Daily Archives: August 23, 2013

Mercury Enters Virgo (August 23, 2013)


Mer­cury is
sweep­ing around the “far-side” of your Star, mov­ing about as fast as
he can now (at least from your per­spec­tive here on Earth), and will overtake
the Sun tomor­row to form a Supe­ri­or Con­junc­tion (and per­haps offer up some
answer to what you have been wait­ing for).

Today, he dashes
into his own sign of Vir­go, and as he only has time to stay for two and a half
weeks, you best make ready to take advan­tage of this brief but wel­come shift in
your men­tal pathways…

Yes, it is time once
again to pause, piv­ot and recon­nect your “net­works” into a more
ground­ed, pur­pose­ful and dis­cern­ing mode of mus­ing. You are the appren­tice who
must  apply your­self to a most nec­es­sary task: That guid­ed by your Prin­ci­pled Ideals and Plans, which formed and flowed from your
Fiery Mind, you must care­ful­ly, atten­tive­ly and adept­ly shape these Archetypes
and Visions into your Reality.

For you are here
on Earth, and you must use your Arti­sanal skills to fash­ion what was merely
imag­ined, to bring your world into being a more mean­ing­ful order­ing, so that
with crit­i­cal assess­ments, through duti­ful appli­ca­tion and aligned by a sincere
will­ing­ness to be of ser­vice, you may bring about a more per­fect state of grace
and beau­ty for you and for your world.

You weave these
webs, these Ener­gies and Forms, as you apply your­self to the mak­ing of the real
from what was only imagined…

You are the Apprentice…

An Adept in the making,

From this Guild
of Earth.

You are Drawing

And you are Lift­ing up.

For you are the Dreamer
and the Maker,

Fash­ion­ing your­self and your Creation,

Into a World of

In which you now abide.