Mercury Turns Retrograde (October 21, 2013)


Notic­ing a shift in those Neur­al Nets
late­ly? Mis­cues, mis­un­der­stand­ings and mis­takes pil­ing up? Well, then you
should know what this means by now. Yes, there is a change in the Astral
Weath­er and those Mer­cu­r­ial, Mind­ful Ener­gies are shift­ing around, and so you
need to fol­low along with Her­mes who is here to take you on anoth­er three week rendezvous
with your Self-Awareness.

I wrote of this turn­ing in my Gen­er­al
Fore­cast for 2013

Ret­ro­grade in Scor­pio (Octo­ber 21 until Novem­ber 10)

third and final of the three Mer­cury ret­ro­grades in Water will take you to your
depths to con­sid­er the nature of your unions. Many plans will be put on hold
now, as you should re-con­sid­er what you are gain­ing ver­sus giv­ing up in any
ven­ture. The ques­tion is are you mak­ing the right sacrifice…or are you in
fact the sac­ri­fice itself. 

are here to grow, period.

you sal­ly forth, stretch­ing, reach­ing fur­ther, climb­ing high­er, seek­ing that
next plane of awak­en­ing-becom­ing-being, that greater realm, a more Supernal
Light. And some­times, some­times you must turn around and go back, to remember,
to review and renew…

know this…All of this good, All of this is true.

is just that some­times you wish to go for­ward when it is in fact your time to
turn back. But this is The Way, all Life is Cyclic, and you must expe­ri­ence all
of this, the spi­ral­ing down and the soar­ing upwards if you are to become what
you are des­tined to be.

so you will need to be atten­tive to that gen­tle breeze that sig­nals a change,
and you will, if you do, hear that lov­ing whis­per that reminds you of the need
for bal­ance. And so you must turn, for you have this oppor­tu­ni­ty to go back
now, you need to go back and make your­self more whole. You will do this by
bring­ing many seem­ing­ly uncon­nect­ed threads of your life together…You
need them, you need what you might have left undone, you need to recall
what was for­got­ten, and you must take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to release what has held
you back.

need this pause to review and repair, and from this you will grow and move that
much clos­er to the Greater Understanding…For this is the Way, this is how you
weave your Robe of Glo­ry, this is your Self-Becom­ing as you cre­ate for yourself
a Won­drous Rai­ment of Spir­i­tu­al Light.

Do not be trou­bled by the lit­tle (and yes, the not so little
annoy­ances now), of what you have mis­placed, the things that do not func­tion as
adver­tised, those thoughts mis­heard or misspoken…Yes, do not be trou­bled by
this for you (and every­one else) are a work in progress…And the first lesson
on your path of Self-Becom­ing is to be Hum­ble, to acknowl­edge and accept your
imper­fec­tions, to take care­ful note of them, and then resolve to do that much
better…and you will lift your­self, and your world, a lit­tle higher. 

For the next three weeks, this ret­ro­grade in Scor­pio will
bring you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to bet­ter Under­stand how you in fact become more of
who you are meant to be through Sac­ri­fice and Union. That it is pre­cise­ly by
this Weav­ing Way, through this Dance of Spir­it, it is by this that you are formed and are
trans­formed by your Unions with one another. 

For any true Union is Trans­for­ma­tion­al, in that by combining
with one anoth­er you will expe­ri­ence “Spir­i­tu­al Mag­ic”, where­by one
plus one does not equal mere­ly two, but often­times much, much more…And even
more than this, it is by this join­ing that you may find the poten­tial to
total­ly trans­form the very con­tent or char­ac­ter of what you pro­duce as well. 

Yet, it is also true, that if the wrong com­bi­na­tion is
formed, or for the wrong rea­sons, or upon dis­parate or con­trary val­ues, if this
is so then the out­come can be quite the reverse, and less is obtained than what
was offered up. The Union fails and the indi­vid­u­als or group will suf­fer a
loss, hope will fail and fear will grow. 

The key will be found in this: are the par­ties in question,
whether two com­ing into union or the many, do they have com­pat­i­ble core values
upon which they may form this union, and are they will­ing and able to exercise
the prop­er dis­cern­ment to make the right­ful, sacred sac­ri­fice of ego and not
the false sac­ri­fice of self?

This is what Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade in Scor­pio is for, this is
why you need this. You need to dis­cov­er what is more tru­ly you, and what is less
You must learn to hold to that which is true in you, while
you also hon­or the very same in the oth­er too.

And if, by chance you dis­cov­er that you have enough between,

That there is more here that binds than divides,

Then the Sac­ri­fice you each can and must make,

Will bring you clos­er to your own true Selves and to one another

Well then, it will have been worth this pause, this time of turning
back well spent…

To get it right, to be true to one­self and to something
greater too.

For you are here to move past the Illu­sion of Separation,

You are here to Expe­ri­ence this Joy, to become one with One Another,

You are here To Grow.

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