New Moon, Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (November 3, 2013)


This sec­ond and final Solar Eclipse for 2013 is rather
spe­cial as I not­ed in my overview for 2013:

Solar Eclipse in Scor­pio (Novem­ber 3)

sec­ond of two Solar Eclipses this year, and it is putting on a rather unusual
show…in fact it is for this rea­son named a “Hybrid Eclipse”. What
is that? It is sort of a total and par­tial eclipse com­bined. Here is the
sci­en­tif­ic analy­sis. Here is an
ani­ma­tion of the eclipse mov­ing across the Earth. It will be at least partially
vis­i­ble in east­ern North Amer­i­ca and north­ern South Amer­i­ca, and cross­es over
to west­ern and cen­tral Africa by the end.

Eclipse in Scor­pio will more stark­ly reveal an awe­some chal­lenge and
oppor­tu­ni­ty that is to be found in this seed­ing of mean­ing. There is no greater
strug­gle and no high­er reward than what you will find here…But first you must
con­front your great­est fears that now will stand revealed to you. For it is
always in these dark­est hours that you will find your answers…and you will
see that from the shad­ows a pres­ence veiled reveals its won­drous Light. 

Every New Moon is spe­cial for it brings the promise of renewal,
anoth­er gift of Spir­i­tu­al Inspi­ra­tion to help guide you upon your path of Self-Awakening…But
two times per year (usu­al­ly) you will get an even more spe­cial Gift of the
Spir­it when the Sun, Moon and Earth
align per­fect­ly to form a Solar Eclipse. You will wit­ness a play of Light and
Shad­ows that beau­ti­ful­ly Illu­mi­nates how you and these Worlds with whom you
trav­el are spi­ral­ing through these mag­is­te­r­i­al Spaces of Space in a most wondrous
and mag­i­cal Dance of the Planets.

Every year, the New Moon of Scor­pio releas­es a most spe­cial Seed of
Mean­ing, to guide you in a most impor­tant task, which is to become freed from
the shad­ows cast by your low­er bod­ies or vehi­cles, these Illu­sions of
Mat­ter. For you will even­tu­al­ly move beyond these Shad­ows, beyond the cross­ing point
and into the Light, as you Awak­en to the Heart and Truth of the One Real­i­ty, of
the Underlying/Overarching and Infinitesimal/Infinite Real­i­ty in which you
tru­ly abide…Spirit.

You are a Spark of the Divine, you are Spir­it who is now “caught”
in your nec­es­sary, but sep­a­rate from one anoth­er, vehi­cles of matter…and yet
you will hear those intu­itive whis­pers, you will feel the essen­tial nature of
what you tru­ly are, as you con­stant­ly strive in all these worlds and forms
through which you jour­ney, as you cease­less­ly, long­ing­ly and lov­ing­ly seek to
reach across that appar­ent divide and “touch” one anoth­er, to join
with one anoth­er, to become one with one anoth­er again.

So it is at the New Moon in Scor­pio that you are giv­en a renew­al of
this Know­ing, a reminder that the Illu­sion is Sep­a­ra­tion, and the Enduring
Truth is that you are part of one anoth­er, for you are made by and through one
anoth­er. This being so, your guid­ing prin­ci­ple should always be with whomever
is before you now, that as you look into their eyes and see there behind
and beyond the present form, what you lov­ing­ly know and rec­og­nize is there you
are too…for “I am That, I am”.

You will one day achieve this know­ing-lov­ing way of being, but you are
held back for now by the Shad­ows of your Past, you are not what you could be
because of your fears…And here is where the Eclipse in Scor­pio pro­vides an
even more potent gift for you. 

Each New Moon brings a renew­al of Spir­i­tu­al Mean­ing from the Sun passed down to you through the Moon. The Moon is your Medi­a­trix, the Keep­er and Bear­er of your past, and so she
helps to form the forms of your present real­i­ty. The Moon mod­u­lates and
pass­es onto you these Solar Rays so that they may become inte­grat­ed into your
life here on Earth. 

But this also means that mixed into the Gifts from the Sun will be the
Karmic Shad­ows of your past: your doubts, your anx­i­eties and your fears. So the
promised re-birth of the New Moon will be cir­cum­scribed, nec­es­sar­i­ly, by how
far you have come upon the path of Kar­ma. Here is where the Eclipse provides
anoth­er Gift of Spirit. 

Because the Solar Ray is so per­fect­ly aligned with the Moon and then to
Earth, it cre­ates a sharp­er Illu­mi­na­tion and Burn­ing through of those
Self-Cast, Karmic Shad­ows. What might have been missed, or mis­un­der­stood, is
seen in a clear­er light and you are able to step across that Divide, to stand between
the Dark­ness and the Light and expe­ri­ence the greater Truth that is there. 

You can see more clear­ly how some pat­terns you have held to also have their
hold on you, they are very dear and famil­iar for you, yet they will often pro­pel you
into reac­tive-actions that were not self-affirm­ing but tru­ly self-destruc­tive. That is because they were formed in and based upon fear and not love. The Eclipse will
illu­mi­nate these Shad­ows, they will be thrown into stark relief and become
acti­vat­ed. But you will have the new-found where­with­al to see them for what
they are, and you will be giv­en a chance to choose…

will face your Fears, which in Scor­pio is the Fear of Rejec­tion, the Fear of
Loss. And you must choose to not reject your­self by act­ing in fear, but instead
by show­ing your Truth in Faith and your Strength in Love.

You have Faith, for you know what and who you are, you know from where
you came and that your des­tiny is to be Fearless.

You have Love, for you know that at the core of you and the one before
you resides the same Spir­i­tu­al Spark, and that as in your Ori­gin you are to live and love as One.

By this Faith and in this Love you will offer to the Beloved a Shared
Sacred Space…

You will take your chance, you will face down you fears…

And so by choos­ing wise­ly, in Faith and Love,

Then maybe, just maybe, they will smile and join you there.

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