Monthly Archives: November 2013

Venus Opposite Jupiter (November 28, 2013)


Give Thanks, Receive and Share…

Mitakuye Oyasin — We are all Related

You are of one Fam­i­ly, and
you walk the same Noble Path in…


You are here to Grow,
As you help one anoth­er from dark­ness to Light by…


You are the Path as You Live by Truth & Love, and
this is known as “The Way”…it is,

The Love of Truth…The Truth of Love.

Your Avatars of Beau­ty and Mean­ing have a mes­sage for you today…

Today these trea­sured two offer you a won­der­ful affir­ma­tion of your pre­cious Foun­da­tion and awe­some Des­tiny. Jupiter and Venus have aligned on either side of you, and they each hold forth from these realms of your Ori­gin and Pur­pose, from Can­cer and Capri­corn. From these Polar Posi­tions, they embody the Twin Pil­lars that form the Heart­wood of your Tree of Life, of how Truth and Love are the two inte­gral Prin­ci­ples that form the core of your Path through this Universe. 

Jupiter is your Avatar of Truth, who is shin­ing by the Light of Can­cer now. It is here that Jupiter Illu­mi­nates the Foun­tain-Source of your Jour­ney in Time and Space, which is quite sim­ply that your path was set by your ori­gin as a child of the One Divine. That you are a spark of this Divine who abides in your core, and because of this you are part of a vast extend­ed fam­i­ly that encom­pass­es the whole of Cre­ation, for “we are all relat­ed” as we have our begin­ning and our end in the One.

Venus is your Avatar of Love, who is shin­ing by the Light of Capri­corn now. It is here that Venus Illu­mi­nates the Heart of your Jour­ney in Time and Space, which is quite pro­found­ly that your Love, which is the force that holds you to one anoth­er, that this love is most beau­ti­ful­ly felt and shared as you extend a help­ing hand to all those who come after you, while you in turn with grat­i­tude accept the love in the hand stretched out by the ones who watch over you…For you are part of a mag­nif­i­cent Hier­ar­chy of Life-Spir­it-Con­scious­ness, and that your Car­ing Respon­si­bil­i­ty for one anoth­er is how you give and receive the bless­ings of love and ful­fill your des­tiny as a one of the One.

From these two Avatars you can know this, that you are in your spir­i­tu­al essence the same as every ener­gy, par­ti­cle and being in this Cre­ation. Those beau­ti­ful Plan­ets above were once as you are, and you will become as they are too…and more. You, like those Stars and Plan­ets, and all the forms of con­scious­ness with­in and around you, all of THAT forms a lumi­nous, self-unfold­ing rib­bon of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, and this is the Divine danc­ing and singing Creation.

What you share with every­thing and every­one is this, that behind and resid­ing at the core of every speck of this won­drous, ever-unfold­ing Cre­ation is a unique Mon­ad of Con­scious­ness, which is a Spark of the One. That spark of aware­ness is the Prime Mover, it is the ever-striv­ing, the “for­ev­er reach­ing upwards” (and inwards), and it is this that pro­pels you and all of Cre­ation too.

For each and every Mon­ad share this same Spir­i­tu­al Dri­ve, formed by this Essence, an Ener­gy you have come to know as Love. And because of this, all of Cre­ation is guid­ed by one fun­da­men­tal Spir­i­tu­al Injunc­tion which is “To Grow”, and all fol­low one Spir­i­tu­al Imper­a­tive which is to “Love One Another”.

All of these count­less Infin­i­tes­i­mals and Infini­ties are work­ing through these Realms of Spir­it-Mat­ter, where all Ener­gies and Forms have as their essence and at their core a Spark of the Divine. Every Indi­vid­u­al­iz­ing Con­scious­ness is on a nev­er-end­ing jour­ney through these bod­ies of Spir­it-Mat­ter, that in their total­i­ty form the One Body of Cre­ation, which is the Man­i­fes­ta­tion of the Divine in Time and Space.

All of this Super­nal Cre­ation is with­in you, sur­rounds you and binds you with and to one anoth­er. The Divine that is The One is becom­ing through you and your com­pan­ions, as you reach high­er and high­er to ever more sub­lime planes of Aware­ness, Love and Being.

You are part of a vast Hier­ar­chy of Spir­it and Light. You are like a younger sib­ling to those mag­is­te­r­i­al Plan­e­tary beau­ties who sing and dance through the Empyre­an realms above…you are part of their fam­i­ly and they are part of yours…And just as you will help your chil­dren to find and to be them­selves, your elder broth­ers and sis­ters extend their love to help you as you make your way to the stars too. Their swirling dances sweep all around you, their Song of Light and Love is your song too, and so you will look up in won­der and grat­i­tude, as you read their signs and sym­bols that they trace above for Inspi­ra­tion and Guid­ance while you sojourn here below.

Venus and Jupiter offer their gift of Inspi­ra­tion for you today:

Your truth is that you trav­el in a fam­i­ly of Light…

That is encom­passed by a Love Divine.

You are here to Love and to care for one another…

And You will give, and you will receive

With Grat­i­tude, with Love.

Gaz­ing in Won­der and Humility

At Your Lumi­nous Fam­i­ly above,

See them Danc­ing through the spaces of Space,

With Love for one and for all.

Uranus Square Pluto — Heliocentric (November 23, 2013)


Your world changed.

Fifty years ago,

Things would nev­er be the same…

And you real­ized, you sensed that,

There’s some­thing hap­pen­ing here.


All you Sleep­ing Souls,

Wake Up!

This is the day that Uranus and Plu­to make their one “true” align­ment of a wax­ing square, when per­ceived by Sun-Cen­tered or Helio­cen­tric Reck­on­ing. The wax­ing square marks the moment in any cycle when one is faced with a choice, and there is joy­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty and sor­row­ful dan­ger at each cor­ner you turn…The square is expe­ri­enced by most as a Cri­sis, encom­pass­ing Dan­ger and Oppor­tu­ni­ty, and what is to be faced is your chal­lenge to face down your Fear and abide in Faith, to know that you are Spir­it, an Immor­tal and Self-Lumi­nous, to answer Hate by Love, to rise and abide in a High­er Form of Being…or, to fail and fall again, to sur­ren­der to fear and fall back…and have to wait for your next oppor­tu­ni­ty to let go of Fear, and grow…

It is a choice, the most impor­tant deci­sion you will make in every sin­gle step you take, for in every moment, as you turn all those cor­ners of your life, the ques­tion is will you be Awake, will you be Present, how will you choose to live NOW…For in every day you face such moments, to choose to care or stay removed and apart, to help one anoth­er or not, each such chal­lenge and oppor­tu­ni­ty that comes to you in all these turn­ings in your life can be the next step in your becom­ing part of the solution…but this turn­ing, this time right now, this one mat­ters more than any you have faced so far…

For this is about your Spir­i­tu­al Truth, of how you rec­on­cile Free­dom and Order, and you need to find the way of Truth, to hold to the Way of Love to heal your­self and your world too…

Rough­ly Fifty years ago, Uranus and Plu­to renewed their cycle of this ever-unfold­ing offer­ing for you, so that you might again expe­ri­ence a renew­al of Self-Quick­en­ing, to rise above your per­son­al desires and fears and turn towards the Light and Love with­in you, to live as you are des­tined to be…And by so doing to also help your brave and lov­ing com­pan­ions to lift this world of shad­ows into a greater Light and Love too…

Yes, Fifty years ago your world changed, and you are now at the next Turn­ing in your life…and now you must choose…Listen to the poets of “Pub­lic Ene­my” as they sing to you of your choice. Here are the final lines in their song “He Got Game”, which many will rec­og­nize as a restate­ment, as a truth­ful tes­ta­ment held in the song from when Uranus and Plu­to last called for you to “wake up” in the 1960’s, the Anthem of Aware­ness by Buf­fa­lo Spring­field, “For What It’s Worth”:


There’s some­thing hap­pen­ing here (Yeah yeah)

What it is ain’t exact­ly clear

There’s a man, with a gun over there (Yeah that’s right hah haha)

tellin me, I got to beware

It’s time we stop, chil­dren what’s that sound?

Every­body look what’s goin, down

(Aiyo, I don’t think they heard you Stevie

Kick it to em again one more time)

It’s time we stop, chil­dren what’s that sound?

Every­body look what’s goin, down

Haha, that’s right boy, PE in full effect boy to the year 2000 yo

Stop, look, what’s that sound

Every­body knows what’s goin down

Come on sing it

Sing it again y’all come on



Aiyo, these are some seri­ous times that we’re livin in G

And a new world order is about to begin, y’know what I’m sayin?

Now the ques­tion is — are you ready, for the real revolution

which is the evo­lu­tion of the mind?

If you seek then you shall find that we all come from the divine

You dig what I’m sayin?

Now if you take heed to the words of wisdom

that are writ­ten on the walls of life

then uni­ver­sal­ly, we will stand and divid­ed we will fall

because love con­quers all, you under­stand what I’m sayin?

This is a call to all you sleepin souls

Wake up and take con­trol of your own cipher

And be on the look­out for the spir­it snipers

tryin to steal your light, y’know what I’m sayin?

Look with­in-side your­self, for peace

Give thanks, live life and release

You dig me? You got me?


Here is the Music Video:

He Got Game

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2013)



The Way of Truth 

You have sung for the joy of Union,

and wept heart­felt tears for your Loss­es too.

You have sought that sweet promise, the Self-Transcendent,

For though Immor­tal, you still struggle…

To Under­stand and Mas­ter this Mor­tal Way.

Hav­ing scaled the heights and plumbed the Depths of your Feel­ings for one anoth­er, you have need to see all of this now in a more super­nal light, you look for some way to make sense, you search for greater clar­i­ty in the joy and solace for your pain…you seek the way that leads to Peace.

You must ever strive to reach a high­er, more encom­pass­ing view…And, if you wish to Under­stand, you will need to let go of what you think you know, for only by this will you find a way to a more accept­ing and inclu­sive path…Only by this will you find an answer…and if you assent and if you accept… well, then you will tru­ly Grow.

You must take your leave of Water now, and enter this last of the Realms of Fire, you will enter this Sanc­tum of Seren­i­ty, the way that is known as Sagittarius.

Now you will walk in the Halls of Wis­dom, and you will bow down before Sages and Seers. For though your jour­ney is your own sweet song of Spir­it, and you are here to make it authen­tic and true, you should know that many have come this way before and they sought what you long for too…

These ques­tions of life are the ever-return­ing reminders that in your essence you are a Sparkling Star of unfold­ing, awak­en­ing Self-Aware­ness. That your jour­ney is encom­passed with­in an ever-evolv­ing Hier­ar­chi­cal Host, seen as a won­drous Rib­bon of Light, in which you are as a drop in a con­tin­u­ous stream of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…And because this is the Jour­ney of Spir­it, a spi­ral­ing and nev­er-end­ing pro­ces­sion through time and space, count­less ones have come before you as they sought and won their way to a Greater Understanding…and because of this, because of what and who they became, you will find their Gift of the Spir­it, their offer­ing of Solace and Seren­i­ty for you.

Whether in the Halls of Sci­ence or Phi­los­o­phy, or in the Cat­a­combs of Reli­gion or Law, there abides behind them all the Ancient Teach­ings which form the true Foun­tain Source of Under­stand­ing. These teach­ings are revered and pre­served by those who form the Van­guard of Wis­dom and Love, for it is they who hold and pass on these Peren­ni­al Teach­ings that have been the hid­den Trea­sure, the Pearl of Great Price for count­less Ages.

It is your time to dip your cup of seek­ing into this Well of Wis­dom, to bet­ter explain and under­stand what you have expe­ri­enced thus far in your jour­ney. For you have need to har­vest the mean­ing of your expe­ri­ences so that you can accept and pre­pare for what is yet to come…

Yet, it is equal­ly true and won­drous that you are here to add your mea­sure of truth to this Well of Wis­dom too. For every sto­ry is a trea­sure that must be told, every hard-earned les­son should be shared to help anoth­er upon their path…For the core of the Teach­ing is that you are nev­er alone and that as you have been helped, so must you offer what help you can too.

You will expand your frames of ref­er­ence, find­ing much delight in those so-called for­eign ways. Though remind­ing you of your com­mon needs and nature and yet how you dif­fer in the way those needs are met, you will be giv­en by these con­trast­ing views a clear­er sense of your own ways of being, and how this forms and informs the way of you. 

The Wis­dom you seek is found in many forms and in many spaces. In halls of learn­ing and with those wise ones, yes. But also in the sim­ple yet ele­gant exam­ples found in the beau­ties of Nature, in Forests and Fields, in the rhythms of the Sea­sons, and the cycling of the Sun and Moon and Stars…and in that sim­ple neces­si­ty of learn­ing to live in har­mo­ny with your world.

The Wis­dom you seek is all around, and resides deep with­in you too…

And, if you sin­cere­ly seek for this guidance…

Then a way will open…

Your answer will come,

In the Light of a Dawn­ing Day.

Full Moon in Taurus (November 17, 2013)


The Path of Spirit

The Peren­ni­al Truth.…in Ever-Chang­ing Forms

The Absolute…in Time and Space

Divine Love…seen through one and All

The Way, the Path…

To Hold, to Let Go…To Grow Forever.

Your jour­ney through the Stars, your Self-Unfold­ment in Time and Space has brought you to this won­drous time, this most crit­i­cal moment in your Spi­ral Jour­ney upon this lumi­nous Hier­ar­chi­cal Rib­bon of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. The Beings who fol­low after you as well as those who extend a help­ing hand from above, they trem­ble with awe and rev­er­ence for what you face now…For the Human King­dom of life forms is most spe­cial, for here you have reached “The Cross­ing” of the Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney, here you face the Awe­some Challenge…For here you are giv­en the great Gift of Choice, here you will learn, for you must learn this here, you will learn to Choose to do the Good, here you will choose to face down your fears, it is here that you choose to Love.

The beings who fol­low you, they have not yet ful­ly come into their self-reflec­tive aware­ness, they do what is right because of what you call instinct (the guid­ance of their Group Soul), and those Shin­ing Ones ahead of you, well for them they made their choice long ago, and part of that choice was their sacred deci­sion to abide on this side of Cre­ation and extend their help­ing hand for you…for in the end it is only this…it is All about learn­ing to Love, you are here to choose Love.

This Full Moon in Tau­rus is the com­pan­ion, the nec­es­sary com­pli­ment and “answer” to the Full Moon in Scorpio…For that is the way of this, each and every Sign and Plan­et are in a won­drous Poly­phon­ic Har­mo­ny of Song and Dance with one anoth­er. They are of and form a Whole by inte­grat­ing, com­pli­ment­ing, inform­ing and bal­anc­ing one another.

Each Full Moon illus­trates a Great Truth that you must know and live, each pro­vides you with anoth­er mark­er so that you may stay true, to hold to that One True Path, The Way.

The Full Moon in Scor­pio six months ago was offered to help you, lov­ing­ly embod­ied in the great Exem­plar and teach­ing of The Bud­dha, so that you might Under­stand and Accept the tran­sient nature of your Phys­i­cal Forms and Life Expe­ri­ences that you will encounter upon these many Worlds and Forms through which you trav­el. For you must accept the Wis­dom to find and fol­low this Noble Path of Non-Attach­ment. Your True and Abid­ing Nature is Spir­it, and though you will pass through many, many Times and Spaces, your nev­er-end­ing jour­ney is beyond any Fixed Form of Self-Becoming.

This Full Moon in Tau­rus offers anoth­er of these annu­al gifts that mark your Jour­ney through the Stars. For as much as you need to accept and under­stand the ephemer­al nature of these worlds of Mat­ter when the Sun is sweep­ing through that most Earthy Realm of Tau­rus, you need this Lov­ing Offer­ing of Tau­rus now to find your way in this time of Water, in this Realm of Scor­pio. As you face the Joys of Union and the Pains of Sep­a­ra­tion and Loss, as you seek to find your way when all is Chang­ing and you fear there is noth­ing that will last, you need to know that there is Hope and there is Light, for there is an Abid­ing Love that will nev­er fade away.

The Mes­sage for you is this: That as much as these worlds of Man­i­fes­ta­tion are Ephemer­al and Tran­si­to­ry, they are also the very embod­i­ment of the One made man­i­fest by and through the many. These Hosts of Light and Con­scious­ness form the Radi­ant Rai­ment, the Robe of Glo­ry of the Divine that resides at the heart of each Spark of the Divine, for each is a Self-Unfold­ing Pres­ence, each is an ever becom­ing Life-Con­scious­ness Spirit…and you are one of these ones…

For at the Core of every sin­gle instance, at the heart of every Infin­i­tes­i­mal Speck of Cre­ation there resides the One, the Spark of the Divine, who you know and you will feel, and so you will Smile and you will Sing for Joy, for you shall live for­ev­er and ever in this Pure Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

This is your Destiny…

To be the Ever-Chang­ing, Yet Changeless…

To Be, and Not to Be…

To be One, and to be Many…

To be Love, and be Loved.

As it is was invoked six months ago at the Sacred Turn­ing of the Full Moon of Scor­pio, and should be lived and reside in the Heart of all of the Ones of the One through every step in their jour­ney, hold now in your mind and heart and may your steps be guid­ed by the Great Invocation:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Neptune Turns Direct (November 13, 2013)


You are the Dreamer…

You are the Creator…

You are the Archi­tect and the Builder,

You are the Cause and the Effect,

You are the Sleep­er who is Waking…

To the Dawn of your New Day.

I wrote about this shift of sub­lime ener­gies in the 2013 Fore­cast:

Nep­tune Direct (Novem­ber 13 until June 9, 2014)

The Lord of Faith and Imag­i­na­tion bids you bring your dreams into Reality…You have been trav­el­ling upon those inner path­ways of Inspi­ra­tion, but now Nep­tune will show you the ways in which you can weave those numi­nous webs of what might be into your Real­i­ty. 

You have dreamed and imag­ined much in the past 5 months, as Nep­tune in ret­ro­grade encour­aged you to turn your awe­some pow­ers of Clear-See­ing Illu­mi­na­tion back upon your­self. This was so that you might re-con­sid­er the ways in which you per­ceive your­self, to dis­cern and grow in wis­dom, to pierce beyond the Illu­sion and be hum­bled by the Insight of your true nature.

For it is only from this Greater Self-Aware­ness, only by remov­ing anoth­er lay­er formed by your Assump­tions and Mis­per­cep­tions, only by approach­ing your High­er Self with Greater Humil­i­ty and Faith, only in this Path­way of Self-Per­fec­tion can you pre­pare your­self for what you are meant to be. For by Seek­ing, Striv­ing and Gain­ing this Self-Knowl­edge you are then pre­pared to address with Brighter Beams of Illu­mi­nat­ing Wis­dom these Won­drous but Illu­sion­ary Worlds through which you must travel.

Clear­er now, wis­er now…Lord Nep­tune, your Avatar of Illu­mi­na­tion who helps you to dis­solve the Illu­sions of Sep­a­ra­tion, your Blue Orbed Mys­ti­cal Muse is call­ing upon you now to turn more of your Dream­ing-Clear-See­ing pow­ers upon the world around you. For as much if not more than your mis­con­cep­tions of your­self, those shift­ing pat­terns of appear­ances are great­ly mag­ni­fied by the myr­i­ad con­fu­sions that will be encoun­tered when you attempt to under­stand one another.

Nep­tune, as before, will offer aid and com­fort here. For as much as you need­ed to for­give your­self, to let go of your mis­un­der­stand­ings about your true nature, you must equal­ly approach the ques­tion of the one before you with even greater Humil­i­ty and Grace. Nep­tune reminds you that what divides you from one anoth­er is so much less than what holds you to each other.

For Nep­tune is the Avatar of Spir­i­tu­al Love, found­ed upon the Awe­some Truth that you are of One Spir­it, you are of and for one anoth­er, and that the Source of Light and Truth in this Uni­verse, what holds all of Cre­ation togeth­er is this Love, this force that Binds one and all to the One Everlasting.

You must lead with Nep­tune now, you will lead with Com­pas­sion and Kind­li­ness, for this is the only path you can take if you are to tru­ly meet one anoth­er as it was, is and will always be, in Spir­it and Truth. You must humbly look beyond your mis­con­cep­tions and lit­tle dif­fer­ences and see the Greater that is there before you, for what you behold is but a Mir­ror and Muse of your own true nature.

You must look with Nep­tune, to look through and beyond this Veil of Mat­ter, you must step into the Light and the Shad­ows will fall, these Veils of Earth­ly Fin­ery will be swept away to reveal the Glo­ry that is before you.

And if you do, if you look with no expec­ta­tion, no preconception…

If you look upon one anoth­er as you were made to do,

With Uncon­di­tion­al Love and Understanding…

Then, you will gasp and you will bow…

You will drop down on bend­ed knee and declare,

Oh, what a won­der, what beauty…

This Pres­ence, This Joy,

This Divin­i­ty”!