Venus Enters Sagittarius (October 7, 2013)


Your Beau­ty, your won­drous Evening Star
is prepar­ing for her change…

But there is this one more step that she
and you must take before she turns, and then…

And then she and you will abide for quite
a while, in that most Ancient Realm of Capri­corn, and your Sen­si­bil­i­ties and
Dis­cern­ment will be chal­lenged and test­ed, prove to be true and last­ing, or fail
and fall in that Hard­en­ing Way. For that is the way in this Space that is
Sat­urn’s, in this realm in which you shall learn and become, as you strive upon
this Beau­ti­ful, Blue-orbed trea­sure, your Cre­ation, your Earth-Bound Reality.

Venus would nor­mal­ly abide in a sign for
less than a month, but dur­ing her Capri­corn sojourn she will go back and forth
in that Seri­ous Space, Sat­urn’s Realm of Tra­di­tion, Duty and Respon­si­bil­i­ty for
over four months! She will enter Capri­corn on Novem­ber 5, and turn retrograde
by Decem­ber 21 and not leave Capri­corn until March 5, 2014…

And in so doing Venus will be born anew,
mov­ing from her role as your Evening Star and take up her call­ing as your
Beau­ty of the Dawn…And reborn as the Morn­ing Star she shall light your way, she will
assume again her place that holds a mys­tery and a much deep­er truth, she becomes
your Light-Bringer, your Prometheus, and many oth­er names too…

But before you watch this Venu­sian Dance
of Spir­it, before you set­tle into this rather extend­ed con­sid­er­a­tion of questions
most pro­found, of how and what will stand as Last­ing Val­ues in these
“Tests of Time”…Before you do this it is time now to prepare
your­self and con­sid­er care­ful­ly what you bring into these Hier­ar­chies, what
informs these Struc­tures of Con­cret­ed Val­ue, of your Cul­ture, Soci­ety and
Civilization…You need to con­sid­er the Idea behind the form, what is the Truth
of your Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love that sup­ports and stands behind these Worlds of
Form and Substance.

For you are com­ing out of the Waters of
Scor­pio now, where your deep­est Need and great­est Desire was either won or
lost. You sought to go beyond, to let go and slip behind the veil that divides
the “I and Thou”, to expe­ri­ence the bliss of Self-ful­fill­ment in
Self-for­get­ful­ness and so forge through true Sac­ri­fice the com­mon space of your
Con­sum­mat­ed Desire, the mys­tery met, of two becom­ing One…or,

You strove but fell short, or the other
held back or turned away, or they were tak­en away, and instead of Joy the Pain
was met, and now the Void is there. For there is no greater Loss than this, to
lose the Union that was, to miss the one that could have been, to be left alone
and so you turn, you must find your way back, towards the Light again…

Whether in Joy or Defeat, Transcendence
or Tragedy, what Venus says you need right now, what your Head and Heart and
Soul need right now is quite sim­ply this…You need to make sense of your expe­ri­ence, you
need to hold the path in your Joy, or to find your way out of the Pit, you need
to put it all, all of this into perspective…you need to Understand. 

And that is why, in this Great Cir­cle of
Life known as the Zodi­ac, that is why always after the immer­sion in the Waters
of Life, when com­ing out of the Depths with your Feel­ings full of Faith or of Fear,
that is why Spir­it Lov­ing­ly and Wise­ly responds and offers to you the Gifts of
Fire…For it is here to show you the Rea­son and Truth behind the Illu­sion of
Appear­ances, to help you find your Way to Wis­dom and Acceptance. 

Venus in Sagit­tar­ius calls upon you now to
lift your­self up and look to the far hori­zons. To move beyond the bound­aries of
parochial beliefs and per­cep­tions, to grow beyond the famil­iar but limiting
world of the known…You will need to stretch your­self so as to encom­pass a more
sub­tle and nuanced sen­si­bil­i­ty of the world around you, as you equal­ly lis­ten for
that gen­tle voice who abides with­in to con­firm this wis­er way…and you will
grow, and you will accept, and you will understand.

You are a Pilgrim…

Trav­el­ling through Time and Space,

Seek­ing, striv­ing, becom­ing what you are
des­tined to be.

Through all these Realms, upon all these

You seek to under­stand, you need to find “The

You cast about for direc­tion, some hint
of how or why…

And then you remem­ber, and look Up to
the Splen­dor in the Sky.

For Writ­ten in the Stars, as much as in
your Heart…

Those Ancient Truths abide.

Many names Veil these Truths, Ancient
Teach­ings held inside.

One Veil, one name by which they are known is the Ever-Recur­ring, the
Peren­ni­al Philosophy…

And with­in this Veil there lies a deep­er, truer Truth.

For though Phi­los­o­phy does mean the
“Love of Wisdom”,

All Wise Ones know and hold with­in their Hearts,

The Greater Teach­ing hid­den there. 

For this Name, this Veil does more truly

For those who Understand…

The Wis­dom of Love.

Look up in Awe…

Lis­ten with Reverence… 

But above all,


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