Mercury Conjunct Sun (November 1, 2013)


is rather fit­ting and prop­er, that on the day that the fourth Uranus/Pluto
Square is exact, your Avatars of Mind and Self con­join. Mer­cury is halfway
through his Ret­ro­grade and pass­es between you and the Sun now, and it is like a
“New Moon” for your Mind and Thought-Forms, and the answers that you
have been seek­ing may have just been offered up for your consideration.

But you will need to be Hum­ble, you will have to
be Self-Reflec­tive and you will need to be Fear­less if you wish to see beyond this Plane of Real­i­ty which
holds you in its thrall. For though what you per­ceive is “Real” it is
a Maya too, and you will need to look beyond appear­ances to dis­cov­er the
Foun­da­tions of Truth and your Greater Reality.

Be Hum­ble

You are mov­ing through that most pro­found­ly deep and mysterious
Realm of Scor­pio now, and there is so much you will dis­cov­er, and yet there is
much that is, may and must remain hid­den. For behind/beyond what­ev­er lev­el of
per­cep­tion you have come to, there is still much, much fur­ther you will
even­tu­al­ly go…So your first step is to step back and approach this mystery
with Humil­i­ty, to accept and under­stand that
what­ev­er you now under­stand to be the Real is still lim­it­ed. But that is the
way of it, this Path of Awak­en­ing you walk is cir­cuitous and spi­ral­ing, and you
have indeed drawn clos­er to Truth and that is good, but you will be lim­it­ed by
and remain in some form of Maya too.

Be Self-Reflec­tive

You are fired by your pas­sion, to rip away the Veil of Appearances
and so see the greater truth about your Unions. But with Mer­cury retrograde,
your real need and oppor­tu­ni­ty is to re-exam­ine your­self, to ques­tion the
nature of your unions from With­in. So your sec­ond step is to be Self-Reflec­tive,
to turn the Laser-Like Illu­mi­na­tions of Scor­pio back upon your­self. For if you
do you will be able to do what is most nec­es­sary to your self-ful­fill­ment, to
bet­ter know your­self. You will under­stand that in order for you to reach the
Union that you seek, you must know what you have to offer, dis­cern what you
might be will­ing to sac­ri­fice and come to see more tru­ly what you seek from the
oth­er too. The only path is this, the Path of Self-Mas­tery; the only Injunction
you need fol­low, “Know Thyself”.

Be Fear­less

If you tru­ly seek to find the way to the Beloved, if you wish to
have your Faith restored by this Rebirth and Renew­al found in Com­mu­nion, then
there is one final step you will and must encounter, you must Face your Fear,
you must strive to become Fear­less. With Mercury
ret­ro­grade, you will come to see that there is only one true obsta­cle and
chal­lenge in every Les­son of Life, and that upon this cir­cuitous path of
Self-unfold­ment your one true “ene­my” will always be…Fear. Your
Fear is made from your self-cast shad­ows, those echoes of past fail­ures and
loss­es of yes­ter­year that bear down upon your present hopes and dreams. And if
you yield to them, if you give way and let them take hold, then all of what
might have been, this promise of reach­ing beyond your­self and tru­ly becoming
one with anoth­er may be lost again…but this need not be so.

You must choose as to whether you will be bound back by what was
or to believe in what might yet be. You can use the Pow­er of Mer­cury Retrograde
to dis­cern what formed these shad­ows, of how or why the bridge between yourself
and anoth­er was not made or became bro­ken. You can learn from your pain and
choose to har­vest this Spir­i­tu­al Les­son which is a Gift for you, for this is how
you will tru­ly know what to do or not do now. You will take out your
“Sword of Sev­er­ance”, as you har­vest the mean­ings and mes­sages that
you have earned and leave behind the rest, and then you will turn and face your
new day dawn­ing with Faith and Courage and Love.

Yes, Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade is a Bless­ing, and in Scor­pio he offers
you this Promise. He offers the Gift of Insight which enables you to reach across
and become one with the beloved by first bring­ing you clos­er to your own true

will move with Grace in Humility…

You will
seek your Truth in Self-Reflection…

will find your Love by Fear­ing Not.

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