Mars Square Uranus (July 31, 2013)


and Desire

Anoth­er ques­tion is traced across your Star­ry Spaces…

Are you hear­ken­ing to the Wind of the Spir­it, lift­ing you clos­er to your Path of

Or are you still more unaware (and so
ensnared) by your more defen­sive, self­ish and Self-Destruc­tive Desires?

For your Hope and Faith are found­ed upon
this Key, that you stay aligned with your True path of Growth which is found in your attentiveness
to that small, gen­tle voice of your High­er Self, and so guid­ed by this Loving
Illu­mi­na­tion you may firm­ly place your­self upon the Path of those who have gone before you…a Gold­en, Noble Path: 

Think­ing, Right Action!

Mars is your Avatar of Action, serving
you always as you seek to extend and secure for your­self what­ev­er you
under­stand to be your aim or inten­tion. But that is the key to how Mars will work
in your life…Your Under­stand­ing or Lev­el of Con­scious­ness is the key element
in ascer­tain­ing what is your Moti­va­tion (and so what it is you Desire or Aspire
to)…and it is this which sets in place your Aims and Inten­tions, and from
these there unfolds those Actions which nec­es­sar­i­ly fol­low from these
Ener­gy-Forms of your Consciousness.

Uranus is your Avatar of Aware­ness, known
as the Awak­en­er, he brings to you the gift of a Freer Mind so that you might
lift your aware­ness to a high­er plane of per­cep­tion and under­stand­ing. Behind
and beyond the Log­i­cal or Rea­son­ing Mind, and what is actu­al­ly the very Source,
Sup­port and Inspi­ra­tion of your “low­er mind”, there resides what is known
as the Bud­dhi Con­scious­ness or High­er Mind (or Man­as), which is the Intuitive
or Know­ing Mind of your High­er Self. 

When­ev­er there is a shift of consciousness,
wher­ev­er great break­throughs in Col­lec­tive or Indi­vid­ual Under­stand­ing have
been (Joy­ful­ly) expe­ri­enced, they have all come through this capac­i­ty (which
resides with­in you because you are a won­drous spark of the Divine)…This Gift from your
High­er Self inspires you so that you are able to slip beyond the bound­aries of
what is expect­ed and acceptable. 

You can let go of your lim­it­ed certainties
and think “out­side the box”, beyond the par­a­digm of this present
“real­i­ty”, move beyond your old Thought-Forms, of more lim­it­ed Mind and Actions, which have cre­at­ed the dilemmas
and dead-ends of that very state of consciousness…For it is this old way of
Think­ing-Being which is the root cause of your prob­lems, and that giv­en those
shad­owed assump­tions, those obsta­cles remain unsolv­able at your low­er lev­el of understanding.

And so Lord Uranus, as the Avatar of
your High­er Mind, leans in and releas­es those Bolts of Light…and you can see
beyond your Self-Cast shad­ows, beyond the bound­aries of what is possible…to
what has been as yet only a dream…and you see it there, the New World…It is
a realm found­ed upon Freer Minds, Inspired to more Self-Ful­fill­ing Actions made
pos­si­ble by these Freer Spaces of greater Self-Real­iza­tion for you and your

And here too is part of the les­son and
wis­dom that is illus­trat­ed here for you by Uranus and Mars…for your Free­dom is not
for you, or not for you alone. Because Free­dom can nev­er be so expe­ri­enced or
even exist…Your exer­cise of greater Self-Real­iza­tion depends upon build­ing ever
bet­ter Shared Sacred Spaces where each and every Self-Unfold­ing Self can also
seek their Self-Real­iza­tion, to ful­fill them­selves as you do likewise.

Your Actions to cre­ate a greater space
of Self-Real­iza­tion can­not come from tak­ing the space of anoth­er, your Free­dom can­not be “tak­en” from
anoth­er, for this is also For­bid­den to you. Kar­ma is per­fect, and how you treat anoth­er is what will be returned to you…some day. 

The only way to ful­fill your­self is to grow
the space of Free­dom and Self-Real­iza­tion for one anoth­er, to grow togeth­er in Wis­dom and Right Action, to build and grow your own Sacred Space which can only exist and inte­gral­ly depends upon these Shared Sacred Spaces that you cre­ate with and for one anoth­er. For who is before you is anoth­er spark of the Divine, they are you and you are they…forever.

And those who have gone ahead…

Who have reached that far­ther shore,

of lib­er­a­tion and beauty.

They now turn and wait, 

They extend their hearts and hands…

For they know that Free­dom will be…

When all have reached…

That beau­ti­ful, sacred shore. 

Nir­vana, Elysium…


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