Daily Archives: September 20, 2013

Pluto Turns Direct (September 20, 2013)


Three Lords lead to the Infin­i­ty that
lies beyond…

One is for your Mind, so that you may Know
and Understand…

One is for your Heart, so that you may
Love and Accept…

One is for your Will, so that you may Unfold
and Become…

For Five Months the Avatar of your Will,
the Lord Plu­to has been mov­ing ret­ro­grade, bend­ing those Pierc­ing Rays of
Spir­i­tu­al Insight back upon your­self as you seek to under­stand your
many-lay­ered nature, as you strive for what is nec­es­sary for you in this stage
of your journey…to move ever clos­er to Self-Mastery. 

You have had anoth­er of your annual
oppor­tu­ni­ties to con­sid­er the nature, matu­ri­ty and wis­dom of your exer­cise of
your Will as applied to your­self, for what is most
impor­tant to you as you unfold and become…that you achieve and main­tain your own Sacred Space through your
turn­ing your Will back upon your­self so as to have ever more enlight­ened Self-Control.

But Plu­to is turn­ing today, focus­ing his
Laser-like gaze and yours upon the Exter­nal­i­ties of your Sacred Spaces, to con­sid­er how
and in what man­ner you con­duct your­self and exer­cise your will as regards the
oth­er count­less sacred spaces that sur­round you. For the next sev­en months you
will find that your oppor­tu­ni­ties and tests of Will are to be experienced
between you and the world around you. 

Of course, this divi­sion in the exercise
of your Will, between Self-Con­trol/­Self-Trans­for­ma­tion ver­sus the complementary
exer­cise of your Will as regards how you Con­duct your­self in the Sacred Space of
oth­ers is mere­ly for pur­pos­es of delin­eation and analysis…Both of these
func­tions of your Will are Inte­gral to one anoth­er, both are con­stant­ly engaged
and the devel­op­ment of the one is nec­es­sary to the other. 

This shift in Plu­to’s direc­tion merely
bends the sig­nif­i­cance of your growth now so that you will strive for greater
under­stand­ing in these out­er realms, to help guide you in your con­duct as
regards the sacred spaces of all that is around you, (which in fact is the
Entire Uni­verse, from the small­est to the great­est), and most espe­cial­ly as
regards your fel­low human com­pan­ions as you Forge/Create/Transform your Joint
Sacred Spaces (the Sacred Spaces of We)… 

For it is in these awe­some Cru­cibles of Union that you find the Foun­tain-Source of the Pow­er that dri­ves your Social
Trans­for­ma­tions and your per­son­al or Self-Trans­for­ma­tions as well.

Since 2008 and until 2024, Plu­to’s gifts
will be focused through the Lens of Capri­corn and your devel­op­ment of your own
Sacred Space, the respect you have for the Sacred Spaces of any oth­er, and the
trans­for­ma­tions of your shared Sacred Spaces will be cir­cum­scribed and informed
by the Spir­i­tu­al Lessons of this Sign. 

Through­out the Ages, Plu­to’s time in
Capri­corn has brought about the Death and Rebirth of Civ­i­liza­tions and
Cul­tures, the break­ing down and rebuild­ing of Hier­ar­chies in realms both
Tem­po­ral and Secular…But this is tru­ly because it brought about in each of
those ages a Trans­for­ma­tion of the Peo­ple who lived through such a time of

A time like the one you are wit­ness to today…And like 250 years
ago, or 500 years ago, an Age will end and a new Age will be born…and it will
be because you and yours will expe­ri­ence your very own per­son­al Renew­al and
Rebirth, for this is the way it was, is and will always be…This is the
Jour­ney, this is your Jour­ney of Self-Becoming.

For it is not the Insti­tu­tions of
Gov­ern­ment, or of Reli­gion or of Edu­ca­tion or any oth­er that have failed and must
change. They are but the vehi­cles and mir­rors of your Civilization…No, it is
we who have made them and we who broke them…It is then we who must change
first, we must open our own Hearts, and change our Minds and focus our Wills so
that a New World can be ush­ered in. 

It is you who must be reborn and
renewed, restored by the recon­nec­tion to the Fun­da­men­tal Truths that have and
will ever guide your Jour­ney from the Begin­ning until the End…and beyond…

Plu­to leads you out­ward now…

To recon­sid­er the Sacred Spaces that
Sur­round you.

You will be asked to deter­mine anew where
you stand…

In these Hier­ar­chies of your World.

You will Acknowl­edge, that your Rights
are Forged,

By how your Ful­fill your Sacred Responsibilities.

You must do your Duty…

You are here to
Ful­fill your Purpose.

And you will Behold the Won­der of Wonders…

For an Age will pass away,

And a New Age will Rise.

And you will smile, 

And you will bow your

For it is You, You are this Dawn…

You are the New Age…

You are the Dawn.

Let thy Will be Done.