Daily Archives: September 29, 2013

Mercury Enters Scorpio (September 29, 2013)


It is time to leave aside those balanced
beam­ing ways of Air. Her­mes, the Avatar of your Mind is turn­ing now, he is here
to take you into a deep­en­ing, to help you to go beyond appear­ances and find those
greater mean­ings, the soul-filled know­ings that can only be encoun­tered upon more
hid­den pathways…Even so, this is no small for­ay for you or for him…

Where­as Mer­cury might nor­mal­ly skip
through a sign in two or three weeks, this time he will delve and dig, seek and
search, and take you upon this jour­ney into your hid­den spaces for over nine weeks…that is, from now until Decem­ber 4th or for 66 days you are
going into the Cat­a­combs of your Creation.

You are com­ing out of your Libra space,
where Har­mo­ny and Equi­lib­ri­um were trea­sured above all else, where your Mind sought to
hon­or, pre­serve and pro­tect your rela­tion­ships by forg­ing and find­ing consensus…and
this must give way now…for you seek a High­er Prize.

You feel the Desire welling up within
you now, to go beyond the Seem­ing­ly Beau­ti­ful and Accept­ed notions, to move
past the what is com­mon­ly com­fort­ing, what is the accept­able, agree­able yet ordinary
and obvi­ous. You wish to break through this Illu­sion of Appear­ances, through
the Maya or Veil that obscures, and move clos­er to what dwells at the Root of
your World…You have this greater desire now, you seek for noth­ing less than

But what and how is that to be, how will
look beyond your self-cast shad­ows of assump­tions, expec­ta­tions and fears…and
will the oth­er before you do likewise?

If you wish to tru­ly under­stand, you
need to go beyond this world of appear­ances, beyond the Subjective/Objective,
and lift your Con­scious­ness up to a more Sub­tle Plane of Per­cep­tion, where you
may draw that much clos­er to the Greater Real­i­ty, to the One­ness that thrills
through each and every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, and so begin to approach the
Noume­na that stands behind all this Phenomena.

But how do you over­come this Divide that
seems unbridge­able, between you the Sub­ject and this Object, or between
your­self and the oth­er, how can you tru­ly under­stand That or Them? What could
pos­si­bly allow you to reach beyond your Par­a­digms, Per­cep­tions and Principles,
the very means and mech­a­nisms by which you per­ceive what you hold to be Real, the
very Thought-Forms that have made this world in which you abide? 

To slip beyond mere Know­ing or
Knowl­edge, to move towards the Greater Under­stand­ing, this is it, this is your
Des­tiny as a one of the One. And pre­cise­ly because of who and what you are, you
already pos­sess the req­ui­site fac­ul­ty that will reveal to you what lies beyond
your more lim­it­ed Thought-Forms. 

For beyond and behind, and what tru­ly forms the
very foun­da­tion of your Low­er Mind stands this High­er Plane of a more sub­lime Con­scious­ness. It is the Realm of your High­er or Intu­itive Mind or Man­as, which is itself informed
and guid­ed by the next Realm beyond that, which is your Spir­i­tu­al Nature. This is the way of it, this is the Hier­ar­chy of Cre­ation, which pro­ceeds from
the One into the Two, and to the Third and so becomes the many…

It is from this Intu­itive Mind that you
can enter into the expe­ri­ence of the thing before you, or expe­ri­ence this
join­ing with anoth­er, for it is only by becom­ing one with one anoth­er that you
can tru­ly move into that more imma­nent State of Grace, into your Greater

You have felt and expe­ri­enced this
Con­scious­ness in your life before, many, many times before, and your
self-unfold­ing jour­ney will bring it to you more and more as you walk this
Noble Way, this Path­way of Perfection…

Your mind will turn now, to the
Aware­ness of a deep­er Truth…

Whether by Sym­pa­thy, Empa­thy or

This Love that thrills through Creation,
is the One Reality.

Form­ing the Bridge, between one and

This truth, of One­ness, stirs your

The Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion is

Now Hearts and Minds are One.