Daily Archives: August 5, 2013

New Moon in Leo (August 6, 2013)


The Mir­ror of your Heart and Soul has
turned away…now as your Sun sets there is only Mys­tery and Dark­ness, and
you must won­der, you must wait and hold your breath…

Seek­ing an answer, you lift your head up and gaze out upon those star­ry expans­es, those spaces of Space so
illu­mined now by Luna’s month­ly absence, and you won­der as you look upon what the dark reveals…for there it is, what sur­rounds you, (and what you are made
of), is a mag­is­te­r­i­al, won­drous­ly beau­ti­ful and Infi­nite Realm of Light.

Still, you are wait­ing and await­ing what
now will come…from that last flash of dusky light until first blush of
dawn…waiting, wait­ing for the New Day, for a Renew­al, for your Faith restored.

Today the Moon receives the gift of your
Star, as the Sun kiss­es the Moon he bestows a new Mes­sage that Luna will bear…she
will wing her way to those out­er bounds beyond the Earth, wax­ing towards her
rev­e­la­tion as she makes her way once again…She will be danc­ing for you,
singing her song of Spir­it, bear­ing won­drous gifts…

Luna brings the Gift of the Spir­it, so that you might bet­ter pon­der and hold to your own jour­ney, which is
for you but one mighty task: To know your­self tru­ly, to become what you will
be…to Grow.

Twelve Lessons of Life, each inte­gral to
one anoth­er, this is the Light-Song of Spir­it, your spi­ral jour­ney through the Stars,
filled with count­less vari­a­tions of octave, tem­po and truth…All must be met
and mas­tered, for all togeth­er depend upon each to make you whole and make whole this Cre­ation too, all
sparks being self-illu­mined and unique, yet held togeth­er in One Great Song.

The Gift of Leo is offered now, the gift
of your heart, of the flame with­in. The force that holds you and all of Creation
as one, bind­ing all to One and one in all, is the same Light Divine found in
every part and par­ti­cle, in every cor­ner of this vast Uni­verse, and you know it,
most beau­ti­ful­ly and sim­ply, as Love.

This is your Burn­ing Bright, the Light
that is the Uni­verse, which sur­rounds you, bathes you yet also abides within
you too…for Love or Spir­it is not “out there”, but it is here
with­in you…for it is you, as it is the fun­da­men­tal Ener­gy-Sub­stance of all of
Cre­ation too.

The Gift of Leo is to remind you that
you are a Divine Being…

That you are on a won­drous jour­ney of
self-dis­cov­ery and self-becoming…

And you are here to reveal, release and
express your love…

As a Dream­ing Mak­er, an Illu­mined Creator…

Lov­ing your­self and one another