Monthly Archives: July 2013

Venus Enters Virgo (July 22, 2013)


You live with­in a Mag­is­te­r­i­al Dance of the
Planets…Their wheels with­in wheels, spi­ral and arc beau­ti­ful­ly, sweep­ing and
weav­ing through Inner and Out­er Spaces, cre­at­ing for you a Liv­ing, Vibrant
pageantry of Ener­gies and Forms, Mean­ing­ful-Motions that tru­ly form the
Liv­ing Pres­ence of Spir­it, of the Now in your life.

In oth­er words, you live in an
ever-unfold­ing Astro­log­i­cal Chart of the Present, and the con­tin­u­ous series of
Plan­e­tary Align­ments and their Pro­ces­sion through the Signs cre­ate a Song of
Spir­i­tu­al Mean­ing and Inspi­ra­tion for one and all…

For you are made of this, and each Sign,
each Song of Spir­it is with­in you as much as it is sur­rounds you too…and your
Hap­pi­ness, Peace and Ful­fill­ment draws ever clos­er as you under­stand You as living
in the Greater Aware­ness of this Presence…That you are one with Spir­it, one with
the One…

Venus, your Avatar of Val­ue and Beauty
calls to you now, for there’s a melod­ic shift in her Song of Love today. For
the past few weeks you have lis­tened and respond­ed to the Leo Side of Val­ue and
Beau­ty, you have pur­sued your Love with your burn­ing bright of Fired-formed
Ide­alisms, ever striv­ing to earn and bestow respect, to lead by exam­ple, to know
and love one­self, to be authen­tic to your true nature…and so to love the
oth­er as one­self, unconditionally…

But often those Spir­i­tu­al Fires can burn
over-bright lead­ing to excess and error, so you have need of ground­ing and
focus…That the promise of Fire will and must be met in the cru­cible of Earth…So
Spir­it answers with a nec­es­sary Gift, a balm of calm­ness and car­ing, of
atten­tive­ness to detail…and you turn now to those small but so meaningful
acts of ser­vice, sac­ri­fice and heal­ing, as you seek to find the Peace that
pass­es all Under­stand­ing, the Peace that lies with­in your heart…and this,
this is the Love that is Virgo.

For it is easy to put on “the
show”, to declaim your Ideals, devo­tion and love…but at the end of the
day it is the “lit­tle things” that mat­ter, it is what is done without
boast­ing or seek­ing recog­ni­tion, because it is right…and rights what is
wrong…Yes, it is in these qui­et, unas­sum­ing ways of kind­ness and con­sid­er­a­tion, it
is in these things that your soul shall be weighed and found to be beautiful…

It is through your prac­tice of the
sub­lime in the most ordi­nary or mun­dane, of your every­day duties, con­sid­er­a­tions and con­cerns that you reveal to one anoth­er the beau­ty of your
soul and bring greater heal­ing to your world…It is these in these
“lit­tle things” that you ful­fill your promise as a Spark of the Divine,
you the self-becom­ing won­der whose pur­pose is to grow and ful­fill the promise
of that Flame which burns within.

Venus returns to the heal­ing gar­dens of

Where Beau­ty is found in delicacy,
refine­ment and grace.

And Love is there as you serve one

As you Walk the Path­way of Forgiveness
and Strength.

You Walk in Beauty…

To Find the Place of Peace…


Mercury Turns Direct (July 20, 2013)


Her­mes turns around, and so must you…

As not­ed in the entry for when Mer­cury
turned ret­ro­grade
, the par­tic­u­lar oppor­tu­ni­ty Mer­cury offered to
you for the past three weeks was that:

are able to step “out­side” of your­self and see how some of these old
and famil­iar pat­terns were devel­oped as respons­es to needs and circumstances
long ago, but now they have become pat­terns of Reac­tion, they only serve to
hold you back in the Now…and so you must take out your “Sword of
Sev­er­ance” and cut these chords of emo­tion­al bondage and so free yourself
to choose new respons­es to your own needs as well as for those for whom you

Your atten­tive­ness was turned back onto yourself,
and so you were able to regard with greater objec­tiv­i­ty those Feeling-Thought-Forms,
which run like tapes with­in you. Some­thing hap­pens, or does not hap­pen, with
regard to anoth­er, where­in action “A” leads auto­mat­i­cal­ly to reaction
“B”, which inevitably leads to result “C”.

There is very
lit­tle to no input or thought that you bring to these auto­mat­ic reac­tions, once
they start they often impel or com­pel you to be in a state of suspended
aware­ness as you go through the motion-emo­tion­al loop. The ques­tion then becomes, is this good or not for you (and them)?

These pat­terns of semi to unconscious
reac­tions allow you to live much of your life with­out too much think­ing, so
that many of your ordi­nary or dai­ly inter­ac­tions are put on
“auto­mat­ic”, which frees your mind to attend to oth­er mat­ters, and that is good. But these pat­terns also hold you in thrall, and often bind you to what­ev­er stage of
emo­tion­al aware­ness you were in when they were formed. They can take on a life
of their own, indeed becom­ing self-pre­serv­ing, deeply embed­ded ener­gy-forms that
are shaped by those Mem­o­ries-Rec­ol­lec­tions-Remem­brances of your “Life
Famil­iar”, of your home and fam­i­ly, as well as deeply root­ed in your ethnic
or cul­tur­al archetypes.

With Mer­cury ret­ro­grade in Can­cer, you
were able to some­what step out­side of this self-made pat­tern­ing, to watch yourself
and con­sid­er whether a par­tic­u­lar Reac­tion-Pat­tern was a mean­ing­ful response to present cir­cum­stances, the deter­min­ing fac­tor being whether it well met
your needs or that of anoth­er. Cer­tain­ly, many of these pat­terns serve a useful
pur­pose, but many can ben­e­fit from a review and revi­sion, and some, well some
need to be “erased” as they do not serve you well at all.

Hope­ful­ly, you took this oppor­tu­ni­ty to
clar­i­fy, cor­rect and clear your heart and mind as to what you need from the one
before you, and or what you could mean­ing­ful­ly offer to them. Then you could
choose to con­tin­ue with your now bet­ter informed reac­tion-pat­tern, or replace it
with a more evolved response to one another…

Mer­cury is Turning…

Time to turn your primary
atten­tion out­wards again…

To sal­ly forth with your New­found Understanding.

More aware of your Reac­tive, Past

You are able to Choose.

Act­ing now through more Meaningful

You the Self-Becom­ing Wonder…

Mov­ing out of Dark­ness and into the

Uranus Turns Retrograde (July 17, 2013 — December 17, 2013)


Uranus stands still, and your Mind is
turn­ing too…You and he are turn­ing around today, which adds anoth­er important,
though seem­ing­ly con­tra­pun­tal melody to the cho­rus of the Grand Trine in Water
this week.

Yes, though it indeed appears as if this
is a con­trary voice to those offered to you by those caress­ing, embrac­ing and
most Watery themes of Secu­ri­ty, Union and Faith, your true nature is formed by
and will always be revealed in this Rain­bow Song of Spirit…For this is the Way: you will always find your
true Joy and Ful­fill­ment in a Cel­e­bra­tion of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Togeth­er­ness, of
Uni­ty and Diversity.

Uranus is your Avatar of Authen­tic­i­ty, Individuality
and Free­dom and he will now take you on anoth­er five month jour­ney within
your­self, to help you con­tin­ue your path of dis­cov­ery and becoming…For he is
The Awak­en­er, help­ing you to find and fol­low that won­drous, cir­cuitous and
self-unfold­ing path where­in you will reveal your Self to your­self, where you
will become some­thing more than you thought or imagined…

Uranus turns your focus inward now, to
illu­mi­nate and help you to release your­self from your pre­cious Thought-Forms,
your hard one per­spec­tives and knowledge…for these also bequeathed to you your
shad­owed mind, held in thrall to self-made bounds and bound­aries, forged by
what were nec­es­sar­i­ly your more lim­it­ed Assump­tions and Per­cep­tions of yourself
(and then of your world).

Uranus stuns and quick­ens your lower
mind with a jolt of the Con­trary, the prover­bial “Ah Hah”, and as you
pause, ques­tion­ing now your assump­tions, a dif­fer­ent light will shine upon you…You
are giv­en a lit­tle more help as you lis­ten for, turn to and so lift and expand
your low­er mind by this gift of let­ting go of your cer­tain­ties that no longer
explain your expe­ri­ences. This gift is lov­ing­ly offered to you by your Higher
Self, who is the one who is always there, the Watch­er who watch­es and waits for
the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help you to rise a lit­tle higher…

Your High­er Self is the Stead­fast one,
and through the Avatar of Uranus he offers you this Gift, the path­way towards
the Light of a Greater Understanding…

The Keep­er of this Flame pass­es the
Light from one to the next, and to the next…

For all are part of a vast Ocean…

Of a Greater Con­scious­ness in which you

But which also needs you to become…

What you are meant to be.

Each step you take will bring you that
much closer…

To the Cross­ing Point…

Where you leave behind the Darkness.…

As you step into the Light.

Jupiter Trines Saturn and Neptune & Saturn Trines Neptune (July 17–19, 2013)


This is the cli­max of the Grand
Align­ment of Water for 2013, now come into this week of its per­fect­ed fullness.
Here is what I wrote about this in my Gen­er­al Forecast:

in Can­cer serves to restore and renew your feel­ings of secu­ri­ty that originate
in your most inti­mate and pro­found expe­ri­ence that you are con­nect­ed or part of
some­thing greater than just your­self. As you grow and devel­op, in life after
life, you will find your own true cen­ter by being and belong­ing with one
anoth­er. It will usu­al­ly begin in your affec­tions and bonds expe­ri­enced in your
imme­di­ate fam­i­ly group, and it will slow­ly and increas­ing­ly extend itself in
any life, (and over many life­times, in life after life), into your
ever-unfold­ing expan­sion of con­scious­ness and spir­i­tu­al connectedness.

sense of belong­ing, of root­ed­ness and secu­ri­ty, expands from your immediate
fam­i­ly out­ward to your vil­lage, and then per­haps it may move out fur­ther to a
local area of sev­er­al com­mu­ni­ties. Then it con­tin­ues to grow out­ward even
fur­ther in your belong­ing to some group­ing per­haps ground­ed in your identity
with an eth­nic group, and then per­haps into some greater group­ing of many
eth­nic­i­ties. Even­tu­al­ly you find an even larg­er sense of iden­ti­ty and meaning
with­in an ever more com­plex cul­ture and soci­ety, until you final­ly experience
your pro­found famil­iar­i­ty with all who jour­ney in the fam­i­ly known as

fun­da­men­tal spir­i­tu­al truth of con­nect­ed­ness will final­ly blos­som forth, as you
reach the “promised land”, the pro­found spir­i­tu­al epiphany of understanding
that all life is one, all beings are one with one anoth­er, that every­thing in
this cos­mos is a spark of the one Great Spir­it in whom we live and love and
find our true being.

it is from Jupiter’s mean­ings as mod­u­lat­ed by the Sign of Can­cer that you can
find the first of three offer­ings to help you nav­i­gate the year ahead. But
there is much to be hoped for here, because Jupiter is but one part of a gift
of inspi­ra­tion and mean­ing that comes with­in a three-fold bless­ing from your
Star­ry com­pan­ions this year. For what Jupiter is anchor­ing and car­ry­ing forward
to you in August is the mean­ing and mes­sage of the oth­er great align­ment this
year, and which will most thank­ful­ly still be in force dur­ing Jupiter’s August
align­ments with Uranus and Pluto…it is the radi­ant beau­ty of the year, the
Grand Trine in Water of Jupiter, Sat­urn and Neptune.

The Grand Water Trine, Jupiter, Saturn
and Nep­tune July 17–19, 2013

can for­get as we go about our busy lives “down here”, we can forget
how mag­i­cal and how full of mean­ing were the pat­terns dis­cerned by our
ances­tors. How they mar­veled at what stood revealed in this great pageantry
that sweeps before us every day and night by our Star­ry com­pa­ny, those constant
com­pan­ions who dance and form beau­ti­ful, intri­cate and mean­ing­ful pat­terns all
around us. Yes, we can miss the signs and por­tents because we do not see them
or even look for them any­more, but they are there…these Guardians of Life
con­tin­ue their won­drous weav­ing, help­ing us to under­stand our great unfolding
jour­ney through the spaces of space, our walk among stars.

these plan­e­tary pat­terns are hard­er to dis­cern, and their true sig­nif­i­cance and
mean­ing even more hid­den from you. But this mid-sum­mer align­ment of Jupiter,
Sat­urn and Nep­tune will, even if not seen, be felt by many…it will be
beau­ti­ful to behold and its mes­sage is sweet and deep.

aspects between plan­ets, formed by their angu­lar sep­a­ra­tion from one another,
can be under­stood by divid­ing the Cir­cle of Life by a par­tic­u­lar num­ber. The
divi­sion of the Cir­cle, which is 360 degrees in cir­cum­fer­ence, by the num­ber 2
cre­ates the oppo­si­tion of 180 degrees. The divi­sion by the num­ber 4 cre­ates the
square aspect of 90 degrees. And for our pur­pos­es this July, the divi­sion of
the Cir­cle of Life by the num­ber 3 forms the Trine aspect of 120 degrees.

three plan­ets line up equal­ly spaced from one anoth­er, it is called a Grand
Trine because the pat­tern is formed by divid­ing the cir­cle of space around you
into three equal por­tions, and find­ing that at each divid­ing point there stands
a plan­et equal­ly dis­tant from the oth­er two along the cir­cle. This divi­sion by
three res­onates with a har­mon­ic that rep­re­sents a poised bal­ance of energies
that are being focused through three dis­tinct avatars, in this case by Jupiter
in Can­cer and Sat­urn in Scor­pio and Nep­tune in Pisces. The Grand Trine of July
is all about the Mean­ing and Pow­er of the ele­ment of Water. It is through these
three Avatars in Water that you will receive inspi­ra­tion to help you walk your
path of des­tiny in this time of great and trans­for­ma­tion­al change.

already observed the con­tri­bu­tion of Jupiter, let us turn our atten­tion to the
oth­er two Lords, and then turn and see how all three avatars will com­bine and
con­tribute to a greater influ­ence too.

mes­sage of Sat­urn in Scor­pio res­onates with the strength, pow­er and depth of feeling
that abides in the expe­ri­ence of Union. For as much as Jupiter in Cancer
upholds the truth of find­ing your con­nec­tion to one anoth­er by look­ing to the
past, to what you and all around you have come through and from, Sat­urn in
Scor­pio holds out the neces­si­ty of deal­ing with your ever-resur­gent need, your
yearn­ing neces­si­ty to cross the divide that seem­ing­ly sep­a­rates you from one
anoth­er and so find your greater strength in join­ing togeth­er in your sacred
unions. For when two or more are gath­ered togeth­er, unit­ed in a com­mon purpose
for which each has made a right­ful sac­ri­fice, it is from such acts that the
mag­ic and pow­er of spir­i­tu­al growth is in fact real­ized and released. For it is
not enough to remem­ber and hon­or from where you came, it is equal­ly important
to work togeth­er, to forge deep­er under­stand­ings, to share in the joys and
bur­dens of life and so con­tin­ue to walk this spir­i­tu­al path of your
self-becom­ing, self-unfoldment…together.

mes­sage of Nep­tune in Pisces, like bells peal­ing in a dew kissed morning,
thrill with the third and final form of Water-Feel­ing, which is that numinous
force that resides with­in each par­ti­cle of this cre­ation, pro­vid­ing the impetus
that inspir­its the lives of all who jour­ney with­in this cos­mos. The cre­ative force
that is behind all of the phe­nom­e­na in this uni­verse is known by many names.
For many it is called Faith, some would say it is their Dreams or the pow­er of
the Imag­i­na­tion, but none can tru­ly cap­ture the mys­tery behind what flows
through each and every being, that leads them out from with­in, as they unfold
as the sparks of the Divine, these self-becom­ings who ever strive to grow, to
become some­thing more.

it is this feel­ing that binds all as one and one to the All, and that leads all
out so as to grow beyond what they have so far cre­at­ed, to walk the path­ways of
light and love out­ward into the spaces of space, out upon their wondrous,
spi­ral­ing jour­ney. It is this Great Jour­ney which will even­tu­al­ly bring them
back to return as some­thing more, hav­ing become so much more than what they
were, when they return home again.

as much as Jupiter in Can­cer will pro­vide you with your foun­da­tion of feeling,
and Sat­urn in Scor­pio will teach you about the courage you have with­in you to
reach out and join with one anoth­er, it is Nep­tune in Pisces who com­pletes your
cir­cle of life, Nep­tune brings it all togeth­er by singing to you of your
ever-renascent pow­er, forged in your begin­ning by your nature as a spark of the
Divine and that holds you as one of count­less cre­ators who need but dream of a
bet­ter world…and it will be so.

this is how the Uni­verse came to be and con­tin­ues to become, because your
Spir­it is the very essence of it all, the pow­er behind your Imag­i­na­tion, Dreams
and Faith…The Pow­er of your Becom­ing, The Pow­er of your Self.

these three, Jupiter, Sat­urn and Nep­tune can show you once again that you are
the mak­er, you are the Cre­ator of what you face now. That you can feel more
tru­ly the roots that hold you all togeth­er, that you can feel the greater joy
that comes from join­ing with one anoth­er, and that you can love and cre­ate a
bet­ter world by believ­ing and dream­ing for one another. 

this will be a year to remem­ber, and quite a sum­mer indeed. The energies
delin­eat­ed above will be build­ing in towards the end of June, grow­ing through
July and cli­max­ing in August. The con­tin­u­ing chal­lenge laid down to you by
Uranus and Plu­to may be some­what eased by these spir­i­tu­al ema­na­tions that come
from this grand align­ment of Plan­e­tary Lords, and equal­ly and most challenging
acti­vat­ed by the T‑Square formed by Jupiter too.

is much to be hoped for here. There is the hope offered in the Grand Trine that
per­haps the things which divide the many from one anoth­er will be sur­passed by
this greater under­stand­ing of our mutu­al need to sac­ri­fice for the greater good
of one another.

us hope, may we dream…and it shall be…

But there is more to today than just
this ful­fill­ment of the Watery Ways you are bound by and to one another…there
is anoth­er song being sung with­in this grand cho­rus of your Star­ry Com­pa­ny now,
and it is, of course, just what is you need so that you may stay more closely
upon the mid­dle path, that noble path of Wis­dom, Love and Purpose…

So please turn to the next entry, “Uranus Turns Ret­ro­grade and marvel
at the won­der of this Poly­phon­ic Melody, the Song of Spir­it, that is offered to
you by these Uni­ver­sal Ener­gies of which you are made and in which you abide…

Mars Enters Cancer (July 13, 2013)


Your Avatar of Action splash­es into the
Waters of Life…

The final Cho­ris­ter in this Sum­mer Song
of Spir­it is now in place for the Grand Align­ment that embraces your world now.
For it is just ahead, around the next bend in the Riv­er of Life, where the
Lords Jupiter, Sat­urn and Nep­tune will align in a most beau­ti­ful and benefic
Grand Trine of Water and offer to you their Trip­tych of Truth, bestow­ing their Gifts
of Car­ing, Union and Grace.

With Mars in Can­cer for the next forty-five
days, you will feel, focus and act with deep­er con­vic­tions, as you align
your­self to and expe­ri­ence the inspi­ra­tion and guid­ance bestowed by this Sign
of your Center…

Yes, it is time to act with greater
Feel­ing, to strive for deep­er Secu­ri­ty and pur­pose­ly demon­strate that your
Inten­tion is, always and will for­ev­er be to Care for one another.

For this is your Path of
Self-Unfold­ment, because you are guid­ed by a fun­da­men­tal truth that was founded
by your Ori­gin, by what lies at the Root of You. You are here for one
rea­son, To Grow…And in so doing you will slow­ly but sure­ly acquire a more
encom­pass­ing under­stand­ing of your­self and of those with whom you journey.

And as you lift up your Self-Awareness
you will even­tu­al­ly come to a most beau­ti­ful Self-Real­iza­tion, that all of your
actions must be guid­ed by a sim­ple yet pro­found Under­stand­ing: That you and every
par­ti­cle of Cre­ation are part of a great fam­i­ly of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.
That Wher­ev­er, What­ev­er or Whomev­er you have before you, you must in the end act
with the under­stand­ing that here before me is my Moth­er, my Father, my Sister,
my Brother…that there is but One Spir­it and all of this Cre­ation, all of it
is in truth my Family.

Your jour­ney on Earth brings you out
from that most inti­mate cir­cle of your cen­tered aware­ness, where­in you pursue
per­son­al­ly cir­cum­scribed actions that are formed and bound­ed by your
iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with your imme­di­ate roots, by your feel­ings for Kith and Kin, of
friend and fam­i­ly, and this is quite nat­ur­al, right and understandable…

But over time, you will real­ize that your
well-being and future becomes inti­mate­ly woven into and secured by your ever
expand­ing lev­el of con­scious­ness and cir­cle of life …so that over time you come
to under­stand that your secu­ri­ty and cen­ter is inte­gral­ly tied to the fortunes
and fate of one and all…

Although you can take great com­fort in
how far humans have come in our Fam­i­ly Jour­ney, you must acknowl­edge that when
at least one-third of the world meets the ris­ing sun as they saw it set, that
their most basic needs are not met, that their day begins and ends in hunger
and star­va­tion, that in such a world you should and will find no com­fort, no
peace and no security…no, not really…

So your dri­ve for secu­ri­ty, your
striv­ing for your fam­i­ly and home, it needs to grow as must you…to whatever
extent you can feel, focus and extend your car­ing for one anoth­er, you will and
must do so as you expe­ri­ence this Greater Fam­i­ly, this Tree of Life, that needs
you as you need it too…because you care, because you are cared for too.

For we are all related…

As we are All for One and One for All.

From the beginning…

Until the final hour.

One Fam­i­ly, One Life…

One Home.