New Moon in Libra (October 4, 2013)


Twelve New Moons…Light your way.

Each an offer­ing of Inspi­ra­tion and
Guid­ance, lift­ing you up and help­ing you hold togeth­er these Inner Realms and Outer
Spaces, as you move inwards, out­wards and onwards, slow­ly bring­ing forth from
with­in your­self what you are meant to be…Uncovering, reveal­ing and bring­ing yourself
and your world clos­er to that Greater Light of Under­stand­ing. For you are des­tined to live
with the Wis­dom, Love and Spir­i­tu­al Will that resides with­in the Ker­nel of each
Spark of the Divine.

All are seek­ing to ful­fill their
Des­tiny, all are mov­ing along this same path, which is yours too, this Path of
the Self-Becom­ing. Because this Seed, this Spark of the Divine or Spiritual
Flame, it is this which resides with­in each infin­i­tes­i­mal point of Spirit-Matter,
pre­sid­ing at the heart of all Ener­gies and Forms, from the small­est to the
greater, up and up through to the very Divin­i­ty which holds with­in their Mind,
Love and Will this entire Uni­verse (and then to even greater Spaces beyond),
all share in this Flame of Spir­it, this Spark of the Divine.

At each New Moon a part of this Seed, a
part of this Song of Spir­it rings out to Remind and Inspire you. To remind you
of whence you came and to inspire you to ful­fill your Destiny…which is quite
sim­ply and won­der­ful­ly this…to Grow. You are here to Become in fact what you
hold with­in you as Pure Poten­tial­i­ty, because this is what you are, this Spirit,
this Spark of the Divine. 

At each New Libra Moon you are offered
anoth­er pre­cious Reminder and Inspi­ra­tion, of how and why your Jour­ney is also
an Awak­en­ing and a Remem­ber­ing, and that you are here to expe­ri­ence through
each and every form that you move through, through each and every life, and
through Life after Life, that you will find your Path and Grow by and through
an ever-unfold­ing real­iza­tion that you are just one of a great com­pa­ny of fellow-seekers
who set out long ago to become what you will be.

That in life after life you will
encounter one anoth­er again, and that is because your past Thoughts, Feelings
and Actions will make it so. For this is the Way, the Law of Kar­ma, of Cause and
Effect, and so you will encounter one anoth­er, again and again and again. Your
Actions and Reac­tions, your Thoughts and Feel­ings have made you and what they are…You
are all mixed up togeth­er, all part of one anoth­er, all in one anoth­er, in
count­less ways, in Rela­tion­ships and Mean­ings that make you what you are today.
You are of one anoth­er, and for one anoth­er and will be with one anoth­er from
the Begin­ning until the End. 

Through every Time and Space, as you
meet in dif­fer­ent Forms and new Lives, you will expe­ri­ence in the encounter a
won­drous­ly strange and thrilling feeling…that you have met one another
before. Like a dis­tant echo ring­ing through the ages, you will sense this familiar
Pres­ence that is before you now. A chill will come over you, and you will
trem­ble, you will catch your breath… 

You will turn, and look upon the other,
and you will see it there in each oth­er’s eyes…THAT. It is The One who is
look­ing back at you, the Aware­ness who is there behind it all, behind this beautiful
but beguil­ing facade of mat­ter, beyond these Illu­sion­ary Forms…you will Feel them
again, you will Know them again…and you will Smile.

For the Beau­ty and Mys­tery of Libra, the
Sign that is the Bridge between the I and Thou, is that you are already, you
are for­ev­er and ever joined as one from the begin­ning until the end…For this is
a Foun­tain-Source Truth, “We are all related”. 

Every encounter, every relationship…is your next chance to live this Truth, to be this Truth and to act towards one anoth­er with this Under­stand­ing and Love…to break the Illu­sion that is Sep­a­ra­tion and Live and Love by, with and through this Pres­ence of the One.

You are a Spark of the Divine, and this same
Divine Essence also looks back upon you through your Beloved’s eyes…

You look into their eyes…and they look upon

And you will know, you will both just know…

That you are togeth­er, again.

And you will smile.

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