Daily Archives: October 9, 2013

Venus Square Neptune (October 10, 2013)


Illu­mi­na­tion or Illu­sion, Clear-Seeing
or Confusion?

Venus, the Avatar of Val­ue, Beau­ty and
Love has just begun her four week jour­ney through Sagit­tar­ius, and you feel
inspired to seek and extend the bound­aries of your Appre­ci­a­tions, you want to
par­take of some­thing greater than before, to move into ever more exot­ic spaces
of Aes­thet­ic and Social Sen­si­bil­i­ties, to encom­pass a Wider and Wis­er Way of
Liv­ing in Beauty…

Nep­tune, the Avatar of your Faith and
Imag­i­na­tion, is the pow­er that stands behind your Self-Becom­ing. For as you
encounter the Real­i­ty that has so far been made, you will come to dream of a
dif­fer­ent one, and then with this Fac­ul­ty of Imag­i­na­tion and Faith, coupled
with your High­er Mind and Will, you will bring about a New World and a New You! 

But of course, your capa­bil­i­ty to
exer­cise this Essence that you are, this Pow­er of Self-Becom­ing, it is always
and for­ev­er cir­cum­scribed by your Under­stand­ing. Though you may Dream of
Won­drous Worlds for you and yours, what does result is often much less and
lack­ing, for what also enters into this Cre­ation are your Anx­i­eties, Doubts and
Fears…What you encounter, day after day, and life after life, is often a dim
lit ver­sion of the orig­i­nal you had envi­sioned yes­ter­day and many, many lifetimes

But, the won­drous truth is, you will
slow­ly and sure­ly grow, you will step beyond your Self-Cast Shad­ows as you
devel­op your greater Self-Aware­ness and so be able to throw down and cast off your
Doubts and Fears. You will even­tu­al­ly cre­ate a Heav­en here on Earth…and every
day it draws closer…but before that can be true, you must learn and grow.

The mag­is­te­r­i­al Plan­e­tary Align­ments illustrate
these great Life Lessons that you are here to Mas­ter as you become this Dream­ing-Mak­er. The Dance of the Planets
is meant to Lift and Inspire you, to remind you of your Ancient Lin­eage and
your Won­drous Des­tiny. So, what is it that Venus and Nep­tune are reveal­ing, remind­ing and ask­ing of
you today?

As you strive with Venus in Sagittarius
to stretch your Appre­ci­a­tion so as to encom­pass a dif­fer­ent or foreign
Sen­si­bil­i­ty, you may fall into error as you project over­much your own
Assump­tions or Truths upon the expe­ri­ence itself or upon this oth­er that stands
before you. You will try to bridge the divide, from where you stand with your
own Val­ues as you reach to extend your­self into this Expe­ri­ence or Other…But
you may mis­ap­pre­hend, assume too much or mis­in­ter­pret, what is for you, an Exotic
Expe­ri­ence. The bridge from one world to the next will not be crossed, or even
form…and illu­sion, delu­sion and con­fu­sion will be the result.

But this is not the end if you remain
open and sincere…for from your Con­fu­sion will emerge anoth­er real­iza­tion. You
will real­ize that this very con­fu­sion or doubt is the nec­es­sary price and
path­way to your greater under­stand­ing. That your Cer­tain­ties and Assumptions
were the very source of your Self-Cast shad­ows. Though they formed your lesser
real­i­ty and were dear to you, they were the very instru­ments of your more circumscribed
under­stand­ing as regards what is your des­tiny, the Greater Reality.

Now hum­bled and made more open, you are
ready to expand beyond those for­mer para­me­ters that formed your more limited
experience…You are through humil­i­ty, and so by empa­thy, more ready now to
encom­pass and move into a more inclu­sive sen­si­bil­i­ty and find a com­mon space of
shared val­ue and sen­si­bil­i­ty, to pull back from your pro­jec­tions and assumptions
and be open and accepting…

You will grow because you let go of your
cer­tain­ty and open your­self to the Won­der of Nep­tune, which reveals to you that
you real­ly exist in a mar­velous hier­ar­chy of Con­scious­ness and Mean­ing, which
extends back­wards and for­wards, inwards and out­wards. And so you must always
remem­ber, that your ever-present Essence as you walk upon this Path of Self-Becom­ing, that you
fol­low the one essen­tial injunction…you must Grow, you must Walk On.

For those who are cer­tain and fixed in
their ways, who have all the answers, they live in their shad­ow-world of mere appearances…

They have made a world of clay, they remain
bound to mat­ter and dust.

For those who won­der, who have
ques­tions, whose faith is not of Certainties…

They are and abide in the Liv­ing Spirit,
with Won­der and Self-Becoming…Forever.

For this is a Jour­ney of Consciousness,
with no Begin­ning and no End…

Your Path is formed by a Greater

That each and every, that one and All
are held together.

And, that there is but one Val­ue, one Truth
that holds…

That all are one, as the One is in All.

The only Illu­sion is Separation. 

Your only Real­i­ty, is to grow…

Your only path, is to Love.