Mars Squares Saturn (September 9, 2013)


There is no deny­ing it, this one is

But this is how you grow…through
Forging/Finding a Greater Understanding…

By pass­ing beyond the divi­sions and
divides which lead to pain, which are the true cause of your suffering…

You must find your way beyond your self-limitations,
to let go of the lesser…

You seek the High­er Way, the Way of
Com­pas­sion and Humility…and you come upon…

The promise, the prof­fered gifts from
those who have walked the path before you. They extend their love and help to you now…but you must
choose, you must forge and find your own way as must all who tread the path,
you must reach for the Light with­in in order to see the Light in which you

You will strug­gle, you will strive and
even­tu­al­ly you will find and will fol­low the One Path of Truth…The Integral

So, when you feel this pain, when you
encounter Suf­fer­ing, you will ask why…

Why must it be this way? Why this pain?
Why must I Suffer?

And in the Still­ness, in the Sacred
Place that is at your Center…and is found in every sin­gle Cen­ter of all that
IS…a kind­ly, gen­tle voice will remind you of this one sim­ple truth…

You Suf­fer, because you do not
Under­stand, you Suf­fer because you are not yet what you will some­day BE…and
so you Attract this suf­fer­ing to break your hold upon the less­er and
dis­cov­er the Greater that is With­in and Around you too…For this is how you
grow from that unself-con­scious Spark of the Divine and slow­ly but surely
assume your Des­tiny of a ful­ly Illu­mined Being, a Self-Lumi­nous Co-Cre­ator of
Spirit/Matter, to be one of the Anoint­ed, to be Fulfilled.

So do not turn from this Pain…turn
into it. See it for what it holds, and how it has this hold upon you…For it
is your Des­tiny to Mas­ter all of this, and so move beyond this Suf­fer­ing into
Accep­tance, Joy and Uncon­di­tion­al Love…And every blow, every pain is there to
“lift” you up as you let go of the less­er and move towards the
Greater Understanding.…for this is it, this is The Way.

Today, your Pain is sharp and you will
and you must pay atten­tion, for this is your opportunity…and yes, though this
is one of the “hard ones”, it is even more to be trea­sured for this is
how your growth is quick­ened and your promise more clear­ly met.

Mars is sweep­ing through that Regal
realm of Leo, inspir­ing one and all to draw down those Spir­i­tu­al Fires and
extend their hearts of courage into cre­at­ing, lead­ing and lov­ing actions in
order to build bet­ter worlds…But Sat­urn holds forth from the Reality
Struc­tures of Scor­pio, from those oh so ancient edi­fices and more recent

Sat­urn is the Avatar of the very Real­i­ties your Mars
Desires/Actions forged long and not so long ago, those Unions which brought
about the Mag­ic of Self-Trans­for­ma­tion and Growth…and this Con­cret­ed Light, this
Spir­it formed into Mat­ter, is the Can­vas of Life upon which you attempt to extend
your present opportunities.

And yet, this hard-won Real­i­ty will equal­ly present to you the “Ring
Pass Not”, the immov­able Objec­ti­fi­ca­tion of those for­mi­da­ble limitations
which con­front you in the now, for you are a Spir­it who is learning
self-mas­tery in this most mate­r­i­al of Worlds.

As you face the pain of delay, of
endeav­ors thwart­ed and goals denied, as stres­sors and stress­es build and the
aches of your loss­es mount…you will won­der why, what is this for?…

The goals you have are what they have
been, the way to them remains as it was…whatever could cause such pain? You
dou­ble down on your efforts, only to feel an equal rise in resis­tance to your
way…and you ask, what is wrong, what do I do now?

You need remem­ber but one truth, and that
there is always help if you sur­ren­der your ego, if you sur­ren­der your pride…and
if you would but lis­ten, in a qui­et place, in the still­ness there you will feel
the pres­ence, there will come a stir­ring in your heart, and a lov­ing voice will
remind you, of what you now remem­ber, of course, that there is but one constant
in All these worlds…and that is Change. 

How could your goal remain for­ev­er, how
could the path remain unchanged? The answer, as always, is Understanding…that
you need to see behind, beneath and beyond what appears to your ordi­nary ways
and means. You need to rise above your every­day cer­tain­ties and expectancies,
to lift your sights from your Deter­mi­na­tions and ques­tion again “Where you
are going”, to con­sid­er again “What is my path?”

Your part­ner, your fam­i­ly, your boss or
the Uni­verse is not try­ing to “stop” you, it is mere­ly your Future
ask­ing you to let go of the less­er you and to move that much clos­er to the
Light-Bear­er, to the Divin­i­ty that lights your way with­in you.

You must grow and change in equal
mea­sure to these worlds…

These Realms who are ris­ing with, by and
through you.

As you and your Illu­mined Companions
seek to become, and

To lift your­selves and all these
Worlds too.

Spir­its danc­ing through Matter…

Mat­ter illu­mined by Consciousness.

Wing­ing your way back…

Sparks of the Divine…

Head­ing home to the One.

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