Daily Archives: August 25, 2013

Sun Opposite Neptune (August 26, 2013)


Four Turn­ings every year…

Four Por­tals to con­nect what is to what
might be…

Four Mir­rors to bridge the worlds between
You and Your Dreams…

For it is you, the Self that is Becoming
who is…

The Dream­er, The Maker…The Imagineer. 

You are the Builder of Worlds, the maker
of Heav­ens (and these less­er realms too)…For this is the Law: It is the
Dreams that you dreamt that became the Ideas that you thought and the Feelings
that you Felt, and it was these that com­bined togeth­er to form the Actions that
you took…and so it is you who made this, this is Your Cre­ation, this is your

It is time once again to pause and
con­sid­er, to take stock of how well what was envi­sioned by you six months ago
(and much, much fur­ther ago, of many lives and many worlds too), how well your
vision has been drawn down and brought forth into your Reality…For this is
yours, this is your life, this is of your making.

The Sun is your Avatar of your Pure
Poten­tial for Being, your Spark of the Divine, and all that you can ever become
is held with­in your­self, your dia­mond cen­ter sparkling like the morn­ing dew,
and your whole jour­ney is this won­drous dance in which you are learn­ing to
mas­ter the Ener­gies and Forms of the Uni­verse as you spin and twirl those
streams of con­scious­ness and forms, as you unfold from with­in your super­nal, heavenly

Nep­tune is your Avatar of Imag­i­na­tion, of
your Dream­ing-Real­i­ty-Mak­ing, the Fac­ul­ty of Clear-See­ing, the Ruler of
Illu­mi­na­tion and Illu­sion too, of your Now and how it appears to you “out
there”, this Reality/Maya. For your Jour­ney of Self-Unfold­ment is a
Jour­ney of Aware­ness and Con­scious­ness, and you will pass through many stages
or lev­els as you jour­ney from unself-con­scious spark of the Divine to a self-aware
yet only semi-con­scious per­ceiv­er, to ever and ever high­er realms of inspired
aware­ness as you reach for your Human poten­tial of becom­ing a Co-Cre­ator with
Cos­mic Consciousness. 

Yet at each and every stage, at every
lev­el of aware­ness, and there are many lev­els with­in each major stage, you will
per­ceive the Real­i­ty you are in as the one true one…and it is for you, at
that time and place, as it must be so…

But the Truth is, of course, that it is a
Real­i­ty and it is a Maya too! For you can only per­ceive what you believe and
under­stand, and so what is before you is true, but there is always a Deeper,
High­er, Fin­er Truth, a Greater Real­i­ty behind the one you are in, and then
anoth­er beyond that…and so on…

And so Nep­tune shows you, inspires you
to remain true to the One Path, and you must be open, you must know that the
more you know, the more there is still to know and understand…and your only
path home, the only way to Wis­dom and Truth is by find­ing and hold­ing your­self in
that most pre­cious state…Humility.

For you are of this and yet you must
remain in awe of where you abide, to mar­vel at this won­drous Cre­ation, made by
you and your Star­ry Com­pan­ions. It is a Mystery…and as you trav­el the path,
of going forth and com­ing home, you will be pass through your Cer­tain­ties that
seem to com­fort you, but only hold you in their thrall…they will, they must
even­tu­al­ly fail you, and so lead you into your sojourn in Con­fu­sion and
Doubt…but it is this dark­ness which holds the greater light, for it leads you
in and out again, as you open up to the won­der again, you will pon­der and
dream, you will let go and grow…and so you will see it before you, the New
Vision, the Next Step as a new dimen­sion beck­ons you onwards…

And so you will learn…and accept…and

That you must fol­low the Ancient

That all pil­grims of Spir­it hold dear
and true…

There is but one Path, one Way,

And you will find it,

By remain­ing Open and Wondrous,

Secure in your lov­ing Humility…

You take to heart what is the only way,

To Walk On.