Monthly Archives: September 2013

Mercury Enters Scorpio (September 29, 2013)


It is time to leave aside those balanced
beam­ing ways of Air. Her­mes, the Avatar of your Mind is turn­ing now, he is here
to take you into a deep­en­ing, to help you to go beyond appear­ances and find those
greater mean­ings, the soul-filled know­ings that can only be encoun­tered upon more
hid­den pathways…Even so, this is no small for­ay for you or for him…

Where­as Mer­cury might nor­mal­ly skip
through a sign in two or three weeks, this time he will delve and dig, seek and
search, and take you upon this jour­ney into your hid­den spaces for over nine weeks…that is, from now until Decem­ber 4th or for 66 days you are
going into the Cat­a­combs of your Creation.

You are com­ing out of your Libra space,
where Har­mo­ny and Equi­lib­ri­um were trea­sured above all else, where your Mind sought to
hon­or, pre­serve and pro­tect your rela­tion­ships by forg­ing and find­ing consensus…and
this must give way now…for you seek a High­er Prize.

You feel the Desire welling up within
you now, to go beyond the Seem­ing­ly Beau­ti­ful and Accept­ed notions, to move
past the what is com­mon­ly com­fort­ing, what is the accept­able, agree­able yet ordinary
and obvi­ous. You wish to break through this Illu­sion of Appear­ances, through
the Maya or Veil that obscures, and move clos­er to what dwells at the Root of
your World…You have this greater desire now, you seek for noth­ing less than

But what and how is that to be, how will
look beyond your self-cast shad­ows of assump­tions, expec­ta­tions and fears…and
will the oth­er before you do likewise?

If you wish to tru­ly under­stand, you
need to go beyond this world of appear­ances, beyond the Subjective/Objective,
and lift your Con­scious­ness up to a more Sub­tle Plane of Per­cep­tion, where you
may draw that much clos­er to the Greater Real­i­ty, to the One­ness that thrills
through each and every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, and so begin to approach the
Noume­na that stands behind all this Phenomena.

But how do you over­come this Divide that
seems unbridge­able, between you the Sub­ject and this Object, or between
your­self and the oth­er, how can you tru­ly under­stand That or Them? What could
pos­si­bly allow you to reach beyond your Par­a­digms, Per­cep­tions and Principles,
the very means and mech­a­nisms by which you per­ceive what you hold to be Real, the
very Thought-Forms that have made this world in which you abide? 

To slip beyond mere Know­ing or
Knowl­edge, to move towards the Greater Under­stand­ing, this is it, this is your
Des­tiny as a one of the One. And pre­cise­ly because of who and what you are, you
already pos­sess the req­ui­site fac­ul­ty that will reveal to you what lies beyond
your more lim­it­ed Thought-Forms. 

For beyond and behind, and what tru­ly forms the
very foun­da­tion of your Low­er Mind stands this High­er Plane of a more sub­lime Con­scious­ness. It is the Realm of your High­er or Intu­itive Mind or Man­as, which is itself informed
and guid­ed by the next Realm beyond that, which is your Spir­i­tu­al Nature. This is the way of it, this is the Hier­ar­chy of Cre­ation, which pro­ceeds from
the One into the Two, and to the Third and so becomes the many…

It is from this Intu­itive Mind that you
can enter into the expe­ri­ence of the thing before you, or expe­ri­ence this
join­ing with anoth­er, for it is only by becom­ing one with one anoth­er that you
can tru­ly move into that more imma­nent State of Grace, into your Greater

You have felt and expe­ri­enced this
Con­scious­ness in your life before, many, many times before, and your
self-unfold­ing jour­ney will bring it to you more and more as you walk this
Noble Way, this Path­way of Perfection…

Your mind will turn now, to the
Aware­ness of a deep­er Truth…

Whether by Sym­pa­thy, Empa­thy or

This Love that thrills through Creation,
is the One Reality.

Form­ing the Bridge, between one and

This truth, of One­ness, stirs your

The Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion is

Now Hearts and Minds are One.

Venus Squares Mars (September 28, 2013)


Which path shall it be…do you seek Passion
or Respect?

For you are always faced by choic­es in
these worlds of form, you are always shown one way or anoth­er, which will often
present them­selves as a fork or turn­ing point upon your path, this wondrous
spi­ral stair­way that is your lumi­nous self-unfoldment.

Always accom­pa­ny­ing you upon this
jour­ney you will have these Sacred Two, as they are bound to each oth­er as much
as to you, for they stand upon either side, these your Star­ry Sen­tinels, they stand
watch upon the Sacred Bor­ders of your Inner and Out­er Spaces…

Venus, the Avatar of your Val­ues, of
what makes for your expe­ri­ence of Beau­ty, of how you ascer­tain what is
Worth­while. It is she who holds your pow­er to attract and cre­ate, she holds you
in Love and so equal­ly mea­sures the Love that you will share.

Mars is the Avatar of your Actions and Desires,
of tak­ing you out­wards upon those Glo­ri­ous fields of Self-Real­iza­tion. He
stands for your Pow­er of Self-Asser­tion and the pur­suit of your Aims, you as the
Striv­er and Seek­er, you in your War­rior Way.

In so many ways, Venus will show you what
you want and Mars will take you there…but today, well today they are seemingly
at odds with one anoth­er, and so they pose a ques­tion for you…

Venus is div­ing deeply now, find­ing her
way through Scor­pio, and what you want, what you need and must have is the joy
and beau­ty that is found by and felt in Pas­sion. For you need to slip beyond
all bound­aries, between the I and the Thou, to tru­ly join with and through one
anoth­er, and expe­ri­ence the mys­tery of self-tran­scen­dence, to let go and become
as One.

Mars is hold­ing forth from the Fires of
Leo, where what is Hon­or­able is Right, where what is Respect­ed is True…and
where you know by your Sacred Heart that you will ever be guid­ed by the
Spir­i­tu­al Flame found in every cen­ter of every par­ti­cle of Creation.

What then is the con­flict, and what is
your choice?

Some­how, some­way the Uni­verse will present
to you a turn­ing now, and you will think that you must choose: between
fol­low­ing your Pas­sions and sac­ri­fic­ing what you believe to be Respectable, or doing
what you think is Hon­or­able and sac­ri­fic­ing your Desire…Will you do what you Know is Right, or will you do what Feels Right? But, of course, you
and Spir­it are more than this Either/Or…

You (and life) are more com­plex than
this, and you are here in this Mat­ter-World to be Lift­ing your­self and this Mat­ter too upon wis­er ways than liv­ing in the Illu­sion that is Duality…

When faced with these Spiritual
Chal­lenges, when your road seems to fork and you face one path or anoth­er, you need to look for the
oth­er way, to find the path beyond these divides of the Pure and the Passionate…

And you will find this if you keep your
Head and Heart together…For the only True path is the Weav­ing Way, the Way of
Spir­it, where you under­stand that divi­sion is denial and your only choice is
not to choose…You must find your way through this Light of a Greater
Under­stand­ing, where your Heart will be guid­ed by Rea­son as much as your Head
will be fired by Passion…For it is from their Union that Spir­i­tu­al bal­ance is
reaf­firmed and restored, and you will heal your­self and your world too.

For you are a Cre­ator, a Master-Weaver,
and all of these threads are True…

And you will learn how to hold them,

You will bring them lov­ing­ly together…

As you make your Robe of Glory.

That with your Head and your Heart,

With both the Love of Truth,

And with Truth that is Love.

Being of One Mind and One Heart,

With Hon­or and Passion,

You will hold to the Path,

Of Wis­dom and Love,

The Way.

Sun Enters Libra, Fall Equinox (September 22, 2013)


It is all about the One and the many.

And because this is so, because each and
every par­ti­cle of Creation,

Through­out all of these Won­drous Realms
of Spir­it and Matter,

From the most Infin­i­tes­i­mal on up to the
most Cosmic,

Is of the One…

Because of this, each and every, all of this from the begin­ning and until the end…

All of this Cre­ation is for you like one
great Family.

All are relat­ed, all are con­nect­ed, and all
are part of one another…

Because the One is in all, and all are
in and of the One.

It is for this rea­son that a Foundational
truth of the Ancient Wis­dom that guides the foot­steps of all who fol­low the Noble Path of Spir­it is most pro­found­ly, sim­ply and lov­ing­ly expressed as,

We are all Related”.

Your Jour­ney is about your Self-Becoming,
of devel­op­ing into a Self-Aware Seek­er who is able to trav­el through­out all of
these Realms of Con­scious­ness. For your Des­tiny is to be a Mas­ter Cre­ator, and in
your trav­els through the inner and out­er worlds you must con­tin­u­al­ly strive to walk that Inte­gral Path that weaves
togeth­er your aware­ness of self and of these worlds in which you abide.

This is why you need to tru­ly know and actu­al­ly expe­ri­ence this pro­found Rela­tion­ship of each and every to one anoth­er, and
every one of them to the All…For it is not enough to know or believe this, you
need to expe­ri­ence this for your­self. To do this, you need to consciously
par­tic­i­pate and so grow and sub­stan­ti­ate this Truth that con­nects one and all through
actu­al rela­tion­ships. For this is The Way, this is your path by which you grow
and become this Self-Aware Won­der, this Mas­ter Weaver of Spirit-Matter.

For what you will expe­ri­ence now is this
Lift­ing of your Aware­ness by your active par­tic­i­pa­tion in Rela­tion­ships whereby
you each move out from your own Sacred Space, you reach out to con­nect with one
anoth­er through mutu­al under­stand­ing, through agree­ments and prin­ci­ples that
embody the man­ner in which you will con­duct your­selves with regard to one anoth­er. For you must Know­ing­ly estab­lish how you
will relate now, of how you will ful­fill the Truth of your already relat­ed natures by liv­ing it out­ward­ly, as you extend your hand and heart to one anoth­er and form this new­ly made, Shared Sacred Space…

In oth­er words, you are Con (Togeth­er)
Scious­ness (Know­ing), com­ing into your Greater Under­stand­ing, com­ing into your
Greater Con­scious­ness of how you are a unique instance of the Divine, and yet you
are also part of some­thing larg­er too, and you will find this most wonderfully
ful­filled in and through this Inte­gral Expe­ri­ence of estab­lish­ing this most
spe­cial of Spaces, the Sacred Space of We.

is time to turn again…

wel­come this new Sea­son for your Soul.

You look into each oth­er’s eyes… 

recog­ni­tion twin­kles there.

Feel, a welling warmth that stirs,

Hearts leap in Liv­ing Proof.

You Feel and Know it too,

An Ancient Truth revealed.

Are All Related,

And now
our Hearts are One. 

Pluto Turns Direct (September 20, 2013)


Three Lords lead to the Infin­i­ty that
lies beyond…

One is for your Mind, so that you may Know
and Understand…

One is for your Heart, so that you may
Love and Accept…

One is for your Will, so that you may Unfold
and Become…

For Five Months the Avatar of your Will,
the Lord Plu­to has been mov­ing ret­ro­grade, bend­ing those Pierc­ing Rays of
Spir­i­tu­al Insight back upon your­self as you seek to under­stand your
many-lay­ered nature, as you strive for what is nec­es­sary for you in this stage
of your journey…to move ever clos­er to Self-Mastery. 

You have had anoth­er of your annual
oppor­tu­ni­ties to con­sid­er the nature, matu­ri­ty and wis­dom of your exer­cise of
your Will as applied to your­self, for what is most
impor­tant to you as you unfold and become…that you achieve and main­tain your own Sacred Space through your
turn­ing your Will back upon your­self so as to have ever more enlight­ened Self-Control.

But Plu­to is turn­ing today, focus­ing his
Laser-like gaze and yours upon the Exter­nal­i­ties of your Sacred Spaces, to con­sid­er how
and in what man­ner you con­duct your­self and exer­cise your will as regards the
oth­er count­less sacred spaces that sur­round you. For the next sev­en months you
will find that your oppor­tu­ni­ties and tests of Will are to be experienced
between you and the world around you. 

Of course, this divi­sion in the exercise
of your Will, between Self-Con­trol/­Self-Trans­for­ma­tion ver­sus the complementary
exer­cise of your Will as regards how you Con­duct your­self in the Sacred Space of
oth­ers is mere­ly for pur­pos­es of delin­eation and analysis…Both of these
func­tions of your Will are Inte­gral to one anoth­er, both are con­stant­ly engaged
and the devel­op­ment of the one is nec­es­sary to the other. 

This shift in Plu­to’s direc­tion merely
bends the sig­nif­i­cance of your growth now so that you will strive for greater
under­stand­ing in these out­er realms, to help guide you in your con­duct as
regards the sacred spaces of all that is around you, (which in fact is the
Entire Uni­verse, from the small­est to the great­est), and most espe­cial­ly as
regards your fel­low human com­pan­ions as you Forge/Create/Transform your Joint
Sacred Spaces (the Sacred Spaces of We)… 

For it is in these awe­some Cru­cibles of Union that you find the Foun­tain-Source of the Pow­er that dri­ves your Social
Trans­for­ma­tions and your per­son­al or Self-Trans­for­ma­tions as well.

Since 2008 and until 2024, Plu­to’s gifts
will be focused through the Lens of Capri­corn and your devel­op­ment of your own
Sacred Space, the respect you have for the Sacred Spaces of any oth­er, and the
trans­for­ma­tions of your shared Sacred Spaces will be cir­cum­scribed and informed
by the Spir­i­tu­al Lessons of this Sign. 

Through­out the Ages, Plu­to’s time in
Capri­corn has brought about the Death and Rebirth of Civ­i­liza­tions and
Cul­tures, the break­ing down and rebuild­ing of Hier­ar­chies in realms both
Tem­po­ral and Secular…But this is tru­ly because it brought about in each of
those ages a Trans­for­ma­tion of the Peo­ple who lived through such a time of

A time like the one you are wit­ness to today…And like 250 years
ago, or 500 years ago, an Age will end and a new Age will be born…and it will
be because you and yours will expe­ri­ence your very own per­son­al Renew­al and
Rebirth, for this is the way it was, is and will always be…This is the
Jour­ney, this is your Jour­ney of Self-Becoming.

For it is not the Insti­tu­tions of
Gov­ern­ment, or of Reli­gion or of Edu­ca­tion or any oth­er that have failed and must
change. They are but the vehi­cles and mir­rors of your Civilization…No, it is
we who have made them and we who broke them…It is then we who must change
first, we must open our own Hearts, and change our Minds and focus our Wills so
that a New World can be ush­ered in. 

It is you who must be reborn and
renewed, restored by the recon­nec­tion to the Fun­da­men­tal Truths that have and
will ever guide your Jour­ney from the Begin­ning until the End…and beyond…

Plu­to leads you out­ward now…

To recon­sid­er the Sacred Spaces that
Sur­round you.

You will be asked to deter­mine anew where
you stand…

In these Hier­ar­chies of your World.

You will Acknowl­edge, that your Rights
are Forged,

By how your Ful­fill your Sacred Responsibilities.

You must do your Duty…

You are here to
Ful­fill your Purpose.

And you will Behold the Won­der of Wonders…

For an Age will pass away,

And a New Age will Rise.

And you will smile, 

And you will bow your

For it is You, You are this Dawn…

You are the New Age…

You are the Dawn.

Let thy Will be Done.

Full Moon in Pisces (September 19, 2013)


Your life is found, forged and bounded
by Ancient Portals…

You pass through many door­ways, cross
over many, many thresh­olds as you dance and sing, as you glide with your
com­pan­ions in this won­drous, super­nal Riv­er of Light, this Self-Lumi­nous Stream
of Count­less Points of Con­scious­ness, as you seek and fol­low the path­ways that
mark your Inner and Out­er Journeys.

In this realm, with­in this mate­r­i­al plane,
you are bound by and to your Star and Com­pan­ion, to your Sun and Moon, who are
the por­tal ways for these jour­neys upon your Earth. You enter and exit from
these Gate­ways, and all of the ener­gies that play upon and through you here
must come by their leave.

So it is right and holy that you should
acknowl­edge these align­ments, when Por­tal meets Por­tal and anoth­er sacred
mes­sage is offered up to you…For it is to help you, to remind you of your
pur­pose, of your awe­some poten­tial and solemn respon­si­bil­i­ties. These Signs and
Por­tents, these Gifts of the Spir­it, are there to lift your spir­it so that you will
remem­ber from where you have come, to explain why you are here…and how you will
ful­fill your Destiny.

Luna is at her Far­ther Sta­tion, standing
oppo­site to your Star…and so you on Earth find your­self, as the Sun sets and
the Moon ris­es, you find your­self between these two great Por­tals, able to
receive from both Gate­ways, form­ing togeth­er now as One Greater Portal. 

Here then is your Chal­lenge and Opportunity…It is this gift of Lift­ing your Aware­ness, so that
you might hold them togeth­er and bridge the Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion in your Mind, Soul and Spirit…and you will smile, you will bow your head for now you Under­stand, you will expe­ri­ence, even if but for a moment, the
Greater Real­i­ty in which you abide.

The Solar Por­tal pours forth a stream of
Light which bears to you the Truths of Vir­go, whose Song of Spir­it cherishes
Rea­son and Order, where you will ever find your Peace and Heal­ing, bestowed by Walking
in Beau­ty, by liv­ing in Love with Sim­plic­i­ty and Grace. 

Luna’s Por­tal reflects this Light
through Pisces, and her Song is the nec­es­sary coun­ter­point to pro­vide the Balance
for and Ful­fill the Peace that is Virgo…For Pisces car­ries the Dream and Vision
of the Whole by which you can forge your ordered world. It holds the Faith you
find in the Vision of the Macro­cosm, of the Greater Whole that is both within
you and sur­rounds you too. It brings to your
search for Peace and Order the under­stand­ing that it was always there within
you, and you had but to open your­self to the light that is you, to the Love in which you will always abide.

This Wind of the Spir­it car­ries for you the
Spir­i­tu­al Mean­ing behind all of these Man­i­fest­ed Realms, and then your purpose
is revealed…That it is for you to weave this Under­stand­ing into your actual
life, into all the larg­er and small­er acts of your exis­tence, so that your life
is both ordered and mean­ing­ful, beau­ti­ful and blessed. You see how you are the
Dream­er and the Mak­er, the Vision and the Prize.

You jour­ney from Realms of Infinities
into Realms Infin­i­tes­i­mal, as you pull togeth­er all the count­less strands of
your life, and all your count­less lives. 

Inspired by this vision…

Of Vast­ness and

You make the choice.

You will live in Beau­ty Undivided, 

As you weave your Robe of Glory.

You are a Mas­ter of both Light and Matter,

Now Woven into One.