Daily Archives: August 19, 2013

Full Moon in Aquarius (August 20, 2013)


Well, this is some­thing special!

Today is the sec­ond Full Moon in
Aquar­ius. Nor­mal­ly, you expe­ri­ence only one New Moon and One Full Moon per Sign.
How­ev­er, because the Lunar Cycle, that is from New Moon to Full Moon and back to New Moon, is
about 28 days, yet the Sun resides in a sign for just over 30 days, there will
be occa­sions when either two New or two Full Moons will occur with­in the Sun’s
move­ment through a Sign…

This is such a time, for the Sun is
resid­ing in Leo and you now have had two Full Moons in Aquar­ius, two
rev­e­la­tions of this inte­gral rela­tion­ship between Per­son­al Self-Expres­sion and
Social Con­scious­ness, between being True to who you are, and to your Fellow
Com­pan­ions too.

For the Signs are all of a piece, they
are each a chap­ter in the Sto­ry of Life, and they only can be understood,
inte­grat­ed and so release their Truth in and through you by being expe­ri­enced as
what they are, as one Great Sto­ry in which all are joined together…That by, in
and through one anoth­er, each Sign singing their spe­cial Song of Spir­it, that this
is what brings Ful­fill­ment to every par­ti­cle of Creation…They are tru­ly the
Waters of the Liv­ing Spir­it where­in each informs and enrich­es every oth­er as they
also bring Light and Love through you and to one another.

The Sun is your Avatar of Individuality,
sweep­ing now through his own sign of Leo, declaim­ing the virtues that springs from
the Fires of Authen­tic­i­ty, pur­su­ing the Puri­ty of Self-Real­iza­tion through your
expe­ri­ence of Self-Expres­sion, by your exten­sion into Roles of Lead­er­ship, through
embrac­ing the Joys of Per­son­al Love that is offered and received as it must be
for it to be true, Unconditionally…

To this the Moon in Aquar­ius pro­vides a
most nec­es­sary Counterpoint…for in each of these forms of the Release of your
Self, you can fall into error, of being over or under whelming…There is
a need for con­text, for deep­er, wider and greater mean­ing by plac­ing these
expe­ri­ences of your self-real­iza­tion into the larg­er world in which you find
and ful­fill yourself.

For you trav­el in a grand com­pa­ny of
fel­low-seek­ers, you unfold and become who you are through and with them,
through mutu­al sup­port, in your shared chal­lenges and tri­umphs. Your dreams are
their dreams, for you become your dreams of one another…You must know this, you have come here at a
par­tic­u­lar time and place, and not by acci­dent, you have arrived exact­ly at
this appoint­ed time with a wave of oth­er souls, of fel­low trav­el­ers with and to
whom you owe and are owed many things…That they, like you, seek to become more
than what they were, to grow and stretch and be acknowl­edged, to be seen in
their Truth…and for this you form and are formed by your Fel­low­ships with one
anoth­er, into Com­mu­ni­ties where­in you aspire, dream and make the future…

Your per­for­mances and dis­plays, your
cre­ations and loves, reside with­in this larg­er social space of mean­ing and
context…and this is what dear Luna reminds you of today. That you are unique
and you must be true to you, yes. But your forms of self-real­iza­tion, your
mean­ings and meth­ods are formed with­in this greater Sacred Space that you have made with one anoth­er. You are one, and you are the many too.

That you are you by, because and through your
fel­low seekers…

These are yours, these are your Band of Becomers…

With whom you
trav­el with for life after life…

Your Friends, your Dreaming-Makers…

Who will ever be and have so become…

All for one,

One for All.