Daily Archives: August 7, 2013

Mercury Enters Leo (August 8, 2013)


Well, it has been a long, long time…in
fact Mer­cury has been in Can­cer, swim­ming through those oh so sen­si­tive seas
since the end of May! Usu­al­ly, Mer­cury will zip through a sign in about two to
three weeks, but this was over two months! So, you have had a special
oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the mys­tery and beau­ty that graced and altered your Perceptions
and Communications…for over two months your mind took a rather circuitous
jour­ney through those famil­iar Waters of Home, Secu­ri­ty and Centeredness.

Now of course for each of you, your own
posi­tion of Mer­cury, and its par­tic­u­lar align­ments or aspects with­in your own
chart, forms the fun­da­men­tal deter­mi­na­tion, the crit­i­cal fac­tor for how you per­ceive, process
and com­mu­ni­cate in your life…But know this, as tran­sit­ing Mer­cury moves through the Twelve
Signs every year it cre­ates for you this need and oppor­tu­ni­ty to experience
your nat­ur­al sen­si­bil­i­ties as they become mod­u­lat­ed through these oth­er facets that are the Cir­cle of Life, the oth­er signs of your Zodiac.

After all, every sign is with­in you, for
you are the Zodi­ac as much as it is around you too. You are a unique fusion of
these Twelve Ener­gy-Forms, your true nature found in these vari­a­tions of
Plan­e­tary and Sign com­bi­na­tions, and this ful­crum of ener­gies cre­ates the individualized
self-unfold­ment or self-becom­ing of your fac­ul­ties and aware­ness, revealed by your own Astro­log­i­cal Chart…But all of the Signs are present,
active and inte­gral to your com­plete expe­ri­ence. You must under­stand and master
them all, for this is how you become Self-Mas­ter­ful in this life, and in Life
after Life to come. 

Your rather exten­sive sojourn in Cancer
is done for this year, it is time now to shift your Mer­cu­r­ial sensibility…You
are mov­ing out of the Waters and into Fire. Hav­ing forged deep­er con­nec­tions with
your ori­gins and roots, you should feel a greater cen­ter­ing and purposefulness,
and as a response you will expe­ri­ence a resur­gence of your need to express yourself
more tru­ly, as your new-found authen­tic­i­ty springs from, moves out from this Well-Spring
of your Source.

It is time for your mind to leap from
those waters and into the Fires of Leo…It is time to stretch your mind, to
per­form upon a new stage, to act through a new role, to reveal the love that is yourself…Your mind needs this
now, to be rec­og­nized and appre­ci­at­ed, for you take your delights in Leo by and
from “The Performance”…You find your joy in Forms of
Self-Real­iza­tion, for you need to know that “I am that, I am”.

But then you must turn this experience
around, and con­sid­er not only what you have but who you are and need to
offer…For as much as you may yearn and desire recog­ni­tion and respect, to be
self-ful­filled, hon­ored and seen by the oth­er for who you real­ly are…so also
does the one who offers this to you.

You can­not have what you will not

You must look upon the oth­er as

Return­ing their kind recog­ni­tions by your
own, you

Smile, as you look them in their soul-filled
eyes and say,

I See, I see who you are…

I see and Love you