Mercury Squares Pluto (September 14, 2013)


There is no “mag­ic”, there is
only what you do not yet understand…

What you think of as mag­ic, is that
which remains out­side of your con­scious­ness at this point in your jour­ney. It
lies in the beyond, out­side the bor­ders of your beliefs, beyond your paradigms
and per­cep­tions, in those Shad­owed Lands where you are con­found­ed by the

What­ev­er is beyond your cur­rent lev­el of
com­pre­hen­sion appears as Mag­i­cal and Won­drous, but it mere­ly because you do not
yet under­stand who or what you are, nor do you per­ceive the true nature of
these realms in which you abide.

To unfold your won­drous poten­tial, to move
beyond and keep climb­ing through these spi­ral­ing stages of Reality/Illusion you
must expand your aware­ness into a high­er, more inclu­sive Realm of
Being-Know­ing. This requires your right­ful appli­ca­tion of one of your three
most pre­cious Spir­i­tu­al Gifts, your awe­some Gift of Will. By a focused
Desire, with a pas­sion­ate Aspi­ra­tion to lift your­self to a more Awak­ened State, you are able to
pierce through the Maya of your for­mer con­scious­ness and pro­ceed to the next
step in your self-unfold­ing, self-realization.

As you part the Veil of Isis, as you once
more raise your lev­el of Con­scious­ness, you lift your­self (and your world) that
much higher…For you are a Pil­grim, a Spark of the Divine seek­ing “The
Way”, and by your Will­ing to go Deep­er and High­er you steadi­ly and surely
draw that much clos­er to what is known as the Greater Under­stand­ing, towards
that pre­cious, sub­lime realm, tru­ly the King­dom of the Gods…and so find and
enter your Place of Peace.

You can­not know what you do not yet
per­ceive, and you will not com­pre­hend with­out let­ting go, releas­ing yourself
from these famil­iar Thought-Forms which brought you thus far but can take you
no further…You can­not pro­ceed beyond your self-cast shad­ows, formed by your
more lim­it­ed assumptions…They have brought you to this place, indeed they
have help to form this very Real­i­ty for you (because all of this is yours, it
is your Spir­it-Mind-Mat­ter that has formed this world). This Cre­ation, this Now
is your ful­fill­ment but it equal­ly forms the very imped­i­ment to your next realm
of Thought-Form, and so these old friends, these old Ideas, Beliefs, Truths and
Prin­ci­ples can take you no further…

Mer­cury is the Avatar of your Mind, Pluto
the Avatar of the your Will. Their align­ment today rep­re­sents a choice (as
always) between using your Will to pierce through Illu­sion, or to retreat in
fear and use your Will to hold your­self (and oth­ers) in the more lim­it­ed but
famil­iar Mind-Maya-Matter…but this regres­sion, this poor­er choice, will only delay your pas­sage to
the Realms of greater Light and Love.

If you would but real­ize, that the only
true and spir­i­tu­al exer­cise of your will is for Self-Con­trol, that this Awesome
Gift is for form­ing, pre­serv­ing and yet also con­tin­u­ous­ly Trans­form­ing your Sacred Space, which also includes this space
of your Mind or Con­scious­ness. Under­stand­ing this, you would accept that what
Mercury/Pluto offers you is a chal­lenge to quick­en your growth, it is an opportunity
for Self-full­fill­ing Liberation.

Their align­ment is a less than gentle
reminder that you must fol­low your one abid­ing Injunc­tion that forms the Kernel
of your Spir­i­tu­al Flame…that you are here To Grow. That you must ever seek to
chal­lenge your assump­tions, to nev­er rest in your quest to under­stand yourself
and your world (which are the same thing), for at every lev­el, in each and
every Realm of Man­i­fes­ta­tion and through all the Worlds that you must travel
you have been giv­en this one guid­ing prin­ci­ple, you must become what you are
meant to be, you must Walk On.

If you choose wise­ly you will engage
your Will by turn­ing it and your Mind back upon your­self and your Assumptions,
Per­cep­tions and Cer­tain­ties. You will reen­gage your mind’s most precious
fac­ul­ty of com­par­ing and con­trast­ing points of view, con­sid­er­ing and
recon­sid­er­ing, form­ing and reform­ing so as to reach the New World that you will
make in, by and through your renewed Awareness.

Your Jour­ney is made of many points of

There are many paths, and many forks
along the way…

And at each junc­ture you are offered a
choice, for this is the only way.

This is how you learn, how you become
what you are meant to be…

You must learn to choose what is good,
what is truer…what is wise.

For that is the Noble Path, this is The Way of Light
and Truth.

Found by Accep­tance, filled with Grace and offered with Humility…

You Choose.

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