Full Moon in Pisces (September 19, 2013)


Your life is found, forged and bounded
by Ancient Portals…

You pass through many door­ways, cross
over many, many thresh­olds as you dance and sing, as you glide with your
com­pan­ions in this won­drous, super­nal Riv­er of Light, this Self-Lumi­nous Stream
of Count­less Points of Con­scious­ness, as you seek and fol­low the path­ways that
mark your Inner and Out­er Journeys.

In this realm, with­in this mate­r­i­al plane,
you are bound by and to your Star and Com­pan­ion, to your Sun and Moon, who are
the por­tal ways for these jour­neys upon your Earth. You enter and exit from
these Gate­ways, and all of the ener­gies that play upon and through you here
must come by their leave.

So it is right and holy that you should
acknowl­edge these align­ments, when Por­tal meets Por­tal and anoth­er sacred
mes­sage is offered up to you…For it is to help you, to remind you of your
pur­pose, of your awe­some poten­tial and solemn respon­si­bil­i­ties. These Signs and
Por­tents, these Gifts of the Spir­it, are there to lift your spir­it so that you will
remem­ber from where you have come, to explain why you are here…and how you will
ful­fill your Destiny.

Luna is at her Far­ther Sta­tion, standing
oppo­site to your Star…and so you on Earth find your­self, as the Sun sets and
the Moon ris­es, you find your­self between these two great Por­tals, able to
receive from both Gate­ways, form­ing togeth­er now as One Greater Portal. 

Here then is your Chal­lenge and Opportunity…It is this gift of Lift­ing your Aware­ness, so that
you might hold them togeth­er and bridge the Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion in your Mind, Soul and Spirit…and you will smile, you will bow your head for now you Under­stand, you will expe­ri­ence, even if but for a moment, the
Greater Real­i­ty in which you abide.

The Solar Por­tal pours forth a stream of
Light which bears to you the Truths of Vir­go, whose Song of Spir­it cherishes
Rea­son and Order, where you will ever find your Peace and Heal­ing, bestowed by Walking
in Beau­ty, by liv­ing in Love with Sim­plic­i­ty and Grace. 

Luna’s Por­tal reflects this Light
through Pisces, and her Song is the nec­es­sary coun­ter­point to pro­vide the Balance
for and Ful­fill the Peace that is Virgo…For Pisces car­ries the Dream and Vision
of the Whole by which you can forge your ordered world. It holds the Faith you
find in the Vision of the Macro­cosm, of the Greater Whole that is both within
you and sur­rounds you too. It brings to your
search for Peace and Order the under­stand­ing that it was always there within
you, and you had but to open your­self to the light that is you, to the Love in which you will always abide.

This Wind of the Spir­it car­ries for you the
Spir­i­tu­al Mean­ing behind all of these Man­i­fest­ed Realms, and then your purpose
is revealed…That it is for you to weave this Under­stand­ing into your actual
life, into all the larg­er and small­er acts of your exis­tence, so that your life
is both ordered and mean­ing­ful, beau­ti­ful and blessed. You see how you are the
Dream­er and the Mak­er, the Vision and the Prize.

You jour­ney from Realms of Infinities
into Realms Infin­i­tes­i­mal, as you pull togeth­er all the count­less strands of
your life, and all your count­less lives. 

Inspired by this vision…

Of Vast­ness and

You make the choice.

You will live in Beau­ty Undivided, 

As you weave your Robe of Glory.

You are a Mas­ter of both Light and Matter,

Now Woven into One.

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