Daily Archives: October 17, 2013

Eclipse Full Moon in Aries (October 18, 2013)


Once again your Mir­ror of Mem­o­ries has
reached her far­ther sta­tion, plac­ing Earth between her­self and your Star. The
two Lights of your World, the Day­keep­er and Night­watch­er, stand fac­ing one
anoth­er and their oppo­si­tion holds anoth­er mes­sage of Truth to guide your steps…For
they are here for you, as the Giv­er and Reflec­tor of that Spir­i­tu­al Light of Under­stand­ing which will always be, to ever hold you true to your path.

At each New Moon, a renew­al of meaning
is released so that you might be guid­ed in your next steps upon the path, to
weave into your Life this next unfold­ment of your Spir­i­tu­al Becoming…And at
each Full Moon, there stands revealed for you a pro­found yet essen­tial mes­sage and
chal­lenge, of why and how you must live in and by “The Way”, the Gold­en Chord of Spir­i­tu­al Truth, which you find and forge by walk­ing the Inte­gral Path.

For these two seem­ing­ly oppo­site Ways of
Being, these Roy­al Pairs of King and Queen are part of a Greater Whole in which
you abide. So they, and you, can­not be ful­filled with­out this Inte­gral Dance where­by their mean­ings and mes­sages come to be formed and revealed in their var­ied com­bi­na­tions and
inte­gra­tions with one another. 

These Spir­i­tu­al mes­sages are marked out and
mea­sured in these six pair­ings of the twelve-fold Zodi­a­cal Ener­gies, of Aries
and Libra, of Tau­rus and Scor­pio, and so on, and it is these that inform and
guide your pas­sage in this life, and in life after life, as you move from the
dark­ness into the Light.

This Full Moon is even more spe­cial, as it
is also a par­tial Lunar Eclipse which was not­ed in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for

Full Moon
Eclipse in Aries (Octo­ber 18)

The third
Full Moon of 2013 brings a new theme as it moves back­ward into the sign of
Aries. Here is a map of where the eclipse will be
vis­i­ble. It will be seen in most of the
North and South Amer­i­ca (though not the entire event), Europe and Africa and
most of Asia.

The Earth is
cast­ing its shad­ow upon the mes­sage of the Aries Full Moon. This Full Moon
would nor­mal­ly offer a coun­ter­point and bal­ance to the cur­rent dom­i­nant theme
of the Sun mov­ing through Libra. But the mes­sage is hid­den by some­thing in your
present cir­cum­stances. You would nor­mal­ly need to re-assert your­self a bit more
to counter the Libra trend, but per­haps those webs of col­lu­sion are mak­ing it
dif­fi­cult to parse the “I from the Thou”…  

The Chal­lenge of Under­stand­ing you face here, is how are you to mutually
bal­ance and rec­on­cile these oppos­ing energies…How do you hold and keep to the
Libra way of the “We”, the Sun’s Song that sings now of your need for
Har­mo­ny and Accom­mo­da­tion in Relationship…How do you do this as you feel this strong pull of the Moon, which is elic­it­ing those mem­o­ries, those pre­cious remem­brances of the Aries way of the “I”? You Feel the Neces­si­ty to remain true to your Unique Essence which you may feel you have sur­ren­dered over­much, and so you lean towards the Aries path of Self-Assertion.

Your Con­scious­ness is forming
through Libra now, but your Feel­ings are call­ing you back towards Aries…and so you will find your­self caught here, between your head and your heart…and you will strug­gle and suf­fer as you seek to find the “right way”, to do right by your Part­ner but also for your­self too.

And this is pre­cise­ly what is asked of you now. To see that both of these are part of the greater expe­ri­ence of your Self-Becom­ing. For your “I” finds Hap­pi­ness in meet­ing with the “Thou”, and that as you gaze into one anoth­er’s eyes you see look­ing back at you a Unique Being, a Spe­cial Pres­ence that is dif­fer­ent yet com­pli­men­ta­ry to your own. 

The Answer is found in this, by hold­ing to your True Self and they to theirs, you can both enter into this Space of Rela­tion­ship with­out los­ing your­selves at all, but rather you will expe­ri­ence the Inte­gral Joy of greater Self-Real­iza­tion and Shar­ing too. That your Indi­vid­ual Selves and your Rela­tion­ship will mutu­al­ly enrich one anoth­er if you will hold to this Mid­dle Way.

Spir­it always offers what is needed, 

A gen­tle reminder, a way through.

That as you come clos­er to one another,

You must be equal­ly true to yourself.

For only in this Inte­gral Way,

Will you be true to one anoth­er too.

There is but one Path, One Way.

You must hold it all Together,

Your Head and Heart,

And Find the Way of Wisdom,

To Find your Way to Truth.