Daily Archives: September 27, 2013

Venus Squares Mars (September 28, 2013)


Which path shall it be…do you seek Passion
or Respect?

For you are always faced by choic­es in
these worlds of form, you are always shown one way or anoth­er, which will often
present them­selves as a fork or turn­ing point upon your path, this wondrous
spi­ral stair­way that is your lumi­nous self-unfoldment.

Always accom­pa­ny­ing you upon this
jour­ney you will have these Sacred Two, as they are bound to each oth­er as much
as to you, for they stand upon either side, these your Star­ry Sen­tinels, they stand
watch upon the Sacred Bor­ders of your Inner and Out­er Spaces…

Venus, the Avatar of your Val­ues, of
what makes for your expe­ri­ence of Beau­ty, of how you ascer­tain what is
Worth­while. It is she who holds your pow­er to attract and cre­ate, she holds you
in Love and so equal­ly mea­sures the Love that you will share.

Mars is the Avatar of your Actions and Desires,
of tak­ing you out­wards upon those Glo­ri­ous fields of Self-Real­iza­tion. He
stands for your Pow­er of Self-Asser­tion and the pur­suit of your Aims, you as the
Striv­er and Seek­er, you in your War­rior Way.

In so many ways, Venus will show you what
you want and Mars will take you there…but today, well today they are seemingly
at odds with one anoth­er, and so they pose a ques­tion for you…

Venus is div­ing deeply now, find­ing her
way through Scor­pio, and what you want, what you need and must have is the joy
and beau­ty that is found by and felt in Pas­sion. For you need to slip beyond
all bound­aries, between the I and the Thou, to tru­ly join with and through one
anoth­er, and expe­ri­ence the mys­tery of self-tran­scen­dence, to let go and become
as One.

Mars is hold­ing forth from the Fires of
Leo, where what is Hon­or­able is Right, where what is Respect­ed is True…and
where you know by your Sacred Heart that you will ever be guid­ed by the
Spir­i­tu­al Flame found in every cen­ter of every par­ti­cle of Creation.

What then is the con­flict, and what is
your choice?

Some­how, some­way the Uni­verse will present
to you a turn­ing now, and you will think that you must choose: between
fol­low­ing your Pas­sions and sac­ri­fic­ing what you believe to be Respectable, or doing
what you think is Hon­or­able and sac­ri­fic­ing your Desire…Will you do what you Know is Right, or will you do what Feels Right? But, of course, you
and Spir­it are more than this Either/Or…

You (and life) are more com­plex than
this, and you are here in this Mat­ter-World to be Lift­ing your­self and this Mat­ter too upon wis­er ways than liv­ing in the Illu­sion that is Duality…

When faced with these Spiritual
Chal­lenges, when your road seems to fork and you face one path or anoth­er, you need to look for the
oth­er way, to find the path beyond these divides of the Pure and the Passionate…

And you will find this if you keep your
Head and Heart together…For the only True path is the Weav­ing Way, the Way of
Spir­it, where you under­stand that divi­sion is denial and your only choice is
not to choose…You must find your way through this Light of a Greater
Under­stand­ing, where your Heart will be guid­ed by Rea­son as much as your Head
will be fired by Passion…For it is from their Union that Spir­i­tu­al bal­ance is
reaf­firmed and restored, and you will heal your­self and your world too.

For you are a Cre­ator, a Master-Weaver,
and all of these threads are True…

And you will learn how to hold them,

You will bring them lov­ing­ly together…

As you make your Robe of Glory.

That with your Head and your Heart,

With both the Love of Truth,

And with Truth that is Love.

Being of One Mind and One Heart,

With Hon­or and Passion,

You will hold to the Path,

Of Wis­dom and Love,

The Way.