Mercury Opposite Uranus (September 15–16, 2013)


How do you raise your awareness? 

How are you able to see beyond what you
believe in?

How are you able to let go of what you thought
to be “The Truth”?

Your Beliefs, Truths and Prin­ci­ples form
your Par­a­digm, they cre­ate your Per­cep­tive Fac­ul­ties and so reveal to you the
world as you know it and expect it to be…So, how can you, or will you, see
beyond this? After all, you and all with whom you share this have invest­ed much
in mak­ing this Real­i­ty that you abide in, and change could or might well prove
to be most uncom­fort­able for you and them. So, you will nat­u­ral­ly defend
your­self from, attempt to deflect or dis­miss, whatever/whomever seems to
threat­en this Mind-Mat­ter which you call Home.

Yet, your most fun­da­men­tal force,
found­ed by your essen­tial nature as a Spark of the Divine cre­ates your one
Imper­a­tive Prin­ci­pal, a dri­ve that pro­pels your jour­neys, through all the
realms, worlds and forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion, lead­ing you from Unself-Conscious
Aware­ness to even­tu­al unfold­ment into a ful­ly Awak­ened, Self-Aware
Co-Creator…this Spir­i­tu­al Essence, your Imper­a­tive Dri­ve says you are here
for one true pur­pose and that is “To Grow”. 

So, a more accu­rate ques­tion might be,
how could you pos­si­bly remain still, hold­ing onto Beliefs and Half-Truths while
you, and all the rest of the Uni­verse (which is just like you, in that every
Par­ti­cle of Cre­ation is at its core Spir­it too), while you and all of THAT is
in Motion, all of Spir­it-Mat­ter is cease­less­ly unfold­ing, grow­ing and becoming
some­thing more too? So, how could you remain as you were?

Of course you will grow in awareness,
you will form and then let go of Par­a­digms, form truths that become superseded
by more Nuanced Truths…for this is how you walk the Path to Wis­dom, how you
find your way, The Way, back to the super­nal Light that gave birth, informs and
sus­tains this Creation.

With­in you as around you, there is the
One Spir­it, and anoth­er Avatar of this Spir­it is offer­ing you a pre­cious gift
today. Because you may cling to what is fail­ing out of fear, to hold onto thought-forms
and beliefs that have become less and less mean­ing­ful as they become “out
of phase” with the ever unfold­ing Real­i­ty with­in and around you, you will
indeed ben­e­fit from this offer­ing of one of the Mighty Three that form the
Tri­une Nature of the Divine. 

Uranus, the Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, of
Thought that is Free, aligns today with Mer­cury, your Avatar of your Mind…and
your mind, your Assump­tions and Prin­ci­ples, your Beliefs and Truths will
receive a “shock”…For Uranus is the Awak­en­er, who by shak­ing you
and your world reveals to you what was for­mer­ly hid­den by your very perspective
or point of view, and you will stand there in awe and amaze­ment by the New
World revealed…

But this growth is often not easy, for
you hold onto what was your world over­much and over­long, but in the end you let
go…and grow. The way can be eas­i­er, but you must do your part by approaching
your­self and your world with a more open­ly seek­ing, hum­bling and accept­ing attitude
as regards what is “true”.

And even more, you must be grate­ful as
to how this New Found Vision or Truth will come to you…For this time, Mercury
is form­ing an Oppo­si­tion with Uranus and you will find this greater Truth
revealed by, from and through an Encounter with another…Not that they will
nec­es­sar­i­ly “have” the Truth any more than you…

More prob­a­bly it will be your dynamic
inter­play with one anoth­er, of your per­spec­tive being chal­lenged by theirs, and
theirs by yours, and that through this back­ing and forth, through rigorous,
open and ulti­mate­ly mutu­al­ly hum­bling inter­play, that you will both find the “Third Way”…and a greater Truth, a more Sub­tle and Beautiful
Real­i­ty will be revealed to you both…and you will Grow.

This is The Way…

From the Beginning, 

Until the End.

Spir­it-Mat­ter in Motion…

Danc­ing, Sweep­ing, Join­ing, Releasing…

Reach­ing, Striv­ing, Yearn­ing and Let­ting Go…


From Infin­i­tes­i­mals to Infinity,

All Becom­ing, Seek­ing and Returning…

To the One.

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