Monthly Archives: September 2013

Venus Conjunct Saturn (September 18, 2013)


It is time to pause, to take a moment
and consider…

Are you Worthy…Do you walk in Beauty…Do
you live with Love?

Four times a year, Venus who is your
Avatar of Val­ue will make a “hard” align­ment to the Avatar of Reality,
the Lord of Lim­its and Man­i­fes­ta­tion, Saturn…and you will need to assess what
you have, and what you have made…what you took and what you gave.

Yes, at each cor­ner of your world you
must pause before you turn…At each cross­ing into a New Sea­son you should
con­sid­er what you may bring with you, and what you must now lay aside. For
there is only one rule to your jour­ney, one insis­tent pur­pose behind it
all…you must grow, you must become, you must unfold the Splen­dor that abides

You are here to release, give form and
real­ize the Spir­i­tu­al Flame that burns inside of you, which is a Spark of the
Divine, and a part of this you know as Love. You draw from this Realm Eternal
your Ideals of Truth and Beau­ty, your Dream­ing Forms of what will be, and you make
of them some­thing Real for a while. What was but pure Poten­tial becomes fixed
into some­thing for a time, and you find in this your Ful­fill­ment, your
Wor­thi­ness made Man­i­fest, your Beau­ty Beheld, your Love Bestowed.

But all of this Real­i­ty you have made,
all that is Formed in this Realm is bound by Time, all of this Spir­it-Mat­ter is
of a Com­pos­ite Nature…And so the present Val­ue will dimin­ish, today’s Beau­ty will
come undone and this form of Love will fade away…They can only be for so
long, for what­ev­er you make, what­ev­er you take, is lim­it­ed by this Law of Birth
and Death, of Cre­ation and Destruction…and so you will look and long for
some­thing Last­ing in these Worlds filled with this one Con­stant, Change…

There is such a place, and it is there
that you will find your abid­ing hope for Peace. It is there in your Heart, formed
through your Soul, Inspired by and through your Spir­i­tu­al Source that forms the
Core and Essence of what you are…For you must remem­ber that you are Spirit,
and you will by your pow­er of Cre­ation become and unfold all that is, all of
what you make of your­self and what sur­rounds you too…

Yes all of that which you have made will
only last for a while, and this too you must and will come to accept…For your
pur­pose is not fixed to some End­point, to mak­ing this or that and then be
done…Your Pur­pose is your Jour­ney, to con­tin­ue upon your Path of Self-Unfoldment…Your
Growth is Nev­er-end­ing and Eter­nal and is formed by the Foun­tain-Source of all
of THAT.

For you are the ever-unfold­ing, cease­less­ly chang­ing Cre­ator and Creation

You take your delight in these realms
you made, these Worlds of Form, where you Sing and Dance your Cre­ation Song.

Today you are Ending…

And you will
Begin again.

This is your Spi­ral Jour­ney, Create-Hold-Release.

You take what you can, your har­vest of Beau­ty and Meaning…

Trea­sures of Spir­it that will not fade,

As you lay aside the rest.

Do not weep, all Suns must set.

Sing your Cre­ation Song,

and Behold those Ris­ing Rays…

Your Danc­ing brings the Dawn.

Mercury Opposite Uranus (September 15–16, 2013)


How do you raise your awareness? 

How are you able to see beyond what you
believe in?

How are you able to let go of what you thought
to be “The Truth”?

Your Beliefs, Truths and Prin­ci­ples form
your Par­a­digm, they cre­ate your Per­cep­tive Fac­ul­ties and so reveal to you the
world as you know it and expect it to be…So, how can you, or will you, see
beyond this? After all, you and all with whom you share this have invest­ed much
in mak­ing this Real­i­ty that you abide in, and change could or might well prove
to be most uncom­fort­able for you and them. So, you will nat­u­ral­ly defend
your­self from, attempt to deflect or dis­miss, whatever/whomever seems to
threat­en this Mind-Mat­ter which you call Home.

Yet, your most fun­da­men­tal force,
found­ed by your essen­tial nature as a Spark of the Divine cre­ates your one
Imper­a­tive Prin­ci­pal, a dri­ve that pro­pels your jour­neys, through all the
realms, worlds and forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion, lead­ing you from Unself-Conscious
Aware­ness to even­tu­al unfold­ment into a ful­ly Awak­ened, Self-Aware
Co-Creator…this Spir­i­tu­al Essence, your Imper­a­tive Dri­ve says you are here
for one true pur­pose and that is “To Grow”. 

So, a more accu­rate ques­tion might be,
how could you pos­si­bly remain still, hold­ing onto Beliefs and Half-Truths while
you, and all the rest of the Uni­verse (which is just like you, in that every
Par­ti­cle of Cre­ation is at its core Spir­it too), while you and all of THAT is
in Motion, all of Spir­it-Mat­ter is cease­less­ly unfold­ing, grow­ing and becoming
some­thing more too? So, how could you remain as you were?

Of course you will grow in awareness,
you will form and then let go of Par­a­digms, form truths that become superseded
by more Nuanced Truths…for this is how you walk the Path to Wis­dom, how you
find your way, The Way, back to the super­nal Light that gave birth, informs and
sus­tains this Creation.

With­in you as around you, there is the
One Spir­it, and anoth­er Avatar of this Spir­it is offer­ing you a pre­cious gift
today. Because you may cling to what is fail­ing out of fear, to hold onto thought-forms
and beliefs that have become less and less mean­ing­ful as they become “out
of phase” with the ever unfold­ing Real­i­ty with­in and around you, you will
indeed ben­e­fit from this offer­ing of one of the Mighty Three that form the
Tri­une Nature of the Divine. 

Uranus, the Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, of
Thought that is Free, aligns today with Mer­cury, your Avatar of your Mind…and
your mind, your Assump­tions and Prin­ci­ples, your Beliefs and Truths will
receive a “shock”…For Uranus is the Awak­en­er, who by shak­ing you
and your world reveals to you what was for­mer­ly hid­den by your very perspective
or point of view, and you will stand there in awe and amaze­ment by the New
World revealed…

But this growth is often not easy, for
you hold onto what was your world over­much and over­long, but in the end you let
go…and grow. The way can be eas­i­er, but you must do your part by approaching
your­self and your world with a more open­ly seek­ing, hum­bling and accept­ing attitude
as regards what is “true”.

And even more, you must be grate­ful as
to how this New Found Vision or Truth will come to you…For this time, Mercury
is form­ing an Oppo­si­tion with Uranus and you will find this greater Truth
revealed by, from and through an Encounter with another…Not that they will
nec­es­sar­i­ly “have” the Truth any more than you…

More prob­a­bly it will be your dynamic
inter­play with one anoth­er, of your per­spec­tive being chal­lenged by theirs, and
theirs by yours, and that through this back­ing and forth, through rigorous,
open and ulti­mate­ly mutu­al­ly hum­bling inter­play, that you will both find the “Third Way”…and a greater Truth, a more Sub­tle and Beautiful
Real­i­ty will be revealed to you both…and you will Grow.

This is The Way…

From the Beginning, 

Until the End.

Spir­it-Mat­ter in Motion…

Danc­ing, Sweep­ing, Join­ing, Releasing…

Reach­ing, Striv­ing, Yearn­ing and Let­ting Go…


From Infin­i­tes­i­mals to Infinity,

All Becom­ing, Seek­ing and Returning…

To the One.

Mercury Squares Pluto (September 14, 2013)


There is no “mag­ic”, there is
only what you do not yet understand…

What you think of as mag­ic, is that
which remains out­side of your con­scious­ness at this point in your jour­ney. It
lies in the beyond, out­side the bor­ders of your beliefs, beyond your paradigms
and per­cep­tions, in those Shad­owed Lands where you are con­found­ed by the

What­ev­er is beyond your cur­rent lev­el of
com­pre­hen­sion appears as Mag­i­cal and Won­drous, but it mere­ly because you do not
yet under­stand who or what you are, nor do you per­ceive the true nature of
these realms in which you abide.

To unfold your won­drous poten­tial, to move
beyond and keep climb­ing through these spi­ral­ing stages of Reality/Illusion you
must expand your aware­ness into a high­er, more inclu­sive Realm of
Being-Know­ing. This requires your right­ful appli­ca­tion of one of your three
most pre­cious Spir­i­tu­al Gifts, your awe­some Gift of Will. By a focused
Desire, with a pas­sion­ate Aspi­ra­tion to lift your­self to a more Awak­ened State, you are able to
pierce through the Maya of your for­mer con­scious­ness and pro­ceed to the next
step in your self-unfold­ing, self-realization.

As you part the Veil of Isis, as you once
more raise your lev­el of Con­scious­ness, you lift your­self (and your world) that
much higher…For you are a Pil­grim, a Spark of the Divine seek­ing “The
Way”, and by your Will­ing to go Deep­er and High­er you steadi­ly and surely
draw that much clos­er to what is known as the Greater Under­stand­ing, towards
that pre­cious, sub­lime realm, tru­ly the King­dom of the Gods…and so find and
enter your Place of Peace.

You can­not know what you do not yet
per­ceive, and you will not com­pre­hend with­out let­ting go, releas­ing yourself
from these famil­iar Thought-Forms which brought you thus far but can take you
no further…You can­not pro­ceed beyond your self-cast shad­ows, formed by your
more lim­it­ed assumptions…They have brought you to this place, indeed they
have help to form this very Real­i­ty for you (because all of this is yours, it
is your Spir­it-Mind-Mat­ter that has formed this world). This Cre­ation, this Now
is your ful­fill­ment but it equal­ly forms the very imped­i­ment to your next realm
of Thought-Form, and so these old friends, these old Ideas, Beliefs, Truths and
Prin­ci­ples can take you no further…

Mer­cury is the Avatar of your Mind, Pluto
the Avatar of the your Will. Their align­ment today rep­re­sents a choice (as
always) between using your Will to pierce through Illu­sion, or to retreat in
fear and use your Will to hold your­self (and oth­ers) in the more lim­it­ed but
famil­iar Mind-Maya-Matter…but this regres­sion, this poor­er choice, will only delay your pas­sage to
the Realms of greater Light and Love.

If you would but real­ize, that the only
true and spir­i­tu­al exer­cise of your will is for Self-Con­trol, that this Awesome
Gift is for form­ing, pre­serv­ing and yet also con­tin­u­ous­ly Trans­form­ing your Sacred Space, which also includes this space
of your Mind or Con­scious­ness. Under­stand­ing this, you would accept that what
Mercury/Pluto offers you is a chal­lenge to quick­en your growth, it is an opportunity
for Self-full­fill­ing Liberation.

Their align­ment is a less than gentle
reminder that you must fol­low your one abid­ing Injunc­tion that forms the Kernel
of your Spir­i­tu­al Flame…that you are here To Grow. That you must ever seek to
chal­lenge your assump­tions, to nev­er rest in your quest to under­stand yourself
and your world (which are the same thing), for at every lev­el, in each and
every Realm of Man­i­fes­ta­tion and through all the Worlds that you must travel
you have been giv­en this one guid­ing prin­ci­ple, you must become what you are
meant to be, you must Walk On.

If you choose wise­ly you will engage
your Will by turn­ing it and your Mind back upon your­self and your Assumptions,
Per­cep­tions and Cer­tain­ties. You will reen­gage your mind’s most precious
fac­ul­ty of com­par­ing and con­trast­ing points of view, con­sid­er­ing and
recon­sid­er­ing, form­ing and reform­ing so as to reach the New World that you will
make in, by and through your renewed Awareness.

Your Jour­ney is made of many points of

There are many paths, and many forks
along the way…

And at each junc­ture you are offered a
choice, for this is the only way.

This is how you learn, how you become
what you are meant to be…

You must learn to choose what is good,
what is truer…what is wise.

For that is the Noble Path, this is The Way of Light
and Truth.

Found by Accep­tance, filled with Grace and offered with Humility…

You Choose.

Venus Enters Scorpio (September 11, 2013)


Sweet Avatar of Beau­ty, the Muse of Love
slips from her Airy home…

She is mov­ing Deep­er now, into those
swirling Waters of Passion,

Where you, by her leave and

Will ease past, far beyond those ordinary
spaces of relationship.

Beyond your I, beyond your Thou’s…

The Seas she sails upon, they offer
some­thing Greater,

And so you must ren­der more to win this

It is the Mys­tery of Union, beyond painful
Divi­sions and Divides. It is the Gift, the Promise of Self-Transcendent,
Self-Real­iza­tion. Of becom­ing more tru­ly one­self by, with
and through your Union.

For found in this Realm, in this Sacred
Space of We…

Forged by mutu­al sac­ri­fice, here in this
Cru­cible of Values…

You draw near­er to the Greater Reality. 

You can see through, beyond the Great
Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion, and feel, even if for just a moment of
ecsta­sy, the sweet bliss of being One for a time. 

By Tests, Tri­als and Rewards you will be
led into trans­for­ma­tion and rebirth, to that most Holy Land, where lies
sparkling the Pearl of Great Price, your Spir­it, your Soul…The Spark of
the Divine.

Scor­pio is where Mars, her Con­sort and
Com­pan­ion, holds sway…And they, like you and yours, must find
the Inte­gral Way. Where one plus one can nev­er merely
equal two. For by blend­ing, com­bin­ing, merg­ing and
melding…magic will occur. 

Togeth­er you seek, you strive, you yearn
to cross, to reach beyond and find what is there between what is mine and
thine…you make and find that shared sacred space of Val­ue, Beauty
and Love…your Sacred Space of Us. 

For this is what Venus in Scor­pio asks
and offers to you now, that you will be able, you must dis­cern, discover
and decide, what is more of me and what is less…and what, what do we share. For you must understand…What can I sur­ren­der, and what must I not? 

You will find with­in this Frictional
Forg­ing, revealed in the to and fro, that you will let go of the less­er and find what
is greater…and you will know more what makes you “you”,
than you ever could before…You move clos­er to one anoth­er, only to dis­cov­er a Truer You. 

This is the Key and the Prize…

For Venus is your Avatar of Val­ue and Beauty.

And what brings
you to any Union…

Is what you will share with one another.

And at the core of you and them,

As in all of this Creation…

Is found the Promise, the sweet Dream.

The Force that Binds each to every,

That embraces One and all,


Mars Squares Saturn (September 9, 2013)


There is no deny­ing it, this one is

But this is how you grow…through
Forging/Finding a Greater Understanding…

By pass­ing beyond the divi­sions and
divides which lead to pain, which are the true cause of your suffering…

You must find your way beyond your self-limitations,
to let go of the lesser…

You seek the High­er Way, the Way of
Com­pas­sion and Humility…and you come upon…

The promise, the prof­fered gifts from
those who have walked the path before you. They extend their love and help to you now…but you must
choose, you must forge and find your own way as must all who tread the path,
you must reach for the Light with­in in order to see the Light in which you

You will strug­gle, you will strive and
even­tu­al­ly you will find and will fol­low the One Path of Truth…The Integral

So, when you feel this pain, when you
encounter Suf­fer­ing, you will ask why…

Why must it be this way? Why this pain?
Why must I Suffer?

And in the Still­ness, in the Sacred
Place that is at your Center…and is found in every sin­gle Cen­ter of all that
IS…a kind­ly, gen­tle voice will remind you of this one sim­ple truth…

You Suf­fer, because you do not
Under­stand, you Suf­fer because you are not yet what you will some­day BE…and
so you Attract this suf­fer­ing to break your hold upon the less­er and
dis­cov­er the Greater that is With­in and Around you too…For this is how you
grow from that unself-con­scious Spark of the Divine and slow­ly but surely
assume your Des­tiny of a ful­ly Illu­mined Being, a Self-Lumi­nous Co-Cre­ator of
Spirit/Matter, to be one of the Anoint­ed, to be Fulfilled.

So do not turn from this Pain…turn
into it. See it for what it holds, and how it has this hold upon you…For it
is your Des­tiny to Mas­ter all of this, and so move beyond this Suf­fer­ing into
Accep­tance, Joy and Uncon­di­tion­al Love…And every blow, every pain is there to
“lift” you up as you let go of the less­er and move towards the
Greater Understanding.…for this is it, this is The Way.

Today, your Pain is sharp and you will
and you must pay atten­tion, for this is your opportunity…and yes, though this
is one of the “hard ones”, it is even more to be trea­sured for this is
how your growth is quick­ened and your promise more clear­ly met.

Mars is sweep­ing through that Regal
realm of Leo, inspir­ing one and all to draw down those Spir­i­tu­al Fires and
extend their hearts of courage into cre­at­ing, lead­ing and lov­ing actions in
order to build bet­ter worlds…But Sat­urn holds forth from the Reality
Struc­tures of Scor­pio, from those oh so ancient edi­fices and more recent

Sat­urn is the Avatar of the very Real­i­ties your Mars
Desires/Actions forged long and not so long ago, those Unions which brought
about the Mag­ic of Self-Trans­for­ma­tion and Growth…and this Con­cret­ed Light, this
Spir­it formed into Mat­ter, is the Can­vas of Life upon which you attempt to extend
your present opportunities.

And yet, this hard-won Real­i­ty will equal­ly present to you the “Ring
Pass Not”, the immov­able Objec­ti­fi­ca­tion of those for­mi­da­ble limitations
which con­front you in the now, for you are a Spir­it who is learning
self-mas­tery in this most mate­r­i­al of Worlds.

As you face the pain of delay, of
endeav­ors thwart­ed and goals denied, as stres­sors and stress­es build and the
aches of your loss­es mount…you will won­der why, what is this for?…

The goals you have are what they have
been, the way to them remains as it was…whatever could cause such pain? You
dou­ble down on your efforts, only to feel an equal rise in resis­tance to your
way…and you ask, what is wrong, what do I do now?

You need remem­ber but one truth, and that
there is always help if you sur­ren­der your ego, if you sur­ren­der your pride…and
if you would but lis­ten, in a qui­et place, in the still­ness there you will feel
the pres­ence, there will come a stir­ring in your heart, and a lov­ing voice will
remind you, of what you now remem­ber, of course, that there is but one constant
in All these worlds…and that is Change. 

How could your goal remain for­ev­er, how
could the path remain unchanged? The answer, as always, is Understanding…that
you need to see behind, beneath and beyond what appears to your ordi­nary ways
and means. You need to rise above your every­day cer­tain­ties and expectancies,
to lift your sights from your Deter­mi­na­tions and ques­tion again “Where you
are going”, to con­sid­er again “What is my path?”

Your part­ner, your fam­i­ly, your boss or
the Uni­verse is not try­ing to “stop” you, it is mere­ly your Future
ask­ing you to let go of the less­er you and to move that much clos­er to the
Light-Bear­er, to the Divin­i­ty that lights your way with­in you.

You must grow and change in equal
mea­sure to these worlds…

These Realms who are ris­ing with, by and
through you.

As you and your Illu­mined Companions
seek to become, and

To lift your­selves and all these
Worlds too.

Spir­its danc­ing through Matter…

Mat­ter illu­mined by Consciousness.

Wing­ing your way back…

Sparks of the Divine…

Head­ing home to the One.