Daily Archives: July 19, 2013

Mercury Turns Direct (July 20, 2013)


Her­mes turns around, and so must you…

As not­ed in the entry for when Mer­cury
turned ret­ro­grade
, the par­tic­u­lar oppor­tu­ni­ty Mer­cury offered to
you for the past three weeks was that:

are able to step “out­side” of your­self and see how some of these old
and famil­iar pat­terns were devel­oped as respons­es to needs and circumstances
long ago, but now they have become pat­terns of Reac­tion, they only serve to
hold you back in the Now…and so you must take out your “Sword of
Sev­er­ance” and cut these chords of emo­tion­al bondage and so free yourself
to choose new respons­es to your own needs as well as for those for whom you

Your atten­tive­ness was turned back onto yourself,
and so you were able to regard with greater objec­tiv­i­ty those Feeling-Thought-Forms,
which run like tapes with­in you. Some­thing hap­pens, or does not hap­pen, with
regard to anoth­er, where­in action “A” leads auto­mat­i­cal­ly to reaction
“B”, which inevitably leads to result “C”.

There is very
lit­tle to no input or thought that you bring to these auto­mat­ic reac­tions, once
they start they often impel or com­pel you to be in a state of suspended
aware­ness as you go through the motion-emo­tion­al loop. The ques­tion then becomes, is this good or not for you (and them)?

These pat­terns of semi to unconscious
reac­tions allow you to live much of your life with­out too much think­ing, so
that many of your ordi­nary or dai­ly inter­ac­tions are put on
“auto­mat­ic”, which frees your mind to attend to oth­er mat­ters, and that is good. But these pat­terns also hold you in thrall, and often bind you to what­ev­er stage of
emo­tion­al aware­ness you were in when they were formed. They can take on a life
of their own, indeed becom­ing self-pre­serv­ing, deeply embed­ded ener­gy-forms that
are shaped by those Mem­o­ries-Rec­ol­lec­tions-Remem­brances of your “Life
Famil­iar”, of your home and fam­i­ly, as well as deeply root­ed in your ethnic
or cul­tur­al archetypes.

With Mer­cury ret­ro­grade in Can­cer, you
were able to some­what step out­side of this self-made pat­tern­ing, to watch yourself
and con­sid­er whether a par­tic­u­lar Reac­tion-Pat­tern was a mean­ing­ful response to present cir­cum­stances, the deter­min­ing fac­tor being whether it well met
your needs or that of anoth­er. Cer­tain­ly, many of these pat­terns serve a useful
pur­pose, but many can ben­e­fit from a review and revi­sion, and some, well some
need to be “erased” as they do not serve you well at all.

Hope­ful­ly, you took this oppor­tu­ni­ty to
clar­i­fy, cor­rect and clear your heart and mind as to what you need from the one
before you, and or what you could mean­ing­ful­ly offer to them. Then you could
choose to con­tin­ue with your now bet­ter informed reac­tion-pat­tern, or replace it
with a more evolved response to one another…

Mer­cury is Turning…

Time to turn your primary
atten­tion out­wards again…

To sal­ly forth with your New­found Understanding.

More aware of your Reac­tive, Past

You are able to Choose.

Act­ing now through more Meaningful

You the Self-Becom­ing Wonder…

Mov­ing out of Dark­ness and into the