forms the Trine aspect of 120 degrees.

three plan­ets line up equal­ly spaced from one anoth­er, it is called a Grand
Trine because the pat­tern is formed by divid­ing the cir­cle of space around you
into three equal por­tions, and find­ing that at each divid­ing point there stands
a plan­et equal­ly dis­tant from the oth­er two along the cir­cle. This divi­sion by
three res­onates with a har­mon­ic that rep­re­sents a poised bal­ance of energies
that are being focused through three dis­tinct avatars, in this case by Jupiter
in Can­cer and Sat­urn in Scor­pio and Nep­tune in Pisces. The Grand Trine of July
is all about the Mean­ing and Pow­er of the ele­ment of Water. It is through these
three Avatars in Water that you will receive inspi­ra­tion to help you walk your
path of des­tiny in this time of great and trans­for­ma­tion­al change.

already observed the con­tri­bu­tion of Jupiter, let us turn our atten­tion to the
oth­er two Lords, and then turn and see how all three avatars will com­bine and
con­tribute to a greater influ­ence too.

mes­sage of Sat­urn in Scor­pio res­onates with the strength, pow­er and depth of feeling
that abides in the expe­ri­ence of Union. For as much as Jupiter in Cancer
upholds the truth of find­ing your con­nec­tion to one anoth­er by look­ing to the
past, to what you and all around you have come through and from, Sat­urn in
Scor­pio holds out the neces­si­ty of deal­ing with your ever-resur­gent need, your
yearn­ing neces­si­ty to cross the divide that seem­ing­ly sep­a­rates you from one
anoth­er and so find your greater strength in join­ing togeth­er in your sacred
unions. For when two or more are gath­ered togeth­er, unit­ed in a com­mon purpose
for which each has made a right­ful sac­ri­fice, it is from such acts that the
mag­ic and pow­er of spir­i­tu­al growth is in fact real­ized and released. For it is
not enough to remem­ber and hon­or from where you came, it is equal­ly important
to work togeth­er, to forge deep­er under­stand­ings, to share in the joys and
bur­dens of life and so con­tin­ue to walk this spir­i­tu­al path of your
self-becom­ing, self-unfoldment…together.

mes­sage of Nep­tune in Pisces, like bells peal­ing in a dew kissed morning,
thrill with the third and final form of Water-Feel­ing, which is that numinous
force that resides with­in each par­ti­cle of this cre­ation, pro­vid­ing the impetus
that inspir­its the lives of all who jour­ney with­in this cos­mos. The cre­ative force
that is behind all of the phe­nom­e­na in this uni­verse is known by many names.
For many it is called Faith, some would say it is their Dreams or the pow­er of
the Imag­i­na­tion, but none can tru­ly cap­ture the mys­tery behind what flows
through each and every being, that leads them out from with­in, as they unfold
as the sparks of the Divine, these self-becom­ings who ever strive to grow, to
become some­thing more.

it is this feel­ing that binds all as one and one to the All, and that leads all
out so as to grow beyond what they have so far cre­at­ed, to walk the path­ways of
light and love out­ward into the spaces of space, out upon their wondrous,
spi­ral­ing jour­ney. It is this Great Jour­ney which will even­tu­al­ly bring them
back to return as some­thing more, hav­ing become so much more than what they
were, when they return home again.

as much as Jupiter in Can­cer will pro­vide you with your foun­da­tion of feeling,
and Sat­urn in Scor­pio will teach you about the courage you have with­in you to
reach out and join with one anoth­er, it is Nep­tune in Pisces who com­pletes your
cir­cle of life, Nep­tune brings it all togeth­er by singing to you of your
ever-renascent pow­er, forged in your begin­ning by your nature as a spark of the
Divine and that holds you as one of count­less cre­ators who need but dream of a
bet­ter world…and it will be so.

this is how the Uni­verse came to be and con­tin­ues to become, because your
Spir­it is the very essence of it all, the pow­er behind your Imag­i­na­tion, Dreams
and Faith…The Pow­er of your Becom­ing, The Pow­er of your Self.

these three, Jupiter, Sat­urn and Nep­tune can show you once again that you are
the mak­er, you are the Cre­ator of what you face now. That you can feel more
tru­ly the roots that hold you all togeth­er, that you can feel the greater joy
that comes from join­ing with one anoth­er, and that you can love and cre­ate a
bet­ter world by believ­ing and dream­ing for one another. 

this will be a year to remem­ber, and quite a sum­mer indeed. The energies
delin­eat­ed above will be build­ing in towards the end of June, grow­ing through
July and cli­max­ing in August. The con­tin­u­ing chal­lenge laid down to you by
Uranus and Plu­to may be some­what eased by these spir­i­tu­al ema­na­tions that come
from this grand align­ment of Plan­e­tary Lords, and equal­ly and most challenging
acti­vat­ed by the T‑Square formed by Jupiter too.

is much to be hoped for here. There is the hope offered in the Grand Trine that
per­haps the things which divide the many from one anoth­er will be sur­passed by
this greater under­stand­ing of our mutu­al need to sac­ri­fice for the greater good
of one another.

us hope, may we dream…and it shall be…

But there is more to today than just
this ful­fill­ment of the Watery Ways you are bound by and to one another…there
is anoth­er song being sung with­in this grand cho­rus of your Star­ry Com­pa­ny now,
and it is, of course, just what is you need so that you may stay more closely
upon the mid­dle path, that noble path of Wis­dom, Love and Purpose…

So please turn to the next entry, “Uranus Turns Ret­ro­grade and marvel
at the won­der of this Poly­phon­ic Melody, the Song of Spir­it, that is offered to
you by these Uni­ver­sal Ener­gies of which you are made and in which you abide…