Daily Archives: September 21, 2013

Sun Enters Libra, Fall Equinox (September 22, 2013)


It is all about the One and the many.

And because this is so, because each and
every par­ti­cle of Creation,

Through­out all of these Won­drous Realms
of Spir­it and Matter,

From the most Infin­i­tes­i­mal on up to the
most Cosmic,

Is of the One…

Because of this, each and every, all of this from the begin­ning and until the end…

All of this Cre­ation is for you like one
great Family.

All are relat­ed, all are con­nect­ed, and all
are part of one another…

Because the One is in all, and all are
in and of the One.

It is for this rea­son that a Foundational
truth of the Ancient Wis­dom that guides the foot­steps of all who fol­low the Noble Path of Spir­it is most pro­found­ly, sim­ply and lov­ing­ly expressed as,

We are all Related”.

Your Jour­ney is about your Self-Becoming,
of devel­op­ing into a Self-Aware Seek­er who is able to trav­el through­out all of
these Realms of Con­scious­ness. For your Des­tiny is to be a Mas­ter Cre­ator, and in
your trav­els through the inner and out­er worlds you must con­tin­u­al­ly strive to walk that Inte­gral Path that weaves
togeth­er your aware­ness of self and of these worlds in which you abide.

This is why you need to tru­ly know and actu­al­ly expe­ri­ence this pro­found Rela­tion­ship of each and every to one anoth­er, and
every one of them to the All…For it is not enough to know or believe this, you
need to expe­ri­ence this for your­self. To do this, you need to consciously
par­tic­i­pate and so grow and sub­stan­ti­ate this Truth that con­nects one and all through
actu­al rela­tion­ships. For this is The Way, this is your path by which you grow
and become this Self-Aware Won­der, this Mas­ter Weaver of Spirit-Matter.

For what you will expe­ri­ence now is this
Lift­ing of your Aware­ness by your active par­tic­i­pa­tion in Rela­tion­ships whereby
you each move out from your own Sacred Space, you reach out to con­nect with one
anoth­er through mutu­al under­stand­ing, through agree­ments and prin­ci­ples that
embody the man­ner in which you will con­duct your­selves with regard to one anoth­er. For you must Know­ing­ly estab­lish how you
will relate now, of how you will ful­fill the Truth of your already relat­ed natures by liv­ing it out­ward­ly, as you extend your hand and heart to one anoth­er and form this new­ly made, Shared Sacred Space…

In oth­er words, you are Con (Togeth­er)
Scious­ness (Know­ing), com­ing into your Greater Under­stand­ing, com­ing into your
Greater Con­scious­ness of how you are a unique instance of the Divine, and yet you
are also part of some­thing larg­er too, and you will find this most wonderfully
ful­filled in and through this Inte­gral Expe­ri­ence of estab­lish­ing this most
spe­cial of Spaces, the Sacred Space of We.

is time to turn again…

wel­come this new Sea­son for your Soul.

You look into each oth­er’s eyes… 

recog­ni­tion twin­kles there.

Feel, a welling warmth that stirs,

Hearts leap in Liv­ing Proof.

You Feel and Know it too,

An Ancient Truth revealed.

Are All Related,

And now
our Hearts are One.