Daily Archives: August 26, 2013

Mars Enters Leo (August 27, 2013)


The Sen­tinel of your Desires is changing
his tune…

He is the watch­er of the East, rising
now under a new Ban­ner of Heaven…

The Dance of your Plan­ets is shifting
again, and for the next sev­en weeks you will make your way through Fire, you
will set your sights a lit­tle High­er, and take your aim as you fol­low your
Heart’s Desire, now to be formed/informed, drawn forth and guid­ed by the
Inspi­ra­tion of your Leo­nine Nature…

(For although you may know as you must, and
feel as you should, to be of a very dif­fer­ent Sign as regards your true
Indi­vid­ual Nature, there is always with­in you this Greater Real­i­ty, that you
are all of these ener­gies and forms, and that some­where with­in you as in all
the worlds around you, there abides and will now awak­en this Lion part of your
nature…your Courage, your Heart).

Since mid-July your Aspi­ra­tions and
Direc­tions have been guid­ed by those Watery Ways of Can­cer, and all your Ends
and Means sought to bring you back to Source and then move you out with
Atten­tive Inten­tion from your Cen­ter, as you strove to be anchored by your
deep­er Feel­ing and extend your­self in Car­ing for one anoth­er too.

But now a new Wind of Spir­it is singing
through your soul, stir­ring your Heart and Mind to move out­ward, to demonstrate
your pur­pose­ful­ness as a Cre­ator, your inspi­ra­tion as a Leader and your
con­sid­er­a­tion as a Lover.

Hav­ing come from that sacred space at
the cen­ter of you, from that place where you felt a deep­er con­nec­tion to the
truth of your­self, you feel this call­ing now, for it is time to per­form when in

You are inspired by this long­ing, this neces­si­ty and oppor­tu­ni­ty to reveal
your­self to the Self and your world…You need this now, to extend and stretch your­self from
your heart­felt real­iza­tions, and through courage and in joy, you can and will bring
a greater mea­sure of authen­tic­i­ty to this won­drous play, to that great dra­ma of
your Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney, to this Cre­ation that is your Life.

Your Aims and Actions are guid­ed by one
fer­vent Aspi­ra­tion now…

You need Respect, you wish for
Appreciation…you long to be Loved.

And, as in all things, what will be is
what was giv­en, for the Law is the Law…

You will get what you give, you will
cre­ate from what you are.

Lead by Truth, Cre­ate in Authenticity…

And Love one anoth­er as you are Loved…

With all your Heart.

And know­ing this, feel­ing this, now being this…

Let your Lion Roar!