Sun Enters Virgo (August 22, 2013)


The Wheel of Life Turns, and so must you…

For there is a Time for everything,

A time to Begin…a time to Hold…and a
time to Release.

The rhythm of your life moves through
Three Fun­da­men­tal Phas­es, and also through Four Fun­da­men­tal Qual­i­ties, and it
is these which in their inte­gral com­bi­na­tion form them­selves into what you know
as the Twelve Astro­log­i­cal Signs.

These Ener­gies and Forms com­bine and
cre­ate, they sweep and soar, they lift you as they inspire you, they unfold
with and through you, as you and they con­tin­ue this mar­velous jour­ney, you and
they and the count­less shin­ing ones who with the One are on this path, the Path
of the Self that is Becoming.

And know this, that in all these worlds
and through all these forms and in all those lives you are nev­er alone, for all
the while there is with­in you your one, Still and Atten­tive, who is your
aware­ness of Aware­ness, the Watch­er who watch­es and waits, in your qui­et place,
lov­ing­ly abid­ing in your cen­ter, your High­er Self, your Beloved who waits for
you to come into that per­fect place, that Holy State, your place of Grace, your
World of Beauty…Peace.

For as you grow, as you learn, as you
seek and strive for that most per­fect prize, to dis­cov­er and secure the
trea­sure beyond mea­sure, you will come to real­ize that in all these trav­els and
through all these forms, this Cir­cuitous Jour­ney will always bring you back to
that one that waits and watch­es and knows…for what you are seek­ing is already
there, wait­ing with­in you…It is you, your shin­ing splen­dor, abid­ing in your
place, your gar­den, your place of Peace.

This is the hid­den mean­ing behind this
time, the Time of Vir­go, the time of the Vir­gin. For to be Vir­ginal means to be
whole, to be com­plete with­in and through­out one­self, to be behold­en to no-thing
and to no one, to be pure­ly, truly…You. Your jour­ney is an unfold­ing, a
reveal­ing of you to your­self as you under­stand and release what is within.

So after the per­for­mance, after the
stretch­ing and strut­ting and reach­ing for the Light that is Leo, you must turn
and attend to what is need­ed now. You seek to do bet­ter, to become more
atten­tive to what is need­ed and nec­es­sary, to find ful­fill­ment in the small
things and sim­ple kindnesses…to live in Spir­it in the real world, upon this
Earth, in this Gar­den of Becom­ing, as you seek to walk the path of Truth, to
Live in Beauty…and to reach for, to be with, to be at Peace.

You will come to know and understand,
that it is not a place “out there”. Your Well-Ordered World, your Place
of Beau­ty and Peace, they are imma­nent for they abide with­in you, they are your
true nature, that abides with­in your own High­er Self, with your Divine Spark
and there­by in the One.

But in your present state you have
for­got­ten this as you have become enam­ored and glam­ored by these bod­ies and
worlds you trav­el through. You Suf­fer because you are not yet what you will be,
and so you hold onto what brings you pain, you suf­fer because you do not yet
understand…and when there has been enough, when you are ready, then you are
able let go of this less­er sense of your­self, you will then rise into the Greater
Under­stand­ing, that was always there, wait­ing, abid­ing and lov­ing­ly watching
over your journey…for you were nev­er alone, and you were always and will be
for­ev­er loved.

So, you must turn now to what is needed
and necessary…

To Under­stand these past months, filled
with your Tri­umphs and your Trials.

You must Har­vest the Mean­ings, and let
go of the rest…

For you have made all of this and
your­self, and your jour­ney is not done…

You must turn with the Sea­son, to attune
and align…

Your path is before you, your path is with­in you.

May you Walk in Beau­ty, May you Live in Beauty…

May you move clos­er to Peace.

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