Daily Archives: July 21, 2013

Full Moon in Aquarius (July 22, 2013)


Luna’s has reached her out­er bounds, she
is out there shin­ing for you beyond Earth­’s Ellip­ti­cal Path, form­ing what is always
a most need­ed and nec­es­sary coun­ter­point to her com­pan­ion, your Star. For this
is Luna’s role, to be the medi­a­tor between you and the pow­er­ful ener­gies which
sweep around and through you, she is there to nur­ture, to care and provide…

Today you have entered into a new realm,
it is the Sun’s time in Leo, and so Luna’s role at this Full Moon, as always,
is to be a bal­ance of that for you, to offer the nec­es­sary balm and guid­ance so
that you might find your way and stay upon the Noble Mid­dle Path of the
Inte­gral Life…

For with the Sun in Leo, you have your Burning
Bright desire, to have that sig­nal recog­ni­tion, to be what you are, to be authentic
and true…But you may strive over­much, to so be your­self that you for­get that your
life and your mean­ings are not for you alone.

For although you are a unique experience
and expres­sion of sen­si­bil­i­ties and gifts, these are found­ed and formed by more
than just you, they are shared, shaped and bound­ed by those with whom you
journey…your stal­wart stew­ards, your friends and com­pan­ions whose dreams are
yours and yours is theirs too.

Your decla­ma­tions and dis­plays, your
brav­ery and courage, can only find ful­fill­ment in this Greater Life, a life that
you dream and share with those who accom­pa­ny you…Luna
reminds you now, that as you strive to be even more what you can be…she reminds
you what this is tru­ly for, that you are here to Dare and Dream for one another… 

You ful­fill yourself…

and ful­fill one another.

For your Dreams are made,

of and by one another. 

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2013)


There is no deny­ing it, this is a very busy
day of Plan­e­tary shift­ing and align­ments. Com­ing right after Venus moves into
Vir­go, the Sun also shifts into that Mid­dle Sign of Sum­mer, Leo…and then
about two hours lat­er you encounter a Full Moon in Aquar­ius too! No won­der your
head and heart are spin­ning! So take a deep breath, hold it and then release,
because what you are feel­ing is, well it is real­ly real…

The Sun arch­es now into his Hall of
Mir­rors, where reflec­tions bounce from one pres­ence to anoth­er, all eyes seeking
that sign of recog­ni­tion, to be beheld by anoth­er as you tru­ly are, that reas­sur­ing sense…“I
Am that, I Am!”

For hav­ing found and felt in the time of
Can­cer, embraced and cen­tered by those root ener­gies which lead back to your
ori­gins, you felt equal­ly drawn towards the promise sub­lime, the
path­way of your Destiny…

And so it is now in Leo that must sally
forth, as you seek to show your­self and the world who and what you tru­ly are…Yes,
you have met a lit­tle more of your­self at your Cen­ter, and you have need to
hold to what you remem­bered, to be how you felt, and become who you will be…In
Leo you must be you, and you must Perform!

You must stretch your­self now, extending
your role and reach upon the stages of life you have prepared…Or per­haps you
are ready, to go beyond what was attempt­ed, to take your­self, to reveal
your­self by and through an entire­ly new role and realm…

You respond to the inspi­ra­tion that
aris­es from with­in you, and by your exam­ple you inspire oth­ers to do likewise,
to reach with­in them­selves and dream and do beyond what they were before, so they
like you may reach a lit­tle high­er too.

For Leo must lead, to be a light and
inspi­ra­tion unto oth­ers, and you must do this for one anoth­er, for each needs
the oth­er to be, to be seen for who you are, to be authen­tic, to have and bestow respect and
honor…for what you are, you are together.

To become and be seen for who you truly

Requires the con­sid­er­a­tion of others…

Who see and encour­age you to be just

And so you must do the same.

For with­in each and every one of you…

There burns the Eter­nal Flame.

You Bow to one anoth­er, for you

See beyond that mor­tal frame.

You are Stars in the Making…

Your Des­tiny, this Creation…

The play with­in the Play.

Venus Enters Virgo (July 22, 2013)


You live with­in a Mag­is­te­r­i­al Dance of the
Planets…Their wheels with­in wheels, spi­ral and arc beau­ti­ful­ly, sweep­ing and
weav­ing through Inner and Out­er Spaces, cre­at­ing for you a Liv­ing, Vibrant
pageantry of Ener­gies and Forms, Mean­ing­ful-Motions that tru­ly form the
Liv­ing Pres­ence of Spir­it, of the Now in your life.

In oth­er words, you live in an
ever-unfold­ing Astro­log­i­cal Chart of the Present, and the con­tin­u­ous series of
Plan­e­tary Align­ments and their Pro­ces­sion through the Signs cre­ate a Song of
Spir­i­tu­al Mean­ing and Inspi­ra­tion for one and all…

For you are made of this, and each Sign,
each Song of Spir­it is with­in you as much as it is sur­rounds you too…and your
Hap­pi­ness, Peace and Ful­fill­ment draws ever clos­er as you under­stand You as living
in the Greater Aware­ness of this Presence…That you are one with Spir­it, one with
the One…

Venus, your Avatar of Val­ue and Beauty
calls to you now, for there’s a melod­ic shift in her Song of Love today. For
the past few weeks you have lis­tened and respond­ed to the Leo Side of Val­ue and
Beau­ty, you have pur­sued your Love with your burn­ing bright of Fired-formed
Ide­alisms, ever striv­ing to earn and bestow respect, to lead by exam­ple, to know
and love one­self, to be authen­tic to your true nature…and so to love the
oth­er as one­self, unconditionally…

But often those Spir­i­tu­al Fires can burn
over-bright lead­ing to excess and error, so you have need of ground­ing and
focus…That the promise of Fire will and must be met in the cru­cible of Earth…So
Spir­it answers with a nec­es­sary Gift, a balm of calm­ness and car­ing, of
atten­tive­ness to detail…and you turn now to those small but so meaningful
acts of ser­vice, sac­ri­fice and heal­ing, as you seek to find the Peace that
pass­es all Under­stand­ing, the Peace that lies with­in your heart…and this,
this is the Love that is Virgo.

For it is easy to put on “the
show”, to declaim your Ideals, devo­tion and love…but at the end of the
day it is the “lit­tle things” that mat­ter, it is what is done without
boast­ing or seek­ing recog­ni­tion, because it is right…and rights what is
wrong…Yes, it is in these qui­et, unas­sum­ing ways of kind­ness and con­sid­er­a­tion, it
is in these things that your soul shall be weighed and found to be beautiful…

It is through your prac­tice of the
sub­lime in the most ordi­nary or mun­dane, of your every­day duties, con­sid­er­a­tions and con­cerns that you reveal to one anoth­er the beau­ty of your
soul and bring greater heal­ing to your world…It is these in these
“lit­tle things” that you ful­fill your promise as a Spark of the Divine,
you the self-becom­ing won­der whose pur­pose is to grow and ful­fill the promise
of that Flame which burns within.

Venus returns to the heal­ing gar­dens of

Where Beau­ty is found in delicacy,
refine­ment and grace.

And Love is there as you serve one

As you Walk the Path­way of Forgiveness
and Strength.

You Walk in Beauty…

To Find the Place of Peace…
