Daily Archives: October 14, 2013

Mars Enters Virgo (October 15, 2013)


Your Aims and Actions need to be more
par­tic­u­lar now…

For “the Way” to your goal
will be found upon this path of Ele­gant Simplicities.

Like his com­pan­ion Venus, who is
prepar­ing for her rather long sojourn in Capri­corn, Mars too is prepar­ing for an even longer time in the realm of Libra. Before he does this, he has one more
pas­sage to make from now until Decem­ber 7 in Vir­go. After that, he will abide
in the sign of Libra until late July 2014! That is most cer­tain­ly a rather long
time for Mars to be mod­u­lat­ed by the ener­gies that are ruled by his Venu­sian companion!

The time of strut­ting and stretch­ing is
past, your moti­va­tion­al ways that were seek­ing atten­tion, appre­ci­a­tion and love
must give way…What is need­ed now is for you to guide your Heart’s Desire by the
exam­ple set by those who have cho­sen to quick­en their Ascent. From Mas­ter to Pupil the flame is passed along…Watch, lis­ten and learn, then bow your head as they walk that noble path, the way of the Adept…

And so, like them, you should refine your Ends and Means by your
Won­drous pow­er of Crit­i­cal Think­ing. It is time for reflection,
revi­sion and heal­ing actions, it is your time too, to walk the Path of Whole­ness, to Live in and by the Beauty
of Simplicity.

For after “the show” there
must come the review, for how else could you grow? It is the only way, so that you may cor­rect and improve, so that you may move towards a
more per­fect real­iza­tion of the Spark of the Divine that abides within. 

If you were too
need­ful of approval, or you were too showy in Leo, now Mod­esty, Humil­i­ty and Grace will have
their way…

For you must sur­ren­der the less­er if you wish to become tru­ly greater.

This Realm of Vir­go is about your Sac­ri­fice, it is about how you Serve…

When you Sac­ri­fice, you “make Sacred”,

You draw clos­er to the Spir­it within.

When you Serve, you are Beloved,

You live in the Light of the One.

Aspire to Walk this Path of Sacredness,

Live this Path of Lov­ing Service…

Your Path.