Uranus Turns Retrograde (July 17, 2013 — December 17, 2013)


Uranus stands still, and your Mind is
turn­ing too…You and he are turn­ing around today, which adds anoth­er important,
though seem­ing­ly con­tra­pun­tal melody to the cho­rus of the Grand Trine in Water
this week.

Yes, though it indeed appears as if this
is a con­trary voice to those offered to you by those caress­ing, embrac­ing and
most Watery themes of Secu­ri­ty, Union and Faith, your true nature is formed by
and will always be revealed in this Rain­bow Song of Spirit…For this is the Way: you will always find your
true Joy and Ful­fill­ment in a Cel­e­bra­tion of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Togeth­er­ness, of
Uni­ty and Diversity.

Uranus is your Avatar of Authen­tic­i­ty, Individuality
and Free­dom and he will now take you on anoth­er five month jour­ney within
your­self, to help you con­tin­ue your path of dis­cov­ery and becoming…For he is
The Awak­en­er, help­ing you to find and fol­low that won­drous, cir­cuitous and
self-unfold­ing path where­in you will reveal your Self to your­self, where you
will become some­thing more than you thought or imagined…

Uranus turns your focus inward now, to
illu­mi­nate and help you to release your­self from your pre­cious Thought-Forms,
your hard one per­spec­tives and knowledge…for these also bequeathed to you your
shad­owed mind, held in thrall to self-made bounds and bound­aries, forged by
what were nec­es­sar­i­ly your more lim­it­ed Assump­tions and Per­cep­tions of yourself
(and then of your world).

Uranus stuns and quick­ens your lower
mind with a jolt of the Con­trary, the prover­bial “Ah Hah”, and as you
pause, ques­tion­ing now your assump­tions, a dif­fer­ent light will shine upon you…You
are giv­en a lit­tle more help as you lis­ten for, turn to and so lift and expand
your low­er mind by this gift of let­ting go of your cer­tain­ties that no longer
explain your expe­ri­ences. This gift is lov­ing­ly offered to you by your Higher
Self, who is the one who is always there, the Watch­er who watch­es and waits for
the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help you to rise a lit­tle higher…

Your High­er Self is the Stead­fast one,
and through the Avatar of Uranus he offers you this Gift, the path­way towards
the Light of a Greater Understanding…

The Keep­er of this Flame pass­es the
Light from one to the next, and to the next…

For all are part of a vast Ocean…

Of a Greater Con­scious­ness in which you

But which also needs you to become…

What you are meant to be.

Each step you take will bring you that
much closer…

To the Cross­ing Point…

Where you leave behind the Darkness.…

As you step into the Light.

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