Daily Archives: August 6, 2013

Jupiter Opposite Pluto (August 7, 2013)


The one you have been wait­ing for is

The sig­na­ture align­ment of the decade, (which you can read about here), the ongo­ing Uranus-Plu­to square from 2012 through 2015, (which real­ly became
self-evi­dent as Plu­to moved into Capri­corn in 2008, and lasting
well beyond the last Uranus-Plu­to square of March 2015), this emissary
of the “end of an age and the birth of a new” receives a quick­en­ing caress from the Lord of Truth, as mighty Jupiter forms an oppo­si­tion to Pluto
and then a square to Uranus. 

For the next two weeks you will pass through this
bend in time, a dis­til­la­tion of the greater spir­i­tu­al inter­reg­num in which you now abide. It is a moment where the forces shap­ing your world will tilt at the
wind­mills of the old, as emer­gent new ener­gy-forms spring forth from with­in. It is a time in which those peren­ni­al and ancient truths are resur­gent­ly resplen­dent, their light pierc­ing through and expos­ing the fetish­es of worn-out and hol­low dog­mas, and the veil
between what “was, is and will be”, that scrim between you and the Greater Real­i­ty, will lift a lit­tle more to remind and reveal that you are what you have always been and will ever be, the Mak­er of your Destiny…

I wrote of this in my 2013 Gen­er­al Fore­cast:

The Great Car­di­nal T‑Square,
Uranus, Plu­to and Jupiter August 7–21, 2013

In the month of August, coming
between the two exact align­ments of Uranus and Plu­to in 2013, Jupiter will
bring to bear a mes­sage from the Foun­da­tion-Source, the ever-renewing
well­spring of life that flows from the sign of Can­cer. Jupiter rules the
Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Beliefs that give and form the mean­ings of your life
jour­ney, that form the steady guide for your self-unfold­ment and purposeful
growth. Jupiter is offer­ing this spir­i­tu­al mes­sage from the heart, from the
source, from the roots of your life. For as you strug­gle to find your way
between Uranus and Plu­to, between Free­dom and Order, between self-asser­tion and
self-sac­ri­fice, you will need this cool­ing, calm­ing and refresh­ing reminder of
what you stand upon, from whence you have come and what holds you true to one

Jupiter in Can­cer serves to
restore and renew your feel­ings of secu­ri­ty that orig­i­nate in your most
inti­mate and pro­found expe­ri­ence that you are con­nect­ed or part of something
greater than just your­self. As you grow and devel­op, in life after life, you
will find your own true cen­ter by being and belong­ing with one anoth­er. It will
usu­al­ly begin in your affec­tions and bonds expe­ri­enced in your imme­di­ate family
group, and it will slow­ly and increas­ing­ly extend itself in any life, (and over
many life­times, in life after life), into your ever-unfold­ing expan­sion of
con­scious­ness and spir­i­tu­al connectedness.

This sense of belong­ing, of
root­ed­ness and secu­ri­ty, expands from your imme­di­ate fam­i­ly out­ward to your
vil­lage, and then per­haps it may move out fur­ther to a local area of several
com­mu­ni­ties. Then it con­tin­ues to grow out­ward even fur­ther in your belonging
to some group­ing per­haps ground­ed in your iden­ti­ty with an eth­nic group, and
then per­haps into some greater group­ing of many eth­nic­i­ties. Even­tu­al­ly you
find an even larg­er sense of iden­ti­ty and mean­ing with­in an ever more complex
cul­ture and soci­ety, until you final­ly expe­ri­ence your pro­found familiarity
with all who jour­ney in the fam­i­ly known as “human”.

This fun­da­men­tal spir­i­tu­al truth
of con­nect­ed­ness will final­ly blos­som forth, as you reach the “promised
land”, the pro­found spir­i­tu­al epiphany of under­stand­ing that all life is
one, all beings are one with one anoth­er, that every­thing in this cos­mos is a
spark of the one Great Spir­it in whom we live and love and find our true being.

As Jupiter forms its Square and
Oppo­si­tion, it will bring to bear these influ­ences upon the dynam­ic strug­gle of
Uranus and Plu­to. The chal­lenge for every per­son and for all group­ings of
peo­ple will be to hold to the high­est lev­els of inspi­ra­tion that Jupiter can
pro­vide here, remind­ing one and all of their com­mon bonds and interests,
elic­it­ing a desire for greater inclu­sive­ness and gen­er­at­ing greater
con­sid­er­a­tions for the well-being of one anoth­er. If they can do this, then the
strug­gles of Uranus with Plu­to can be mod­u­lat­ed and even mit­i­gat­ed by finding
that deep­er cen­ter where all can join togeth­er, found­ed upon these shared
feel­ings of belonging.

With Jupiter’s influ­ence the
fer­vent dri­ve for free­dom by Uranus can be soothed, with a gen­tle reminder that
as much as you must assert and be freer your­self you must equal­ly acknowledge
your need to care for one anoth­er too. The Plu­ton­ian dri­ve to cre­ate, maintain
and extend your own sacred space must be equal­ly bal­anced by the consideration
you show for the sacred space of one and all. 

But there is also the very real
pos­si­bil­i­ty of indi­vid­u­als and groups react­ing in a more parochial way to this
chal­lenge, and out of fear-formed echoes of their past be steered by the
emo­tion­al ties of Jupiter in Can­cer to react in more exclu­sive or defensive
ways. They will act more nar­row­ly, and iden­ti­fy with whom they belong, whether
fam­i­ly, tribe or cul­ture by build­ing walls not bridges and so cre­ate an even
greater gulf between “us ver­sus them”. Then this oppor­tu­ni­ty for
growth and self-tran­scen­dence could be lost in those ego-dri­ven fears that have
echoed through­out oth­er his­tor­i­cal peri­ods faced with sim­i­lar demands for

The chal­lenge will be laid down,
either to rise up to a high­er under­stand­ing and con­duct with one anoth­er, to
make some mutu­al sac­ri­fice and unite…or to face the divide with­in and between
us by refus­ing to join in a greater whole, to give into fear and so increase
those sep­a­ra­tions from one anoth­er. And this fear-based fail­ing would most
cer­tain­ly quick­en the descent to a more dif­fi­cult des­tiny for one and all. The
choice will be there, and each must decide…but there is hope…

Yes, it is from Jupiter’s
mean­ings as mod­u­lat­ed by the Sign of Can­cer that you can find the first of
three offer­ings to help you nav­i­gate the year ahead. But there is much to be
hoped for here, because Jupiter is but one part of a gift of inspi­ra­tion and
mean­ing that comes with­in a three-fold bless­ing from your Star­ry companions
this year. For what Jupiter is anchor­ing and car­ry­ing for­ward to you in August
is the mean­ing and mes­sage of the oth­er great align­ment this year, and which
will most thank­ful­ly still be in force dur­ing Jupiter’s August align­ments with
Uranus and Pluto…it is the radi­ant beau­ty of the year, the Grand Trine in
Water of Jupiter, Sat­urn and Neptune.

So as the next two weeks unfold for you, (and for these
many months and even years to come), you will find that within
your­self and in the world about you there stands revealed more clear­ly the
greater ques­tions of this time…That as you con­sid­er what is for you more Truth­ful and Lov­ing and Just, you will find your renew­al in a remembering…

That as you reach
with­in, down deep­er inside to the roots of you (and there­by most wonderfully
and mys­te­ri­ous­ly out into your Uni­verse too), that there will be found in your
Heart and Soul those Sacred Seeds of Spir­i­tu­al Truth.

The answers to life’s great­est chal­lenges are there, held within
your heart by your High­er Self, and these Intu­ition­al-Know­ings pro­pel and
inform your jour­ney, they remind you from whence you came, of how and why you
must journey…and where you will bring your­self one fine day…

…and you will smile, you will smile
and laugh (and cry too), for it was The Way, it is the only way…For every
Spark of the Divine must learn, through tri­al and error, through Action and Reac­tion, each and every must come to know and under­stand, and by their own effort achieve that Greater Aware­ness, to know and to choose what is Good…

To become a Self-Mas­tered Mak­er in this pre­cious human time of your Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney, to be ful­filled before the end of days…

Return­ing then with all the oth­er Angels and Prodigals,

Bear­ing their Gifts of The Spir­it, for The Spirit…

Back home to the Divine, one with the One…
