Monthly Archives: September 2013

Mercury Enters Libra (September 8–9, 2013)


Time to work on your Knowing,

To lift your­self by and through your “Consciousness”…but
you bet­ter get on with it…

For Mer­cury will only be here for less
than three weeks, and then he is on to those Mys­te­ri­ous, Deep­en­ing Waters of
Scor­pio where, in plumb­ing the depths that lie with­in and between, he and you
will abide for over two months!

So take in hand this short-lived
opportunity…it is time to turn from pars­ing prac­ti­cal­i­ties and lift your mind
into that realm where it finds great delight, into those Airy Spaces where
ideas and thoughts do sparkle and dance through the ethers of Mind-born

It is time to
com­pare and con­trast, to join in con­ver­sa­tions and dialogs, to share your
thoughts with one anoth­er and so expand your under­stand­ing in
point/counterpoint, to find that your own aware­ness is quick­ened by that
Mer­cu­r­ial Mélange where a prof­fered thought sparks anoth­er, and then leads to
yet anoth­er, and your spi­ral dance of Men­tal Mag­ic is off and running…

You move into that felic­i­tous space where
you can come to a greater under­stand­ing, where you will forge agree­ments upon
what you share, and then diplo­mat­i­cal­ly agree to dis­agree on the rest…For you
need help, to see beyond your self-cast shad­ows. Your point of view like a very
bright light illu­mines, and yet forms the very hid­den spaces of what you do not
perceive…So wel­come your broth­er and sis­ter, your part­ner and Mak­er, for they
are here to shine a dif­fer­ent light for you and so dis­pel a lit­tle your
shad­owed knowing…

For this is your Jour­ney, it is a
Jour­ney Spir­it, of Mind-Born Sparks of the Divine…and you can only per­ceive and
know so much on your own…so, be blessed and give thanks, for you are not
alone…not ever. You have one anoth­er, you need one anoth­er, you are one another…and
you will only tru­ly come to that Greater Under­stand­ing by know­ing with and
through one another…share and grow.

Your Thoughts, your Words reveal this to

That your Jour­ney of Spir­it is this
mar­velous, illu­mined spi­ral dance of Consciousness…

And know this, “Con­scious­ness”
means: Con=Together, Sciousness=Knowing,

So your very jour­ney, this spi­ral dance of

Is a won­drous path you share with one

Of Know­ing…

By Under­stand­ing…

Through, with and for One Another.

You are togeth­er upon the one True Path… 

Reach­ing beyond the shadows…

Illu­mined, Luminous…

Oh how you Shine!


New Moon in Virgo (September 5, 2013)


The Day-Bringer dips below and there is
naught but still­ness, shad­ows falling…

You see only by those dim lit beamings,
the Star­ry fir­ma­ment so glo­ri­ous­ly revealed, there to Light your Way. Your
Medi­a­trix, known to you as the Moon, your Phas­ing Inter­locu­tor between below
and what arcs above is hid­den to you now…

She has gone to meet once more her
Shin­ning One, between that Sacred Space between you and your Star, for they
must ren­dezvous where Seeds are Planted…It is anoth­er New Moon, a Darkening
which holds in its breathe the most intense of Lights, it is your Future…a
new beginning…

A sea­son is wan­ing, and it is time to
pre­pare. The Rhythm of Life beats ever on: Start-Hold-Release, and you must Grow,
for that is your one insis­tent and abid­ing imper­a­tive. Your jour­ney is through
many forms and worlds, through many lives and spaces, but through it all it is
a Jour­ney of Spir­it, a Jour­ney of Consciousness.

To grow at this stage of your journey,
you must use your won­drous pow­ers of self-reflec­tive self-aware­ness. You turn
your pre­cious Light of Con­scious­ness back upon your­self as you seek to
Under­stand. It is this, your mar­velous fac­ul­ty of Insight­ful Aware­ness that
per­mits you to cor­rect your­self, to improve your­self and your sacred spaces by
engag­ing this Vir­go Gift of Spir­it, this renew­al of your fac­ul­ty of Critical

You are giv­en this New Moon gift in
order to help bring about a more nuanced, grace­ful and so joy­ful inte­gra­tion of
your Inner Self and your Out­er Worlds…For this is for you, this is the place,
this is your time to Heal. You seek for the order of things, to make sense of
your­self and your world…and so you look for the peace that passes
under­stand­ing, you long for redemp­tion, you look to be made whole again.

This is the Spir­it found in the New Moon
in Vir­go, that after the Dra­mas and Dis­plays there must come this Review, a
time for intro­spec­tion, re-align­ment and pur­pose­ful re-ded­i­ca­tion, a time for
attune­ment to Sim­plic­i­ty, Grace and Beauty…It is time to restore your­self and your world
to Peace.

In the still­ness of this moment…Listen.

In the whis­per of the spirit…Rejoice.

In the pres­ence of the Light…Serve.