Sun Square Jupiter (October 12, 2013)


You are here to Grow,

But not all growth is Good.

So you must choose…Wisely.

The Sun is the Avatar of your Pure
Poten­tial, the Spark of the Divine that is your Self-Becom­ing. Its true Nature
and Essence is to Unfold, to grow from with­in as Spir­it and move or form into
Con­scious­ness and then onwards into oth­er vehi­cles or Souls of manifestation,
mov­ing inward­ly and out­ward­ly, mov­ing from Infin­i­tes­i­mals to Infinities. 

Sun is this Avatar for what abides with­in the core of you, and like your Sun
you have all this with­in you, all that you can and will be in time is in this
Spark of your Divinity…but only so much of this is pos­si­ble for you to be in
any one time.

Jupiter is your Avatar of Principles,
Truths and Beliefs and holds you to your path as you seek to become…For you will
be guid­ed or direct­ed in your growth by what you have so far under­stood to be
the Truth (or your truth). As your under­stand­ing grows, your capac­i­ty to realize
your Greater Self grows too.

Your growth of Under­stand­ing is Integral
to your unfold­ment in Self-Becom­ing, but this path is not lin­ear. It proceeds
more in the form of a spi­ral dance, that ris­es and falls, twists and turns as you
seek to find your way through many worlds and many forms.

Through­out these sweep­ing, spiraling
gyra­tions of your Jour­ney through Mean­ings and Forms, you will come upon critical
moments with­in these cycles of unfold­ment. You will come to forks in the “Road of Spir­it” where you must
pause and con­sid­er which path you should now fol­low. Often­times, the paths will
not be all that dif­fer­ent as regards to where they will bring you, it is just a
dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence as you go from here to there…for it is a Truth that in the end
most roads will take you “home”.

But you can choose whether to grow more
eas­i­ly and slow­ly, or take on a greater, brisker pace and so greater chal­lenges too.
You can choose poor­ly or well and either way you will learn, and you will grow
and you will become…But when­ev­er you come to one of these forks, you must choose.

Today the Sun aligns with Jupiter, and
so you must choose again. This par­tic­u­lar cycle moment prob­a­bly refers back to
what­ev­er might have begun (or reached a new begin­ning) in the third week of
June or about four months ago. You will encounter the “Neces­si­ty of the Now”,
of pick­ing the best (for you) path or paths of growth. 

Some­times it is
per­fect­ly cor­rect to take the road of “more”, that your tra­jec­to­ry of
growth until now was fine but you could accept the chal­lenge of a steep­er path.
Some­times, upon con­sid­er­a­tion, you may real­ize that your growth so far has been
over­much or over­heat­ed and that tem­per­ance and restraint need be applied to
steady your course. 

How will you know, how will you decide? 

With the Sun in Libra now, you must be
care­ful so as to not “think” too much or ratio­nal­ize which is the truer path
for you now. Jupiter in Can­cer is pro­vid­ing this “course correction”
and is offer­ing guid­ance that is speak­ing from your Ori­gins, from your Foun­da­tions in Fam­i­ly, Car­ing and your Feel­ings for one another…When in doubt as to which path is the right one for you now, lis­ten to your Heart and you will bet­ter guide your Head.

You are at anoth­er turn­ing in your Path
of Self-Realization…

Look back on this path you have followed,

Now turn and look ahead, to the cross­ing, to this turning-way.

Choose your path of Growth Wisely,

By fol­low­ing what is in your Heart…

As you make your Cir­cuitous Way,

Back to your Star­ry Home.

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